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JURSE 2015: Lausanne, Switzerland
- Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, JURSE 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30 - April 1, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-6652-3
- Stefania Bonafoni
, Roberta Anniballe, Manuele Pichierri:
Comparison between surface and canopy layer urban heat island using MODIS data. 1-4 - Sadroddin Alavipanah, Salman Qureshi
, Dagmar Haase
Does vegetation mitigate the temperature in urban area or it follows the temperature of its surrounding? 1-4 - Mattia Marconcini, Annekatrin Metz, Julian Zeidler, Thomas Esch:
Urban monitoring in support of sustainable cities. 1-4 - Andrews José de Lucena, Leonardo de Faria Peres, Otto Corrêa Rotunno Filho, José Ricardo de Almeida França:
Estimation of the urban heat island in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. 1-4 - Antoine Lefebvre, Jeremy Cheval:
Monitoring urban transformation in the old city of Shanghai and its former foreign settlements from 1985 to 2014. 1-4 - Ting Mao, Hong Tang, Shi He, Yang Shu, Jianjun Wu:
Fusion of panchromatic and multispectral images for classification using the Chinese restaurant franchise with shaped tables. 1-4 - Andrea Marinoni, Paolo Gamba
On the effect of nonlinear mixing in hyperspectral images of human settlements. 1-4 - Peter Hofmann
, Hannes Taubenböck, Christian Werthmann
Monitoring and modelling of informal settlements - A review on recent developments and challenges. 1-4 - Clemence Dubois, Antje Thiele, Amelie Welte, Stefan Hinz
Parameterisation of layover detector for urban analysis in InSAR data. 1-4 - Urs Wegmüller, Charles Werner:
Mitigation of thermal expansion phase in persistent scatterer interferometry in an urban environment. 1-4 - Nóra Skarbit, Tamás Gál
, János Unger:
Airborne surface temperature differences of the different Local Climate Zones in the urban area of a medium sized city. 1-4 - Osama Yousif, Yifang Ban:
Object-based urban change detection using high resolution SAR images. 1-4 - Cole Krehbiel, Trisha Jackson, Geoffrey M. Henebry
Using Web-enabled Landsat Data time series to analyze the impacts of urban areas on remotely sensed vegetation dynamics. 1-4 - Mukesh Singh Boori
, Maik Netzband, Vit Vozenilek
, Komal Choudhary
Urban growth in last three decades in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1-4 - Gerardo Di Martino
, Alessio Di Simone
, Antonio Iodice
, Daniele Riccio
, Giuseppe Ruello:
SAR Shape from shading in suburban areas. 1-4 - Martial Sanfourche, Bertrand Le Saux, Aurélien Plyer, Guy Le Besnerais:
Environment mapping & interpretation by drone. 1-4 - Rosa Oltra-Carrió, Xavier Briottet, Marion Bonhomme
Impact of spatial and spectral resolutions on the classification of urban areas. 1-4 - Estelle Rochat, Solange Duruz, Ivo Widmer, Alain Clemence, Olivier Desrichard
, Daniel Rappo, Olivier Ertz, Jens Ingensand, Jean-Marc Theler, Idris Guessous, Stéphane Joost
Relationship between land cover type and Body Mass Index in Geneva. 1-4 - Ramji Dwivedi
, Prabal Varshney, Ashutosh Tiwari, Avadh Bihari Narayan, Ajai Kumar Singh, Onkar Dikshit, Kumar Pallav
Monitoring of landslides in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India: Validation of PS-InSAR results. 1-4 - Gabriele Cavallaro
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Jón Atli Benediktsson
Processing high resolution images of urban areas with self-dual attribute filters. 1-4 - Jiaojiao Tian
, Peter Reinartz, Jean Dezert:
Building change detection in satellite stereo imagery based on belief functions. 1-4 - Norzailawati Mohd. Noor
, Alias Abdullah
Sustainable urban planning mapping using remote sensing and GIS in Malaysia. 1-4 - Renbo Luo, Wenzhi Liao, Wilfried Philips, Youguo Pi:
An improved semi-supervised local discriminant analysis for feature extraction of hyperspectral image. 1-4 - Chuiqing Zeng, Jinfei Wang, Xiaodong Huang, Stephen Bird, James J. Luce:
Urban water body detection from the combination of high-resolution optical and SAR images. 1-4 - Hermann J. H. Kux, Graziela Thais Meneghetti:
Urban land cover of a coastal town in NE-Brazil using WorldView-2 satellite data, OBIA and data mining techniques. 1-4 - Andrew A. Plowright, Nicholas C. Coops
, Neal W. Aven:
Evaluating the health of urban forests using airborne LiDAR. 1-4 - Jérôme Pasquet, Thibault Désert, Olivier Bartoli, Marc Chaumont, Carole Delenne, Gérard Subsol, Mustapha Derras, Nanee Chahinian
Detection of manhole covers in high-resolution aerial images of urban areas by combining two methods. 1-4 - Laetitia Thirion-Lefevre, Régis Guinvarc'h:
Low frequency radar signatures of shadow areas in cities. 1-4 - Monika Kuffer
, Richard Sliuzas
, Karin Pfeffer, Isa Baud
The utility of the co-occurrence matrix to extract slum areas from VHR imagery. 1-4 - Julita Diallo-Dudek, Bernard Lacaze, Jacques Comby:
Land surface temperature in the urban area of Lyon metropolis: A comparative study of remote sensing data and MesoNH model simulation. 1-4 - Jieqiong Luo, Peijun Du
, Alim Samat
, Li Feng:
Evaluation on the natural suitability of urban human settlement environment using multisource data. 1-4 - Michael Schmitt:
Three-dimensional reconstruction of urban areas by multi-aspect TomoSAR data fusion. 1-4 - Majid Nazeer
, Janet E. Nichol
Modeling of Chlorophyll-a concentration for the coastal waters of Hong Kong. 1-4 - Arnaud Poncet Montanges, Gabriele Moser
, Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm
, Devis Tuia:
Classification of urban structural types with multisource data and structured models. 1-4 - Antoine Lefebvre, Pierre-Antoine Picand, Christophe Sannier:
Mapping tree cover in European cities: Comparison of classification algorithms for an operational production framework. 1-4 - Paolo Villa, Giacomo Fontanelli
, Alberto Crema
Integration of multi-seasonal Landsat 8 and TerraSAR-X data for urban mapping: An assessment. 1-4 - Brajesh Kumar
, Onkar Dikshit:
Integrating spectral and textural features for urban land cover classification with hyperspectral data. 1-4 - Muhammad Shahzad, Xiao Xiang Zhu
Detection of buildings in spaceborne TomoSAR point clouds via hybrid region growing and energy minimization technique. 1-4 - Antoine Lefebvre, Thomas Corpetti:
Monitoring Beijing inner city transformation from 1966 to 2010. 1-4 - Lingli Zhu, Ehsan Khoramshahi
, Tuomas Turppa, Eero Salminen:
Traffic queue length measurement by using combined methods of Photogrammetry and digital image processing. 1-4 - Gabriele Moser
, Vladimir A. Krylov
, Michaela De Martino, Sebastiano B. Serpico:
The URBIS project: Vacant urban area classification and detection of changes. 1-4 - Florent Lafarge:
Some new research directions to explore in urban reconstruction. 1-4 - Thomas Moranduzzo, Abdallah Zeggada, Farid Melgani:
A fast screening method for detecting cars in UAV images over urban areas. 1-4 - Wentong Liao, Jun Tang, Bodo Rosenhahn, Michael Ying Yang
Integration of Gaussian process and MRF for hyperspectral image classification. 1-4 - Panagiotis Sismanidis
, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou
, Chris T. Kiranoudis:
Diurnal analysis of surface Urban Heat Island using spatially enhanced satellite derived LST data. 1-4 - Lionel Gueguen:
Mapping people distribution at very high resolution from remote sensing imagery and a priori coarse people counts. 1-4 - Gintautas Palubinskas, Peter Reinartz:
Template based matching of optical and SAR imagery. 1-4 - Mahmut Çavur
, Serkan Kemeç
, Leili Nabdel, H. Sebnem Düzgün:
An evaluation of land use land cover (LULC) classification for urban applications with Quickbird and WorldView2 data. 1-4 - Douglas A. Stow, Hsiao-Chien Shih, Lloyd L. Coulter:
Identification of urbanization in Ghana based on a discrete approach to analyzing dense Landsat image stacks. 1-4 - Linda See, Christoph Perger, Martina Dürauer, Steffen Fritz
, Benjamin Bechtel
, Jason Ching, Paul J. Alexander, Gerald Mills
, Micheal Foley, Martin O'Connor, Iain Stewart, Johannes Feddema, Valéry Masson:
Developing a community-based worldwide urban morphology and materials database (WUDAPT) using remote sensing and crowdsourcing for improved urban climate modelling. 1-4 - Yuanyuan Wang, Xiao Xiang Zhu
The robust InSAR optimization framework with application to monitoring cities on volcanoes. 1-4 - Michael Voltersen, Christian Berger
, Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius:
Expanding an urban structure type mapping approach from a subarea to the entire city of Berlin. 1-4 - Michele Volpi
, Vittorio Ferrari:
Structured prediction for urban scene semantic segmentation with geographic context. 1-4 - Klaus Steinnocher
, Daiva Walangitang, Dominik Filipczak:
Earth observation for Low Carbon Action plan development - A concept for EO supported energy planning. 1-4 - Andreas Salentinig, Paolo Gamba
A fuzzy fusion approach for improved urban area detection in multi-resolution SAR data. 1-4 - Hongsheng Zhang
, Hui Lin:
Feature selection for urban impervious surfaces estimation using optical and SAR images. 1-4 - Ryan N. Engstrom
, Avery Sandborn, Qin Yu, Jason Burgdorfer, Douglas A. Stow, John R. Weeks, Jordan Graesser:
Mapping slums using spatial features in Accra, Ghana. 1-4 - Diego Reale
, Walter Franzé, Antonio Pauciullo
, Francescopaolo Sica
, Simona Verde
, Gianfranco Fornaro:
Detection of single scatterers in multilook SAR Tomography. 1-4 - Elizabeth A. Wentz, Qunshan Zhao
Assessing validation methods for building identification and extraction. 1-4 - Roberto Ambrosino
, Fabio Baselice
, Giampaolo Ferraioli
, Gilda Schirinzi
A novel application of Kalman Filter: 3D Reconstruction of urban areas from InSAR data. 1-4 - Geoffrey M. Henebry
, Xiaoyang Zhang, John S. Kimball
, Kirsten M. de Beurs
, Christopher Small:
Change in our MIDST: Toward detection and analysis of urban land dynamics in North and South America. 1-3 - Liwen Huang, Huanfeng Shen
, Penghai Wu, Liangpei Zhang, Chao Zeng:
Relationships analysis of land surface temperature with vegetation indicators and impervious surface fraction by fusing multi-temporal and multi-sensor remotely sensed data. 1-4 - Wen Liu, Kentaro Suzuki, Fumio Yamazaki
Height estimation for high-rise buildings based on InSAR analysis. 1-4 - Norbert Haala, Mathias Rothermel, Stefan Cavegn:
Extracting 3D urban models from oblique aerial images. 1-4 - Olivier Bartoli, Nanee Chahinian
, Aude Allard, Jean-Stéphane Bailly
, Katia Chancibault
, Fabrice Rodriguez, Christian Salles
, Marie-George Tournoud, Carole Delenne
Manhole cover detection using a geometrical filter on very high resolution aerial and satellite images. 1-4 - Gianni Lisini, Paolo Gamba
, Peijun Du:
Improved extraction of urban extents from ASAR Wide Swath data. 1-4 - Muhammad Adnan Siddique
, Irena Hajnsek
, German Aersospace, Urs Wegmüller, Othmar Frey
Investigating the combined use of differential SAR tomography and PSI for spatio-temporal inversion. 1-4 - Zina Mitraka, Fabio Del Frate, Francesco Carbone:
Spectral unmixing of urban Landsat imagery by means of neural networks. 1-4 - Feng Li, Liujun Zhu
, Liu Han, Huang Yinyou, Peijun Du, Ebenezer Adaku
Urban vegetation classification based on phenology using HJ-1A/B time series imagery. 1-4 - Corneliu Octavian Dumitru, Shiyong Cui, Mihai Datcu:
A study of multi-sensor satellite image indexing. 1-4 - Milan Lazecký
, Daniele Perissin
, Matus Bakon
, Joaquim M. de Sousa
, Ivana Hlavácová, Nuno Real:
Potential of satellite InSAR techniques for monitoring of bridge deformations. 1-4 - Topi Tanhuanpää
, Ville Kankare, Mikko Vastaranta
, Ninni Saarinen
, Markus Holopainen, Juha Raisio:
Deriving canopy metrics of urban trees from airborne laser scanning data. 1-4 - Barbara Maria Giaccom Ribeiro:
Mapping informal settlements using WorldView-2 imagery and C4.5 decision tree classifier. 1-4 - Paul J. Alexander, Rowan Fealy
, Gerald Mills
Spatial validation of an urban energy balance model using multi-temporal remotely sensed surface temperature. 1-4 - Monika Tomaszewska
, Valeriy Kovalskyy, Geoffrey M. Henebry
MODIS 4 µm radiance in global megacities depends on seasonality, land cover, and view zenith angle. 1-4 - Kun Tan
, Jishuai Zhu:
Human settlement analysis based on multi-temporal remote sensing data-a case study of Xuzhou, China. 1-4 - Joao Arthur Pompeu Pavanelli, Bruna Virginia Neves, Vanessa Priscila Camphora, Thales Sehn Körting:
Remote sensing image processing to identify spatial units of human occupation along Trans-Amazonian Highway (BR-230), Brazil. 1-4 - Daniele De Vecchi, Mostapha Harb
, Gianni Cristian Iannelli, Paolo Gamba
, Fabio Dell'Acqua, Raul Queiroz Feitosa:
A feature-based approach to register CBERS CCD and HRC imagery for built-up area extraction purposes. 1-4 - Stefan Gernhardt, Richard Bamler:
Structural deformation and non-seasonal motion of single buildings in urban areas revealed by PSI. 1-4 - Donato Amitrano
, Gerardo Di Martino
, Antonio Iodice
, Daniele Riccio
, Giuseppe Ruello:
Urban areas enhancement in multitemporal SAR RGB images through a feedback system. 1-4 - Mahdi Khodadadzadeh, Jun Li, Antonio Plaza
, José M. Bioucas-Dias
Hyperspectral image classification based on union of subspaces. 1-4 - Benjamin Bechtel
Recent advances in thermal remote sensing for urban planning and management. 1-4 - David G. M. Franca, Rodolfo G. Lotte, Cláudia Maria de Almeida
, Sacha M. O. Siani, Thales Sehn Körting, Leila M. G. Fonseca
, Luiz T. da Silva
Object-based image analysis for urban land cover classification in the city of Campinas - SP, Brazil. 1-4 - Klemen Zaksek
, Benjamin Bechtel
Source area estimation of urban air temperatures. 1-4 - Friedrich Fraundorfer
Building and site reconstruction from small scale unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's). 1-4 - Dorota Iwaszczuk
, Ludwig Hoegner
, Uwe Stilla:
Quality-based building-texture selection from different sensors. 1-4 - Javier A. Montoya-Zegarra
, Jan D. Wegner, Lubor Ladicky, Konrad Schindler:
On the evaluation of higher-order cliques for road network extraction. 1-4 - Ville Luoma
, Topi Tanhuanpää
, Markus Holopainen, Mikko Vastaranta
, Ninni Saarinen
, Ville Kankare, Juha Hyyppä
Allocating tree crown pruning with ALS-data - A case study in the city of Helsinki. 1-4 - Sharif Hasan, Josef Jansa, Norbert Pfeifer
BRDF-based correction of colorized aerial LiDAR point clouds. 1-4 - Zina Mitraka, Fabio Del Frate, Nektarios Chrysoulakis
, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
Exploiting Earth Observation data products for mapping Local Climate Zones. 1-4 - Mostapha Harb
, Daniele De Vecchi, Fabio Dell'Acqua:
Automatic hybrid-based built-up area extraction from Landsat 5, 7, and 8 data sets. 1-4 - Michael Wurm
, Hannes Taubenböck, Jan Goebel
, Gert G. Wagner:
At the edge of the city center. 1-4 - Johannes Schreyer, Tobia Lakes
TanDEM-X & UAV data for modeling 3D vegetation information in urban areas. 1-4 - Florian Gandor:
Three dimensional modelization of aerial elements of the Geneva public transport network using mobile scanning systems. 1-4
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