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5th ICTAI 1993: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Fifth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI '93, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 8-11, 1993. IEEE Computer Society 1993, ISBN 0-8186-4200-9
- Rüdiger W. Brause:
Will Symbolic AI Be Replaced by Neural Networks? (Panel). ICTAI 1993: 1 - Gail A. Carpenter, Stephen Grossberg:
Integrating Symbolic Processing and Neural Networks. 2 - Matthias Jarke, Robert G. Reynolds:
Integrating of AI, Database, and Software Engineering - Research Issues, Practical Problems (Panel). ICTAI 1993: 3 - Wei-Tek Tsai, Imran A. Zualkernan:
Quality of Heuristic Programs (Panel). ICTAI 1993: 4 - Shashi Shekhar:
Real Time and AI (Panel). ICTAI 1993: 5 - Eugene C. Freuder:
Tools for Constraint Satisfaction (Panel). ICTAI 1993: 6 - Eugene C. Freuder:
Tools for Constraint Satisfaction. 7 - David A. McAllester:
Bottom Up Logic Programming as an Inference Tool. 8 - Bart Selman:
Non-Systematic Search Methods for Model Finding. 9 - Pascal Van Hentenryck:
Constraint Programming Languages. 10 - John Mylopoulos:
The Future Direction of AI Tools (Panel). ICTAI 1993: 11
Artificial Neural Networks I
- Rüdiger W. Brause:
Transform Coding by Lateral Inhibited Neural Nets. 14-21 - Cris Koutsougeras, Radhakrishnan Srikanth:
Data Transformation for Learning in Feedforward Neural Nets. 22-29 - Raqui Kane, Maurice Milgram:
Logical and Linear Dependencies Extraction from Trained Neural Networks. 30-33 - Boon Toh Low:
Neural-Logic Belief Networks - A Tool for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. 34-37
AI Algorithms I
- Simon Dixon, Wayne Wobcke:
The Implementation of a First-Order Logic AGM Belief Revision System. 40-47 - Thomas Schiex, Gérard Verfaillie:
Nogood Recording for Static and Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 48-55 - Makoto Yokoo:
Constraint Relaxation in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 56-63 - Jakob Axelsson, Stefan Menth, Klaus Semmler:
Genetic Algorithms in Industrial Design. 64-67
AI and Object-Oriented Systems I
- Eleri Cardozo
, Jaime Simão Sichman
, Yves Demazeau:
Using the Active Object Model to Implement Multi-Agent Systems. 70-77 - Mark Perlin:
Principled Animation of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. 78-86 - Ta-Cheng Yu, Jie-Yong Juang:
A Method for Translating CLP (R) Rules into Objects. 87-94 - Christian Rathke:
Object-Oriented Programming and Frame-Based Knowledge Representation. 95-98
AI and Software Engineering
- Wei Li:
An Interactive Consistency Maintenance System and Its Logical Framework. 100-107 - R. Jetzelsperger, Stan Matwin
, Franz Oppacher:
Enhancing Reuse of Smalltalk Methods by Conceptual Clustering. 108-112 - Jun-Jang Jeng, Betty H. C. Cheng:
Using Analogy and Formal Methods for Software Reuse. 113-116
AI Knowledge Base Architectures I
- Raul Velez, Du Zhang, James Kho:
An Intelligent Tool for UNIX Performance Tuning. 118-122 - P. Uvietta, Jutta Willamowski, Danielle Ziébelin:
Task Based Modelling for Problem Solving Strategies. 123-126 - Jérôme Gensel
, Pierre Girard, Olivier Schmeltzer:
Integrating Constraints, Composite Objects and Tasks in a Knowledge Representation System. 127-130
Machine Learning I
- Hendrik Theron, Ian Cloete:
An Empirical Evaluation of Beam Search and Pruning in BEXA. 132-139 - Xiao-Jia M. Zhou, Tharam S. Dillon:
Prohabilistic Induction of Decision Trees and Disjunctive Normal Forms. 140-144 - N. J. Puzey, T. J. Parsons, P. F. Sims, M. Green, T. Brookes:
The Use of a Machine Learning Toolbox on Industrial Applications. 145-149
AI and Object-Oriented Systems II
- Marcelo Jenkins, Daniel L. Chester:
A Combined Object-Oriented and Logic Programming Tool for AI. 152-159 - Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis:
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in a System Integration Logic in Objects. 160-167
Reasoning Under Uncertainty, Fuzzy Logic
- Eugene Santos Jr.:
A Fast Hill-Climbing Approach Without an Energy Function for Probabilistic Reasoning. 170-179 - Sheng Guan:
Generalizing Evidence Theory to Lattices to Manage Uncertainty. 180-183 - Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Networked Bubble Propagation Method as a Polynomial-Time Hypothetical Reasoning for Computing Quasi-Optimal Solution. 184-187
Expert Systems and Environments
- Imran A. Zualkernan, Yuan-Jing Lin:
Experimental Evaluation of Output-Based Partition Testing for Expert Systems. 190-197 - Jan Vanthienen
, Elke Dries:
Illustration of a Decision Table Tool for Specifying and Implementing Knowledge Based Systems. 198-205 - Ken-Ichi Hagiwara:
Elastic Version Space: A Knowledge Acquisition Method with Background Knowledge Adjustment. 206-209 - Hisashi Shimodaira:
A Simple and Efficient Method for Diagnosing Equipment Faults Using Equations Representing the Steady State. 210-214
AI Algorithms II
- William Sverdlik, Robert G. Reynolds:
Incorporating Domain Specific Knowledge into Version Space Search. 216-223 - Shashi Shekhar, Babak Hamidzadeh:
Self-Adjusting Real-Time Search: A Summary of Results. 224-231 - Mitsuru Ishizuka, Akinori Abe:
Fast Hypothetical Reasoning Using Analogy on Inference-Path Networks. 232-239 - Dipankar Dasgupta, Douglas R. McGregor:
Short Term Unit-Commitment Using Genetic Algorithms. 240-247
Natural Language Processing I
- Seungho Cha, Dan I. Moldovan:
A Marker-Passing Algorithm for Reference Resolution. 250-257 - Gérard Sabah, Xavier Briffault:
CARAMEL: A Step Towards Reflection in Natural Language Understanding Systems. 258-265 - Satoshi Tojo, Hiroshi Tsuda, Hideki Yasukawa, Kazumasa Yokota, Yukihiro Morita:
QUIXOTE as a Tool for Natural Language Processing. 266-270
Artificial Neural Networks II
- Der-Shung Yang, Julie L. Webster, Larry A. Rendell, James H. Garrett Jr., Doris S. Shaw:
Management of Graphical Symbols in a CAD Environment: A Neural Network Approach. 272-279 - Akhtar Jameel, Cris Koutsougeras:
On Features Used for Handwritten Character Recognition in a Neural Network Environment. 280-284 - Hahn-Ming Lee, Weng-Tang Wang:
An Architecture of Neural Network for Fuzzy Teaching Inputs. 285-288
Natural Language Processing II
- Hsin-Hsi Chen
A Language Model for Parsing Very Long Chinese Sentences. 290-297 - Eero Hyvönen, Stefano De Pascale, Aarno Lehtola:
Interval Constraint Satisfaction Tool INC++. 298-305 - Eiji Kawaguchi, Marilyn Lee, Koichi Nozaki:
Meaning Description by SD-Forms and a Prototype of a Conversational-Text Retrieval System. 306-310
Logic and Intelligent Database I
- Neng-Fa Zhou:
Beta-Prolog: An Extended Prolog with Boolean Tables for Combinatorial Searching. 312-319 - Du Zhang, Weining Zhang:
Evaluating Logical Queries by Means of Communicating Processes. 320-324 - Hua Shu:
The Application of a Multi-Modal Preferential Logic to the Design of Rational Agents. 325-328
Artificial Neural Networks III
- Tong-Seng Quah, Chew Lim Tan, Hoon heng Teh:
A Connectionist Shell for Developing Expert Decision Support Systems. 330-337 - Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Pentti Huuhtanen, Kimmo Kaski
Neural Network Optimization Tool Based on Predictive MDL Principle for Time Series Prediction. 338-342 - Jukka Vanhala, Pekka Pakarinen, Kimmo Kaski
Paper Web Quality Profile Analysis Tool Based on Artificial Neural Networks. 343-347
Machine Learning II
- Chul-Eui Hong, Il-Yong Chung, Hee-Il Ahn:
The Analysis of Cost Error in Parallel Simulated Annealing. 348-355 - Haleh Vafaie, Kenneth A. De Jong:
Robust Feature Selection Algorithms. 356-363 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, Charu Chandra
, S. Ishihara, Y. Ng:
Knowledge Based Tools for Risk Assessment in Software Development and Reuse. 364-371
Parallel Processing and Hardware Support
- Stefano Gallucci, Jack Tan, Kuo-Wei Hwang:
PARTES: A Partitioning Scheme for Parallel Matching. 374-380 - C. P. Ravikumar:
A Parallel Search-and-Learn Technique for Solving Large Scale TSP. 381-388 - Matti Kurki, Jarmo Hirvinen:
An Operating Context-Sensitive Approach to Fault Detection of Mechatronic Systems. 389-394
AI Knowledge Base Architectures II
- Ali Moghaddamzadeh, Nikolaos G. Bourbakis:
A Visual Inspection-Diagnosis Expert System for Printed Circuit Boards: Reverse Engineering. 396-403 - Claudette Cayrol, Michel Cayrol, Olivier Palmade:
New Techniques for Inference in Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance Systems. 404-407 - Jianxiang Wang, Shenquan Liu:
A Research for Visual Reasoning. 408-411 - M. Zeller, Rüdiger Mock-Hecker:
Modeling Autonomous Agents in a Knowledge Based Simulation Environment. 412-415
Logic and Intelligent Database II
- Ning Zhong, Setsuo Ohsuga:
HML - An Approach for Refining/Managing Knowledge Discovered from Databases. 418-426 - Xiaolong Hao, Jason Tsong-Li Wang, Michael P. Bieber, Peter A. Ng:
A Tool for Classifying Office Documents. 427-434 - Changhwan Lee:
Sampling Issues in Generating Rules from Databases. 435-439
Poster Session
- Fatma Mili:
Data Analysis in Scientific Databases. 442-443 - Pierre Marquis:
On Metatheoretic Properties of Logic-Based Abductive Inference. 444-445 - Alessandro Armando, Paolo Pecchiari:
NALIG: A CAD System for Interior Design with High Level Interaction Capabilities. 446-447 - Midori Tanaka, Norimasa Aoyama, Atsushi Sugiura, Yoshiyuki Koseki:
Integration of Multiple Knowledge Representation for Classification Problems. 448-449 - Masa-Aki Fukase, Tadao Nakamura:
Parallel Processing and Hardware Support of Symbols. 450-451 - Jürgen W. Meyer:
A New Metric for Self-Organizing Feature Maps Allows Mapping of Arbitrary Parallel Programs. 452-453 - J. T. Buchanan, Q. Y. Luo, P. G. Hendry:
Experiments in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction. 454-455 - Jarkko Niittylahti, Harri Raittinen, Kimmo Kaski
Dynamically Configurable Combinatory Logic Array as Boolean Neural Network. 456-457 - R. Dellacasa, Pietro Morasso, S. Repetto, Gianni Viardo Vercelli, Renato Zaccaria:
Self-Organizing Navigation: From Neural Maps to Navigation Situations. 458-459 - Tohru Nitta:
An Extension of the Back-Propagation Algorithm to Three Dimensions by Vector Product. 460-461 - John A. Allen, Renuka Shankar:
Checking the Correctness of Mission Plans. 462-463 - Xueming Huang, John W. Brahan, Sieu Phan:
A Training System Shell for the Workplace. 464-465 - Suk I. Yoo, Chang H. Park:
An Inference Browser to Verify Knowledge Bases. 466-467 - Chih-Hung Wu, Shie-Jue Lee, Hung-Sen Chou, Cheng-Jer Yu:
The Design and Implementation of a Rule-Based Expert System Language. 468-469 - Xiaoqing Liu, Nengbin Wang, Guangfu Liu:
An Expert System Building Tool Supporting Knowledge Compilation and Management. 470-471 - Marcus A. Maloof, Krys J. Kochut:
Modifying Rete to Reason Temporally. 472-473 - Roberto Cervoni, Amedeo Cesta, Angelo Oddi:
Maintaining Consistency in a Quantitative Time Manager. 474-475 - Ming Rao, Qun Wang:
Meta-COOP: An AI Tool with Embedding Rules, Frames, and Numerical Computing in an Object-Oriented Environment. 476-477 - Seiji Yamada, Yoshinori Isoda, Jun'ichi Toyoda:
Interleaving Planning with Execution using the Success Probability - Preliminary Report. 478-479 - Ping Zhou, Shiheng Xu:
A Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Fault Diagnosis and Security Assessment of Power Transformers. 480-481 - Ulrich Thiel, Martin Kracker, Adelheit Stein:
MERIT Motifs. 482-483 - Agnès Dormont, Jean-Pierre Gruselle:
A Constructivist Approach to Tense and Aspect: From Text to Polytyped Strings. 484-485 - Stephanos E. Michos, Nikos Fakotakis, George K. Kokkinakis:
Flexible Script-Handling Techniques for Natural Language Understanding Systems. 486-487 - Hsiu-Hui Lee:
Temporal Interpretations of Sentences with Complement Clauses. 488-490 - Denys Duchier:
Concrete Browsing of a Graphical Toolkit Library. 491-492 - Jean Pierre Fournier:
Non-Violent Programming. 493-494 - Yutaka Sasaki, Keiko Nakata, Toru Ishida
, Yoshimi Fukuhara:
Advantages of Meta-Level Control Architectures in Maintaining Rule-Based Systems. 495-496 - Anne-Marie Dery, Wided Lejouad
, Coco Djossou:
How to Distribute an Existing Modular Expert System Shell. 497-498
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