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22nd ICDCS 2002: Vienna, Austria - Workshops
- 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Workshops (ICDCSW '02) July 2-5, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2002, ISBN 0-7695-1588-6
ADSN - 1st International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks
Keynote Address
- Yasushi Wakahara:
Keynote Address. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 0-6
Ad Hoc Networks
- Tomoyuki Ohta, Shinji Inoue, Yoshiaki Kakuda, Kenji Ishida, Kaori Maeda:
An Adaptive Maintenance of Hierarchical Structure in Ad Hoc Networks and Its Evaluation. 7-13 - Li Shu, Dorothy C. Poppe:
Assuring Message Delivery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Packet Erasure Recovery. 14-22
Secure and Fault Tolerant Networks
- Richard J. Lipton, S. Raj Rajagopalan, Dimitrios N. Serpanos
Spy: A Method to Secure Clients for Network Services. 23-28 - Panayotis E. Nastou, Yannis C. Stamatiou
Enhancing the Security of Block Ciphers with the Aid of Parallel Substitution Box Construction. 29-34 - Geoffrey G. Xie, Cynthia E. Irvine, Timothy E. Levin:
Quantifying Effect of Network Latency and Clock Drift on Time-Driven Key Sequencing. 35-42 - Sandeep S. Kulkarni, Bezawada Bruhadeshwar
Reducing the Cost of the Critical Path in Secure Multicast for Dynamic Groups. 43-48 - Jie Wu, Zhen Jiang:
Extended Minimal Routing in 2-D Meshes with Faulty Blocks. 49-56
Network Control Techniques for Assurance
- Junichi Funasaka, Masato Bito, Kenji Ishida:
PFTPD: An FTP Proxy System to Assure the Freshness of Files. 57-62 - Masaki Aida, Chisa Takano:
Stability of Autonomous Decentralized Flow Control Schemes in High-Speed Networks. 63-68 - Takanori Ono, Khaled Ragab, Naohiro Kaji, Kinji Mori:
Service Oriented Communication Technology for Achieving Assurance. 69-74 - Junichi Funasaka, Kenji Ishida, Kitsutaro Amano, Yukiyoshi Jutori:
An Internet Auction Method using Decentralized Selection Servers. 75-82
Evaluation and Management for Assurance
- Kwoun Sup Youn, Choong Seon Hong
An XML-Based Dynamic Network Management System Using Web Technology. 83-88 - Masayuki Matsumoto, Tadao Tsurumaki, Dai Watanabe, Kinji Mori:
Modeling of Train Control System and a Method of Assurance Evaluation. 89-94 - Ryo Suzuki, Satoshi Fukumoto, Kazuhiko Iwasaki:
Adaptive Checkpointing for Time Warp Technique with a Limited Number of Checkpoints. 95-100 - Kazuo Kera, Keisuke Bekki, Kinji Mori:
Step-by-Step System Construction Technique with Assurance Technology -Evaluation Measure for Step-by-Step System Construction-. 101-110
MNSA - 4th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications
Distance Learning
- Lawrence Y. Deng, Timothy K. Shih, Sheng-Hua Shiau, Wen-Chih Chang, Yi-Jen Liu:
Implementing a Distributed Lecture-on-Demand Multimedia Presentation System. 111-115 - Shimon Sakai, Tsunenobu Narahara, Naoaki Mashita, Hiroshi Shigeno, Ken-ichi Okada, Yutaka Matsushita:
An Integrated Distance Learning System Capable of Supporting Interactions for Asynchronous Distance Learning. 116-121 - Tetsuya Hirotomi, Nikolay N. Mirenkov:
Multimedia Communication Environment for Children, Handicapped, and Elderly People. 122-130
- Takao Komiya, Hiroyuki Ohsida, Makoto Takizawa
Mobile Agent Model for Distributed Systems. 131-136 - Koji Hashimoto, Yoshitaka Shibata, Norio Shiratori:
Mobile Angent-Based Transcoding Functions. 137-141 - Leonard Barolli, Akio Koyama, Zixue Cheng, Norio Shiratori:
An Agent Based Matchmaking System Using Knowledge Base. 142-148
Multimedia Communication
- Pål Halvorsen, Thomas Plagemann, Vera Goebel:
Minimizing Protocol Processing in Multimedia Servers - Implementation and Evaluation of Network Level Framing -. 149-155 - Seiichi Hatori, Kenichi Shimamura, Makoto Takizawa
Protocol for Synchronizing Multimedia Objects Exchanged in a Group of Processes. 156-161 - Katsuya Nakagawa, Masaru Kawakita, Koji Sato, Mitsuru Minakuchi, Osamu Tsumori, Keitaro Hanada, Toru Chiba, Isao Shirakawa:
OCEAN: Object Communication Environment for Arbitrary Network. 162-168
- Yangjun Chen, Tony Liu, Paul G. Sorenson:
Personal Web Space. 169-175 - Chuan-Feng Chiu, Timothy K. Shih, Pei-Ying Wu, Sheng-Hua Shiau:
The Design of Interactive Negotiation Agent on the Web. 176-181 - Nobuyoshi Sato, Minoru Uehara, Yoshifumi Sakai, Hideki Mori:
Persistent Cache in Cooperative Search Engine. 182-190
Database and Retrieval
- Shinfeng D. Lin, B. Y. Hsu, Xin-Lun Yang:
Content-Based Trademark Retrieval System Using a New Region Based Shape Description Method: The Distance-Angle Pair-Wise Histogram. 191-195 - Wonjun Lee, Jaideep Srivastava:
Experiences with Evaluating System QoS and Channel Performance on Media-On-Demand Systems. 196-201 - Chieh-Ling Huang, Yuh-Ren Choo, Pau-Choo Chung:
Combining Region-Based Differential and Matching Algorithms to Obtain Accurate Motion Vectors for Moving Object in a Video Sequence. 202-207 - Anthony G. Nguyen, Jenq-Neng Hwang:
Scene Context Dependent Key Frame Selection In Streaming. 208-216
- Jui-Fa Chen, Wei-Chuan Lin, Chi-Ming Chung, Zhi Yu Jian, Wen-Chen Hu:
A Transmission Service with Three-Queue Management for a Distributed Remote Monitoring Environment. 217-221 - Jae-Kyu Chun, Ki-Yong Cho, Seok-Hyung Cho, Young-Woo Lee, Young-Il Kim:
Network Management Based On PC Communication Platform With SNMP AND MOBILE AGENTS. 222-227 - Bin Shyan Jong, Tsong Wuu Lin, Wen Hao Yang, Kun Shyan Jong:
An Improved a-Shapes Algorithm for Geometric Reconstruction. 228-232 - Takayuki Kushida, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Empirical Study of Inter-Arrival Packet Times and Packet Losses. 233-240
Database and VOD
- Zhengguo Li, Ce Zhu, Feng Pan, Genan Feng, Xiaokang Yang, Si Wu, Nam Ling:
A Novel Joint Rate Control Scheme for the Coding of Multiple Real Time Video Programs. 241-245 - Mounir A. Tantaoui, Kien A. Hua, Simon Sheu:
A Scalable Technique for VCR-Like Interactions in Video-on-Demand Applications. 246-251 - Ji-Eun Roh, Sin-Jae Kang, Jong-Hyeok Lee:
XExplainer: A Tool for Generating Descriptive Text from Database. 252-257 - Yu-lung Lo, Shiou-jiuan Chen:
The Numeric Indexing For Music Data. 258-266
Security and Watermark
- Wen-Shyong Hsieh, Chuan-Fu Wu, Jen-Yi Huang, Jyh-Long Lin, Buh-Yun Sher:
An Efficient Method to Improve the Quality of Watermarked Cover Image. 267-271 - Jin-Hee Han, Young-Jin Kim, Sung-Ik Jun, Kyo-Il Chung, Chang-Ho Seo:
Implementation of ECC/ECDSA Cryptography Algorithms Based on Java Card. 272-278
3DCG and Visualization
- James Sablatura, Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang:
Multi-User Interactive 3D Presentation System via the Internet. 279-284 - Akihiro Miyakawa, Masamitsu Sugimoto, Mikako Hosokawa, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Interactive Traditional Japanese Crafting System using Virtual Reality Technique over Highspeed Network. 285-289 - Robert R. Roxas, Nikolay N. Mirenkov:
Visualizing External Inter-Component Interfaces. 290-295 - Angela Guercio, Timothy Arndt
, Shi-Kuo Chang:
A Visual Editor for Multimedia Application Development. 296-304
- Yoko Noda, Tatsuhiko Sakai, Hiroshi Shigeno, Ken-ichi Okada, Yutaka Matsushita:
A Survey of Transport Layer Protocols Suited for Real-Time Data Delivery over Diffserv-Capable Networks. 305-310 - C. L. Lee, J. R. Chen, Y. C. Chen:
A Scalable Architecture for Differentiated Services. 311-316 - Yuan-Cheng Lai, Yu-Dar Lin:
A Fair Admission Control for Large-Bandwidth Multimedia Applications. 317-322 - Costas Mourlas:
Specification and Verification of Quality Requirements in Distributed Multimedia Presentations. 323-330
Mobile and Wireless Network
- Masahiro Tamori, Susumu Ishihara
, Takashi Watanabe
, Tadanori Mizuno:
A Replica Distribution Method with Consideration of the Positions of Mobile Hosts on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. 331-335 - Kazuo Takahata, Norihiko Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Control of Multimedia Communication over Wireless Network. 336-340 - Misako Urakami, Tetsuya Shigeyasu, Hiroshi Matsuno:
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Agent on Its Living Time and Target Existing Rates in Servers. 341-346 - Ying-Hong Wang, Chih-Hsiao Tsai
, Hui-Min Huang:
Mobility Management of IP-Based Multi-tier Network Supporting Mobile Multimedia Communication Services. 347-356
International Workshop on Mobile Teamwork Support
Mobile Teamwork Infrastructure for Organisation Networks (MOTION
- Katja Nykänen, Mikko Tarkiainen:
Nokia Requirements and User Story for the Project MOTION. 357-358 - Gianpaolo Cugola, Gian Pietro Picco:
Peer-to-Peer for Collaborative Applications. 359-364 - Engin Kirda, Gerald Reif, Harald C. Gall
, Pascal Fenkam:
TWSAPI: A Generic Teamwork Services Application Programming Interface. 365-372
Agents and Middleware
- Letizia Leonardi
, Marco Mamei, Franco Zambonelli:
A Physically Grounded Approach to Coordinate Movements in a Team. 373-378 - Jen-Hsiang Chen, Rachid Anane
, Kuo-Ming Chao
, Nick Godwin:
Architecture of an Agent-Based Negotiation Mechanism. 379-384 - Stefanos Zachariadis, Cecilia Mascolo, Wolfgang Emmerich:
Exploiting Logical Mobility in Mobile Computing Middleware. 385-388
- Mario Pichler, Thomas Hofer, Gerhard Leonhartsberger:
Considerations and Requirements for Tools Supporting Mobile Teams. 389-390 - Schahram Dustdar
Mobility of Context for Project Teams. 391-395 - Fredrik Wilhelmsen:
A Universal Messaging Service for Users and Groups. 396-400
Heterogeneous Collaboration
- Allan Meng Krebs, Ivan Marsic, Bogdan Dorohonceanu:
Mobile Adaptive Applications for Ubiquitous Collaboration in Heterogeneous Environments. 401-407 - Zoran Despotovic, Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth:
Trust-Aware Cooperation. 408-409 - Paola Inverardi, G. Marinelli, Fabio Mancinelli:
Adaptive Applications for Mobile Heterogenous Devices. 410-418
AOPDCS - International Workshop on Aspect Oriented Programming for Distributed Computing Systems
- Antonia M. Reina Quintero
, Jesús Torres Valderrama:
Separating the Navigational Aspect. 419-423 - Mary Stearns, Giacomo Piccinelli:
Managing Interaction Concerns in Web-Service Systems. 424-429 - Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi
, Franco Zambonelli:
Separation of Concerns in Agent Applications by Roles. 430-438
Auto-Adaptive Systems
- Luís Andrade, José Luiz Fiadeiro:
An Architectural Approach to Auto-Adaptive Systems. 439-444 - Jianxiong Pang, Lynne Blair:
An Adaptive Run Time Manager for the Dynamic Integration and Interaction Resolution of Features. 445-450 - Ana Lúcia de Moura, Cristina D. Ururahy, Renato Cerqueira, Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez:
Dynamic Support for Distributed Auto-Adaptive Applications. 451-458
- Hafedh Mili, Hamid Mcheick
, Salah Sadou
Distributing Objects with Multiple Aspects. 459-464 - Eric P. Kasten
, Philip K. McKinley, Seyed Masoud Sadjadi, R. E. Kurt Stirewalt:
Separating Introspection and Intercession to Support Metamorphic Distributed Systems. 465-472 - Erik Putrycz, Guy Bernard:
Using Aspect Oriented Programming to Build a Portable Load Balancing Service. 473-480
Composition and Configuration
- Pertti Kellomäki:
Composing Distributed Systems from Reusable Aspects of Behavior. 481-486 - Mireille Blay-Fornarino
, Anne-Marie Pinna-Dery, Michel Riveill
Towards Dynamic Configuration of Distributed Applications. 487-492 - Angelo Furfaro
, Libero Nigro, Francesco Pupo:
Aspect Oriented Programming Using Actors. 493-502
DEBS - International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems
Architectures I
- Frédéric Peschanski:
A Versatile Event-Based Communication Model for Generic Distributed Interactions. 503-510 - Filipe Araújo
, Luís E. T. Rodrigues:
On QoS-Aware Publish-Subscribe. 511-515 - Zoltán Miklós:
Towards an Access Control Mechanism for Wide-Area Publish/Subscribe Systems. 516-524
Filtering and Efficiency I
- Annika Hinze
, Sven Bittner:
Efficient Distribution-Based Event Filtering. 525-532 - Manolis Koubarakis
Textual Information Dissemination in Distributed Event-Based Systems. 533-538 - Ghazaleh Ashayer, Hubert Ka Yau Leung, Hans-Arno Jacobsen:
Predicate Matching and Subscription Matching in Publish/Subscribe Systems. 539-548
Multimedia and Content Delivery
- Ricky Robinson, Andry Rakotonirainy
Multimedia Customisation Using an Event Notification Protocol. 549-554 - Viktor S. Wold Eide, Frank Eliassen, Olav Lysne, Ole-Christoffer Granmo
Real-Time Processing of Media Streams: A Case for Event-Based Interaction. 555-562 - Ivana Podnar
, Manfred Hauswirth, Mehdi Jazayeri:
Mobile Push: Delivering Content to Mobile Users. 563-570
Short Paper Session
- Luís Andrade, José Luiz Fiadeiro:
Coordination Architecture for Evolvable Event-Based Systems. 571-572 - Elisabetta Di Nitto
, Massimiliano Pianciamore:
Exploiting an Event-Based System to Develop a Distributed E-Commerce Infrastructure. 573-574 - Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Deborah Estrin, Stephen B. Wicker:
The Impact of Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 575-578 - Michal Shmueli, Opher Etzion:
Parallel Implementation of Composite Events. 579-580 - Martin Bauer, Kurt Rothermel:
Towards the Observation of Spatial Events in Distributed Location-Aware Systems. 581-582 - Alésio Pfeifer, Cristina D. Ururahy, Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez, Roberto Ierusalimschy:
An Event-Driven System for Distributed Multimedia Applications. 583-584 - René Meier, Vinny Cahill:
Taxonomy of Distributed Event-Based Programming Systems. 585-588
Coordination and Composite Events
- Theophilos A. Limniotes, Costas Mourlas, George A. Papadopoulos
Event-Driven Coordination of Real-Time Components. 589-594 - Mirko Viroli, Alessandro Ricci
Tuple-Based Coordination Models in Event-Based Scenarios. 595-601 - Simon Courtenage
Specifying and Detecting Composite Events in Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems. 602-610
Filtering and Efficiency II
- Peter R. Pietzuch, Jean Bacon:
Hermes: A Distributed Event-Based Middleware Architecture. 611-618 - Peter Triantafillou, Andreas A. Economides:
Subscription Summaries for Scalability and Efficiency in Publish/Subscribe Systems. 619-624 - Patrick Th. Eugster, Pascal Felber
, Rachid Guerraoui
, Sidath B. Handurukande:
Event Systems: How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too. 625-632
Architectures II
- Juichi Kosakaya, Aki Kobayashi, Katsunori Yamaoka:
Distributed Supervisory System with Cooperative Multi-Agent FEP. 633-638 - René Meier, Vinny Cahill:
STEAM: Event-Based Middleware for Wireless Ad Hoc Network. 639-644 - Phong Tran, Paul Greenfield
, Ian Gorton:
Behavior and Performance of Message-Oriented Middleware Systems. 645-654
RESH - Workshop on Resource Sharing in Massively Distributed Systems
Infrastructure Issues
- Werner Vogels, Christopher Ré, Robbert van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman
A Collaborative Infrastructure for Scalable and Robust News Delivery. 655-659 - Eric Freudenthal, Lawrence Port, Tracy Pesin, Edward Keenan:
Switchboard: Secure, Monitored Connections for Client-Server Communication. 660-665 - Sven Graupner, Vadim E. Kotov, Holger Trinks:
Resource-Sharing and Service Deployment in Virtual Data Centers. 666-674
Techniques and Algorithms
- Kave Eshghi:
Intrinsic References in Distributed Systems. 675-680 - Peter Triantafillou, Chryssani Xiruhaki, Manolis Koubarakis
Efficient Massive Sharing of Content among Peers. 681-685 - Jesús Acosta Elías, Leandro Navarro-Moldes
A Demand based Algorithm for Rapid Updating of Replicas. 686-694
Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Joaquín Keller, Gwendal Simon
Toward a Peer-to-Peer Shared Virtual Reality. 695-700 - Aloke Mukherjee, Babak Esfandiari, Neal Arthorne:
U-P2P: A Peer-to-Peer System for Description and Discovery of Resource-Sharing Communities. 701-705 - Wang-kee Poon, Jiannong Cao
Rheeve: A Plug-n-Play Peer-to-Peer Computing Platform. 706-716
IWSAWC - International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing
- Juhani Latvakoski, Pekka Pääkkönen, Daniel Pakkala
, A. Tikkala, J. Remes, P. Välitalo:
Interaction of All IP Mobile Internet Devices with Networked Appliances in a Residential Home. 717-722 - Arnaud Troël, Michel Banâtre, Frédéric Weis:
Progressive HTML for Proximate and Automatic Interactions. 723-727 - Marc Lacoste, Patrick Paniez, Aimé Vareille:
Superphony: Towards Ubiquitous Audio Communication Services. 728-734
Networks and Communications
- Alexandros Karakasidis, Evaggelia Pitoura:
DBGlobe: A Data-Centric Approach to Global Computing. 735-740 - Denis Reilly
, A. Taleb-Bendiab:
A Service-Based Architecture for In-Vehicle Telematics Systems. 741-742 - Soko Aoki, Jin Nakazawa, Hideyuki Tokuda:
Autonomous and Asynchronous Operation of Networked Appliances with Mobile Agent. 743-748 - Weiguo Liu, Hantao Song:
Research and Implementation of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Emulation System. 749-756
Home Networks, Networked Appliances, and Security
- David J. Greaves:
Control Software for Home Automation, Design Aspects and Position Paper. 757-764 - Eiji Tokunaga, Hiroo Ishikawa, Makoto Kurahashi, Yasunobu Morimoto, Tatsuo Nakajima:
A Framework for Connecting Home Computing Middleware. 765-770 - Jalal Al-Muhtadi
, Anand Ranganathan, Roy H. Campbell, M. Dennis Mickunas:
A Flexible, Privacy-Preserving Authentication Framework for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 771-776 - Hiroyuki Tomimori, Yukikazu Nakamoto:
An Efficient and Flexible Access Control Framework for Java Programs in Mobile Terminals. 777-784
Wearable Computing
- Martin Bauer, Bernd Brügge, Gudrun Klinker
, Asa MacWilliams, Thomas Reicher, Christian Sandor
, Martin Wagner:
An Architecture Concept for Ubiquitous Computing Aware Wearable Computers. 785-790 - Kazushige Ouchi, Takuji Suzuki, Miwako Doi:
LifeMinder: A Wearable Healthcare Support System Using User's Context. 791-792 - Cliff Randell, Henk L. Muller:
The eSleeve: A Novel Wearable Computer Configuration for the Discovery of Situated Information. 793-798
International Workshop on Web Caching Systems
- Konstantinos Psounis:
Class-Based Delta-Encoding: A Scalable Scheme for Caching Dynamic Web Content. 799-805 - Emmanuel Cecchet:
Whoops! : A Clustered Web Cache for DSM Systems using Memory Mapped Networks. 806-811 - Sinisa Srbljic, Dalibor F. Vrsalovic, Ivan Skuliber:
Analytical Performance Prediction of WWW Distributed Cache Management (DCM) Protocols. 812-819 - Françoise Sailhan, Valérie Issarny:
Energy-Aware Web Caching for Mobile Terminals. 820-825 - Kin Yeung Wong, Kwok-Fai Law, Kai-Hau Yeung
Site-Based Mapping for Parallel Proxy Servers with Fewer TCP Connections. 826-
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