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ESANN 2005: Bruges, Belgium
- 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2005, Bruges, Belgium, April 27-29, 2005, Proceedings. 2005
Clustering, quantization, and self-organization
- Alfred Ultsch, Lutz Herrmann:
The architecture of emergent self-organizing maps to reduce projection errors. 1-6 - Yann Prudent, Abdel Ennaji:
A new learning algorithm for incremental self-organizing maps. 7-12 - Michael Biehl, Anarta Ghosh, Barbara Hammer:
The dynamics of Learning Vector Quantization. 13-18 - Kevin A. J. Doherty, Rod Adams, Neil Davey:
TreeGNG - hierarchical topological clustering. 19-24
Dynamical and Numerical Aspects of Neural Computing
- Miguel A. Atencia Ruiz, Gonzalo Joya Caparrós, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Two or three things that we (intend to) know about Hopfield and Tank networks. 25-36 - Nigel T. Crook, Wee Jin Goh, Mohammad Hawarat:
The Nonlinear Dynamic State neuron. 37-42 - Jochen J. Steil:
Stability of backpropagation-decorrelation efficient O(N) recurrent learning. 43-48 - Francisco R. Villatoro:
Exponential stability of implicit Euler, discrete-time Hopfield neural networks. 49-54 - Marie Kratz, Miguel A. Atencia Ruiz, Gonzalo Joya Caparrós:
Stochastic analysis of the Abe formulation of Hopfield networks. 55-60 - Franck Carenzi, Philippe Gorce, Yves Burnod, Marc A. Maier:
Using generic neural networks in the control and prediction of grasp postures. 61-66 - Mark P. Joy:
Exponential stability of stochastic, retarded neural netorks. 67-72
Learning I
- Jean-Pierre Mano, Pierre Glize:
Organization properties of open networks of cooperative neuro-agents. 73-78 - Shuyuan Yang, Min Wang, Licheng Jiao:
A ridgelet kernel regression model using genetic algorithm. 79-84 - Vanessa Gómez-Verdejo, Manuel Ortega-Moral, Jerónimo Arenas-García, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
Boosting by weighting boundary and erroneous samples. 85-90
Artificial Neural Networks and Prognosis in Medicine
- Leonardo Franco, José M. Jerez, Emilio Alba:
Artificial neural networks and prognosis in medicine. Survival analysis in breast cancer patients. 91-102 - Rachel Bittern, Alfred Cuschieri, Sergey Dolgobrodov, Robin Marshall, Peter Moore, Robert Steele:
An artificial neural network for analysing the survival of patients with colorectal cancer. 103-108 - Maysam F. Abbod, Jim W. F. Catto, Min-You Chen, Derek A. Linkens, Freddie C. Hamdy:
Artificial intelligence techniques for the prediction of bladder cancer progression. 109-114 - Hui Liu, Ash Kshirsagar, Jessica Ku, Dolores Lamb, Craig Niederberger:
Computational models of intracytoplasmic sperm injection prognosis. 115-120 - Alfredo Vellido, Paulo J. G. Lisboa, Dolores Vicente:
Handling outliers and missing data in brain tumour clinical assessment using t-GTM. 121-126 - Mark P. Joy, Simon Jones:
predicting bed demand in a hospital using neural networks and ARIMA models: a hybrid approach. 127-132 - Alfredo Vellido, Paulo J. G. Lisboa:
Functional topographic mapping for robust handling of outliers in brain tumour data. 133-138 - Barbara Hammer, Andreas Rechtien, Marc Strickert, Thomas Villmann:
Relevance learning for mental disease classification. 139-144 - Olga Valenzuela, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz, Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Luisa Marquez:
Automatic classification of prostate cancer using pseudo-gaussian radial basis function neural network. 145-150
Learning II
- Nadir Farah, Tarek Khadir, Mokhtar Sellami:
Artificial neural network fusion: Application to Arabic words recognition. 151-156 - Jie Ni, Qing Song:
Adaptive Simultaneous Perturbation Based Pruning Algorithm for Neural Control Systems. 157-162 - Shigeo Abe:
Modified backward feature selection by cross validation. 163-168 - Agathoklis Krimpenis, George-Christopher Vosniakos:
Initialisation improvement in engineering feedforward ANN models. 169-174 - Manuel Ortega-Moral, Vanessa Gómez-Verdejo, Jerónimo Arenas-García, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
An On-line Fisher Discriminant. 175-180 - Dimitri Nowicki, Oleksiy Dekhtyarenko:
Averaging on Riemannian manifolds and unsupervised learning using neural associative memory. 181-186 - Pornchai Khlaeo-om, Suwat Kuntanapreeda:
A Stability Condition for Neural Network Control of Uncertain Systems. 187-192 - Bruno Azzerboni, Fabio La Foresta, Nadia Mammone, Francesco Carlo Morabito:
A new approach based on wavelet-ICA algorithms for fetal electrocardiogram extraction. 193-198 - Catherine Aaron:
Graph-based normalization. 199-204 - Joshua E. Menke, Tony R. Martinez:
Domain expert approximation through oracle learning. 205-210 - Tony J. Dodd, Tun M. Ladoni:
Generalised Cross Validation for Noise-Free Data. 211-216
Perceptrons and Multi-Layer Perceptrons
- Luís M. Silva, Joaquim Marques de Sá, Luís A. Alexandre:
Neural network classification using Shannon's entropy. 217-222 - Joseph Rynkiewicz:
Efficient estimation of multidimensional regression model with multilayer perceptron. 223-227 - Matthew Draper, Taskin Koçak:
Performance of EMI based mine detection using back-propagation neural networks. 228-234 - Joaquim Marques de Sá, Carlos S. Felgueiras:
Perceptron Learning with Discrete Weights. 235-240
Evolutionary and neural computation
- Christian Igel, Bernhard Sendhoff:
Synergies between Evolutionary and Neural Computation. 241-252 - Arjun Chandra, Xin Yao:
Evolutionary framework for the construction of diverse hybrid ensembles. 253-258 - Yohannes Kassahun, Gerald Sommer:
Efficient reinforcement learning through Evolutionary Acquisition of Neural Topologies. 259-266 - John A. Bullinaria:
Evolving neural networks: Is it really worth the effort? 267-272 - Lars Gräning, Yaochu Jin, Bernhard Sendhoff:
Efficient evolutionary optimization using individual-based evolution control and neural networks: A comparative study. 273-278 - Alexander Rainer Tassilo Gepperth, Stefan Roth:
Applications of multi-objective structure optimization. 279-284
Independent Component Analysis
- Antti Honkela, Tomas Östman, Ricardo Vigário:
Empirical evidence of the linear nature of magnetoencephalograms. 285-290 - Kun Zhang, Lai-Wan Chan:
To apply score function difference based ICA algorithms to high-dimensional data. 291-296 - Silvia Chiappa, David Barber:
generative independent component analysis for EEG classification. 297-302
Classification using non-standard metrics
- Barbara Hammer, Thomas Villmann:
Classification using non-standard metrics. 303-316 - Luh Yen, Denis Vanvyve, Fabien Wouters, François Fouss, Michel Verleysen, Marco Saerens:
clustering using a random walk based distance measure. 317-324 - Alexei Vinokourov, Andrei N. Soklakov, Craig Saunders:
A probabilistic framework for mismatch and profile string kernels. 325-330 - Marc Strickert, Nese Sreenivasulu, Winfriede Weschke, Udo Seiffert, Thomas Villmann:
Generalized Relevance LVQ with Correlation Measures for Biological Data. 331-338 - Damien François, Vincent Wertz, Michel Verleysen:
Non-Euclidean metrics for similarity search in noisy datasets. 339-344 - Paul F. Evangelista, Piero P. Bonissone, Mark J. Embrechts, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
unsupervised fuzzy ensembles and their use in intrusion detection. 345-350 - Fabrice Rossi, Aïcha El Golli, Yves Lechevallier:
Usage Guided Clustering of Web Pages with the Median Self Organizing Map. 351-356 - Mustapha Lebbah, Aymeric Chazottes, Fouad Badran, Sylvie Thiria:
Mixed Topological Map. 357-362 - Andrew Carnell, Daniel Richardson:
linear algebra for time series of spikes. 363-368
Learning III
- Katharina Tluk von Toschanowitz, Barbara Hammer, Helge J. Ritter:
Relevance determination in reinforcement learning. 369-374 - Michael Bensch, Michael Schröder, Martin Bogdan, Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
Feature selection for high-dimensional industrial data. 375-380 - Kary Främling:
Adaptive robot learning in a non-stationary environment. 381-386 - Oleksiy Dekhtyarenko, Valery Tereshko, Colin Fyfe:
Phase transition in sparse associative neural networks. 387-392 - Claude F. Touzet, Pierrick Demoulin, Borís Burle, Franck Vidal, Françoise Macar:
Neuromimetic model of interval timing. 393-398 - Markus Hagenbuchner, Alessandro Sperduti, Ah Chung Tsoi:
Contextual Processing of Graphs using Self-Organizing Maps. 399-404 - Gianluca Bontempi:
Structural feature selection for wrapper methods. 405-410 - Thomas Trappenberg:
Coverage-performance estimation for classification with ambiguous data. 411-416 - Min Wang, Shuyuan Yang, Shunjun Wu:
UWB radar target identification based on linear RBFNN. 417-422
Biologically inspired models
- Michael Lawrence, Thomas Trappenberg, Alan Fine:
A multi-modular associator network for simple temporal sequence learning and generation. 423-428 - Christopher Johansson, Martin Rehn, Anders Lansner:
Attractor neural networks with patchy connectivity. 429-434 - David Verstraeten, Benjamin Schrauwen, Dirk Stroobandt:
Isolated word recognition using a Liquid State Machine. 435-440 - Tan Shan, Licheng Jiao:
new evidences for sparse coding strategy employed in visual neurons: from the image processing and nonlinear approximation viewpoint. 441-446
Kernel methods and the exponential family
- Stéphane Canu, Alexander J. Smola:
Kernel methods and the exponential family. 447-454 - Karsten M. Borgwardt, Omri Guttman, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Alexander J. Smola:
Joint Regularization. 455-460 - Frédéric Desobry, Manuel Davy, William J. Fitzgerald:
A Class of Kernels For Sets of Vectors. 461-466 - Nathalie Villa, Fabrice Rossi:
Support Vector Machine For Functional Data Classification. 467-472 - Vincent Guigue, Alain Rakotomamonjy, Stéphane Canu:
Translation invariant classification of non-stationary signals. 473-478
- Stefan Klinger, Jim Austin:
Chemical similarity searching using a neural graph matcher. 479-484 - Liva Ralaivola, Lin Wu, Pierre Baldi:
SVM and pattern-enriched common fate graphs for the game of go. 485-490 - José Hiroki Saito, Thiago Vieira de Carvalho, Marcelo Hirakuri, André Saunite, Alessandro Noriaki Ide, Sandra Abib:
Using CMU PIE Human Face Database to a Convolutional Neural Network - Neocognitron. 491-496 - Manuel Graña, F. Xabier Albizuri, Alicia D'Anjou:
Morphological memories for feature extraction in hyperspectral images. 497-502
Learning IV
- Nima Reyhani, Jin Hao, Yongnan Ji, Amaury Lendasse:
Mutual information and gamma test for input selection. 503-508 - Antti Sorjamaa, Amaury Lendasse, Michel Verleysen:
Pruned lazy learning models for time series prediction. 509-514 - Noelia Sánchez-Maroño, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Enrique F. Castillo:
a new wrapper method for feature subset selection. 515-520 - Fernando Rojas Ruiz, Carlos García Puntonet, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz:
Analysis of contrast functions in a genetic algorithm for post-nonlinear blind source separation. 521-526 - Kee Khoon Lee, Gavin C. Cawley, Michael W. Bevan:
sparse Bayesian promoter based gene classification. 527-532 - Georg Pölzlbauer, Andreas Rauber, Michael Dittenbach:
Graph projection techniques for Self-Organizing Maps. 533-538 - Georgina Stegmayer, Omar Chiotti, Giancarlo Orengo:
A Neural Network that helps building a Nonlinear Dynamical model of a Power Amplifier. 539-544 - Hervé Guillaume, Nathalie Denquive, Philippe Tarroux:
Contextual priming for artificial visual perception. 545-550 - Panagiotis Saragiotis, Bogdan Vrusias, Khurshid Ahmad:
Learning to classify a collection of images and texts. 551-556 - Zhongwen Luo, Hongzhi Liu, Zhengping Yang, Xincai Wu:
Self-Organizing Maps computing on Graphic Process Unit. 557-562 - Kirmene Marzouki, Takeshi Yamakawa:
Novel Algorithm for Eliminating Folding Effect in Standard SOM. 563-570 - Djaffar Ould Abdeslam, Jean Mercklé, Patrice Wira:
Adaline-based estimation of power harmonics. 571-576 - Xiangrong Zhang, Shuang Wang, Tan Shan, Licheng Jiao:
Radar target recognition using SVMs with a wrapper feature selection driven by immune clonal algorithm. 577-582 - Sofiane Boussa, Mattieu Marin, Frank LeFoll, Alain Faure, Francois Leboulanger:
Experimental validation of a synapse model by adding synaptic conductances to excitable endocrine cells in culture. 583-588 - Min Wang, Shuyuan Yang, Shunjun Wu:
A neural network approach of ultra-wideband nearfield adaptive beamforming. 589-594 - Andrea Caponnetto, Lorenzo Rosasco, Francesca Odone, Alessandro Verri:
Support vector algorithms as regularization networks. 595-600 - Karsten Kube, Andreas Herzog, Bernd Michaelis, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Ana D. de Lima, Thomas B. Voigt:
Spike-timing-dependent plasticity in 'small world' networks. 601-606
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