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23rd CSCS 2021: Bucharest, Romania
- 23rd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2021, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-28, 2021. IEEE 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-3939-8
- Angelos Chatzimparmpas, Rafael Messias Martins, Kostiantyn Kucher, Andreas Kerren:
Empirical Study: Visual Analytics for Comparing Stacking to Blending Ensemble Learning. 1-8 - Duc Lich Luu, Ciprian Lupu, Hamid Alshareefi, Huu Truyen Pham:
Coordinated Throttle and Brake Control for Adaptive Cruise Control Strategy Design. 9-14 - Andrei Baciu, Corneliu Lazar:
Position Control of a Mobile Inverted Pendulum System Using Model-Free Intelligent Controllers. 15-20 - Dora Morar, Petru Dobra:
Optimal LQR weight matrices selection for a CNC machine controller. 21-26 - Cristian Patrascioiu, Marian Popescu
, Nawwar A. Rahman:
Modelling and Simulation of Products Quality Control System for Demethanizer Column from a Natural Gas Treatment Plant. 27-32 - Mihai Stan, Theodor Borangiu, Silviu Raileanu:
Data- and model-driven digital twins for design and logistics control of product distribution. 33-40 - Bogdan-Iulian Ciubotaru
, Vasilica-Gabriel Sasu
, Andrei Vasilateanu, Nicolae Goga, Ramona Dragomir, Alexandru-Filip Popovici:
A quantitative research for determining the user requirements for developing a system to assist people with frailty. 41-45 - Cristina-Maria Stancioi, Iulia Clitan, Abrudean Mihai, Vlad Muresan:
Implementing a Pulmonary Fibrosis Diagnostic System Using the Matlab Environment. 46-52 - Valentin Dache, Valentin Sgarciu:
Performance analysis of a low-cost small-scale flywheel energy storage system. 53-56 - Radu-Andrei Cioaca, Cristian Flutur:
Reaction Wheel Control of an 3D Printed Inverted Pendulum. 57-61 - Ioan-Alexandru Sgârciu, Alin-Alexandru Nastase, Andreea Nedelcu, Bogdan Nedelcu, Valentin Sgârciu:
Theoretical and experimental research on digital pneumatic on / off distributors. 62-67 - Iulia-Cristina Radulescu, Dan Stefanoiu:
A Strategy for Aerial Vehicle Trajectory Tracking using Robust Model Predictive Control. 68-75 - Octavian Pastravanu
, Mihaela-Hanako Matcovschi
Stability of switched linear systems with average dwell time - A result encompassing several prior approaches. 76-82 - Irina Cojuhari
, Ion Fiodorov, Bartolomeu Izvoreanu, Dumitru Moraru
Synthesis of the State-Feedback Controllers by the Genetic Algorithm According to the Maximum Stability Degree Criterion. 83-88 - Marina Ciocîrlan, Andreea Udrea, Ciprian Lupu:
The Analysis of biological signals using Machine Learning Techniques. 89-92 - Aura-Loredana Popescu
, Nirvana Popescu:
Neural networks - based solutions for predicting the affective state of children with autism. 93-97 - Andrei Ionut Damian, Laurentiu Piciu, Cosmin Mihai Marinescu, Nicolae Tapus:
ProVe - Self-supervised pipeline for automated product replacement and cold-starting based on neural language models. 98-105 - Denis C. Ilie-Ablachim
, Bogdan Dumitrescu:
Classification with Incoherent Kernel Dictionary Learning. 106-111 - Bogdan Alexandru Radulescu, Adina Magda Florea:
Human Action Recognition Methods Based on CNNs for RGB Video Input. 112-118 - Sergiu Zaharia
, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Trausan-Matu
CWE Pattern Identification using Semantical Clustering of Programming Language Keywords. 119-126 - Veronica Radu, Mihai Nan, Mihai Trascau, David-Traian Iancu, Alexandra Stefania Ghita, Adina Magda Florea:
Car crash detection in videos. 127-132 - Alexandra Stefania Ghita, Mihai Nan, David-Traian Iancu, Adina Magda Florea
Top-level Scene Information Extraction from Eye-level View Images. 133-137 - George-Cristian Patru, Iuliu Vasilescu, Daniel Rosner, Dan Tudose
Aerial Drone Platform for Asset Tracking Using an Active Gimbal. 138-142 - Ahmed Shihab, Hussein Salah, Mariana Mocanu:
Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Based On K-Means Cluster and Convolutional Neural Network. 143-150 - Irina Mocanu, Anca Tudor, Oana Cramariuc:
Gesture-Based Human-Robot Interaction. 151-156 - Rares Folea
, Emil-Ioan Slusanschi
A new metric for evaluating the performance and complexity of computer programs: A new approach to the traditional ways of measuring the complexity of algorithms and estimating running times. 157-164 - Teodor-Petrut Apostol, Radu Velea, Razvan Deaconescu
A Framework for Analyzing GPU-Executed Malware. 165-171 - Grigore Lupescu, Nicolae Tapus:
Design of hashtable for heterogeneous architectures. 172-177 - Manolache Sergiu, Nirvana Popescu:
A critical analysis of bio-inspired classifiers and decision-making solutions. 178-183 - Ionut Mihalache, Mihai Carabas, Darius Mihai, Maria-Elena Mihailescu, Nicolae Tapus:
Bhyve - JSON file format snapshot. 184-188 - Iulia Maria Florea, Gabriel Ghinita, Razvan Rughinis:
Sharing of Network Flow Data across Organizations using Searchable Encryption. 189-196 - Andreea Concea, Tudor Nitescu, Loretta Ichim, Dan Popescu:
Texture Analysis for Images with Forested Areas. 197-202 - Andrei Roznov, Radu Dobrescu, Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim:
Segmentation of Brain Tumors from MRI Images Using Deep Neural Networks. 203-208 - Prarthna Clare
, Kristine Nellany, Rasha Abu Eid
Quantification of Collagen IV in Normal, Potentially Malignant and Malignant lesions of the Oropharynx: A Pilot Study. 209-214 - Przemyslaw Waliszewski, Grzegorz Banaszak:
On Complexity and Topology Measures for Evaluation of Intercellular Connectivity in Human Colon Adenocarcinomas. 215-220 - Radu Dogaru, Ioana Dogaru:
A Python Framework for Fast Modelling and Simulation of Cellular Nonlinear Networks and other Finite-difference Time-domain Systems. 221-226 - Gabriela Zinca, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu, Ana-Maria Dragulinescu, Radu Dobrescu:
Assessment of quality of health services in fractal-organized connectionist networks. 227-231 - Rîciu Ionela Mirela, Daniela Hossu, Andrei Hossu:
Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques used for EEG based Pain Monitoring. 232-237 - Giorgiana Cristescu, Oana Chenaru, Radu Dobrescu:
A holonic approach of manufacturing systems modeling and simulation. 238-242 - Mihai Craciunescu, Diana Baicu, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu, Cristian Dobre:
Determining on-shelf availability based on RGB and ToF depth cameras. 243-248 - Viorel Mihai, Cristian Dragana, Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim:
Condition Monitoring of Manufacturing Production Lines Using Fractal Analysis of Energy Consumption Datasets. 249-253 - Adriana Olteanu, Maximilian Nicolae:
Using advanced V2X communication technologies in self-organized VANETs. 254-259 - Béatrix-May Balaban, Ioan Stefan Sacala, Alina Petrescu-Nita, Florin Pop:
Cyber-Physical Systems - A New Approach For Keyless Entry Systems. 260-266 - Andrei Nae, Ioan Dumitrache:
Adaptive Models for Microscopic Traffic Modelling. 267-273 - Liviu Ilie, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Simona Iuliana Caramihai, Janetta Culita:
Enterprise Architecture Role in Hospital Management Systems Development. 274-279 - Eugen Marius Oprea, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Simona Iuliana Caramihai:
Context Awareness in Enterprise Systems Design. 280-286 - Radu-Constantin Simen, Ioan Stefan Sacala:
Bio-Cyber-Physical System for Management of Smart City's Short Term Parking. 287-294 - Marian-Cosmin Dumitru, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Radu Pietraru
A Review of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Edge and Fog Oriented Enterprise Systems. 295-301 - Alexandra Catalina Ciocîrlan, Victor Vladareanu, Ana-Maria Travediu, Ionel-Alexandru Gal, Octavian Melinte, Mihai Radulescu, Luige Vladareanu:
Improved Performance of the Autonomous Mobile Robot Vectors by New Intelligent Control Interfaces. 302-307 - Ana-Maria Travediu, Octavian Melinte, Alexandra Catalina Ciocîrlan, Victor Vladareanu, Mitica Manoliu, Bogdan Capra, Luige Vladareanu:
Pedestrian Detection in Robotic Response for the First Responders. 308-313 - Constantin Florin Caruntu, Andreea-Valentina Militaru
, Ciprian-Romeo Comsa
Cyber-Physical Systems-based Architecture for Signalized Traffic Corridors: Monitoring and Synchronized Coordination. 314-321 - Alexandra Cernian, Elena Vlasceanu, Bogdan Tiganoaia, Alin Iftemi:
Deploying blockchain technology for storing digital diplomas. 322-327 - Eugen Pop
, Daniela Gîfu, Aurelian Mihai Stanescu, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu, Ioan Stefan Sacala:
Cyber Physical Systems Architecture for Collaborative Services. 328-334 - Costica Nitu, Alexandru Dumitrascu, Vladimir F. Krapivin, Vladimir Yu. Soldatov:
Geoecological Information-Modeling System And Its Applications. 335-339 - Costica Nitu, Vladimir F. Krapivin, Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan, Anda Sabena Dobrescu:
Expert System for the Water System Diagnostics. 340-344 - Vasile M. Tovarnitchi:
Scalable Approaches for Environmental Monitoring Solutions. 345-348 - Gheorghe Sebestyen, Anca Hangan
, Zoltan Czako:
Anomaly detection in water supply infrastructure systems. 349-355 - Timotei Bidila, Radu Nicolae Pietraru
, Anca Daniela Ionita
, Adriana Olteanu
Monitor Indoor Air Quality to Assess the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission. 356-361 - Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, Alexandru Negoita, Ana-Maria Dragulinescu, Roxana Roscaneanu, Veronica Sanda Chedea, George Suciu:
The use of IoT technology in Smart Viticulture. 362-369 - Anamaria Iamandi, Iulia Cristina Constantin, Costel Constantin, Nicoleta Arghira, Ioana Fagarasan
, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
Study on total fault clearing time in digital substations. 370-374 - Mircea Stefan Simoiu
, Grigore Stamatescu, Vasile Calofir
, Ioana Fagarasan
, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
Comparative Analysis of Predictive Models for Subway Rolling Stock Energy Forecasting. 375-380 - Ionut Bogdan Stoenescu, Sorina Costinas
, Gheorghe Marius Deaconu:
Case Study for Validation of Hydropower Schedule Simulation Algorithm. 381-385 - Marius-Alexandru Dobrea, Nicoleta Arghira, Mihaela Vasluianu, Neculoiu Giorgian, Ana-Maria Cristiana Moldoveanu:
MPPT techniques application and comparison for photovoltaic panels. 386-392 - Ruben Iacob Munteanu
, Iulia Stamatescu
, Vasile Calofir, George Bogdan Nica, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
Structural damage mitigation using a fuzzy controller. 393-400 - Florin Pop, Ciprian Mihai Dobre, Elena Simona Apostol, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu, Ciprian-Octavian Truica, Ion-Dorinel Filip, Catalin Negru
Working with Datasets: Experience from Research Projects. 401-407 - Marin Oprea, Mariana Mocanu:
Bluetooth Communications in Educational Robotics. 408-413 - Ciprian-Ionut Nutescu, Mariana Mocanu:
Smart reactive grading system based on genetic algorithms and behavioral psychology. 414-419 - Alexandru Chirvase, Laura Ruse, Mihnea Muraru, Mariana Mocanu, Vlad Ciobanu:
Clean Code - Delivering A Lightweight Course. 420-423 - Catalin Tudose, Carmen Odubasteanu:
Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. 424-431 - Alexandra Hosszu, Cosima Rughinis:
Design Issues in e-Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 432-438 - Remus Florentin Ionita, Dragos-Georgian Corlatescu, Mihai Dascalu, Danielle S. McNamara:
Predicting the Global Impact of Authors from the Learning Analytics Community - A Case Study grounded in CNA. 439-446 - Cristian Dascalu, Stefan Trausan-Matu
Experiments with Contextualized Word Embeddings for Keyphrase Extraction. 447-452 - Razvan Paroiu
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
A new approach for chat sonification. 453-456 - Maria Stoicescu
, Cosima Rughinis:
Perils of digital intimacy. A classification framework for privacy, security, and safety risks on dating apps. 457-462 - Denis Iorga, Dragos-Georgian Corlatescu, Octavian Grigorescu, Cristian Sandescu, Mihai Dascalu, Razvan Rughinis:
Yggdrasil - Early Detection of Cybernetic Vulnerabilities from Twitter. 463-468 - Andrea-Mariana Budeanu, Daniel Rosner:
Big Data as Capital. A Case Study on the Innovation Labs Tech Accelerator. 469-475 - Rodica Gabriela Dawod, Ciprian Dobre:
Classification of Sunflower Foliar Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Network. 476-481 - Marilena Ianculescu, Adriana Alexandru
, Florin Pop:
Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Current Digital Healthcare Solutions. 482-488 - Eleonora Tudora
, Eugenia Tirziu, Nicolae-Dragos Nicolau, Maria Gheorghe-Moisii:
Fog and Cloud Computing-based IoT in Healthcare Monitoring System for Healthy Ageing. 489-494 - Elena-Anca Paraschiv, Ovidiu Bica, Petrache Cristian, Marilena Ianculescu:
IoT-based Ambient Parameters Monitoring Device for in-Home Elderly Care. 495-500 - Ion Alexandru Marinescu, Catalina-Maria Rotaru, Dragos Nicolau, Piotr Krawiec:
Challenges and perspectives for the development of a future ecosystem for elderly within pandemic. 501-508 - Asma Channa
, Najeeb Ur Rehman Malik, Nirvana Popescu:
Association of Stride Rate Variability and Altered Fractal Dynamics with Ageing and Neurological Functioning. 509-514 - Ciprian Dobre, Lidia Bajenaru, Ion Alexandru Marinescu, Mihaela Tomescu, Gabriel Ioan Prada, Susanna Spinsante:
New opportunities for older adults care transition from traditional to personalised assistive care: vINCI platform. 515-520 - Veronica Gavrila, Lidia Bajenaru, Ciprian Dobre:
Towards the development of a medical rehabilitation system. 521-528 - George-Valentin Iordache, Mihaela Balanescu, George Suciu, Andrei Birdici, Adrian Pasat
, Ionel Zatreanu, Mirel Paun
, Stefania Bucuci:
The PIMEO AI project - a Cloud based platform for water quality monitoring. 529-535 - Marius-Robert Draghici, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu:
Insights Into Romania's Economic Development Using Satellite Imagery. 536-543 - Alexandru Hogea, Olimpia Ursu, Cristian Condruz, Ciprian Dobre:
Towards automatisation of academic administrative processes: a Romanian case study. 544-551 - Dorin Palanciuc, Florin Pop:
Balancing objects on DOORS nodes. 552-559
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