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22nd CSCS 2019: Bucharest, Romania
- 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2019, Bucharest, Romania, May 28-30, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-2331-8
- Duc Lich Luu, Ciprian Lupu, Thien Van Nguyen:
Design and Simulation Implementation for Adaptive Cruise Control Systems of Vehicles. 1-6 - Andra Baltoiu
, Bogdan Dumitrescu:
Size Adaptation of Separable Dictionary Learning with Information-Theoretic Criteria. 7-11 - Duc Lich Luu, Ciprian Lupu:
Dynamics Model and Design for Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles. 12-17 - Marc-Simon Schaefer, Daniela Escobar, Hubert Roth:
Nonlinear Identification and Controller Design for the Air Levitation System. 18-23 - Anca Maxim
, José María Maestre, Constantin Florin Caruntu
, Corneliu Lazar:
Min-Max Coalitional Model Predictive Control Algorithm. 24-29 - Vlad Mihaly
, Mircea Susca
, Petru Dobra:
Passivity-Based Controller for Nonideal DC-to-DC Boost Converter. 30-35 - Loránd Székely, Eva-Henrietta Dulf
, Levente Kovács:
Development of an Approach to a Biologically Inspired Self-Organizing Control Structure. 36-41 - Mihaela-Ancuta Mone
, Sette Diop, Dumitru Popescu:
Optimal Control for Diesel Engine Combustion Regime. 42-47 - Ionut Banu, Monica Patrascu
Control System Design for Unicycle Robots Using Genetic Algorithms with Pareto Immunization. 48-55 - Dora Sabau, Petru Dobra:
A PI Controller Based on State-Feedback Algorithm for an X-Y Positioning System. 56-60 - Delia Ioana Dogaru, Ioan Dumitrache:
Cyber Security of Smart Grids in the Context of Big Data and Machine Learning. 61-67 - Andrei-Alexandru Kiraly, Mirela Dobra:
Optimal Control for Buck Converters. 68-71 - Cerasela-Alexandra Petre, Adrian Korodi:
Honeypot Inside an OPC UA Wrapper for Water Pumping Stations. 72-77 - Sabri Pllana, Suejb Memeti
, Joanna Kolodziej:
Customizing Pareto Simulated Annealing for Multi-Objective Optimization of Control Cabinet Layout. 78-85 - Alexandru Cismas, Eduard Cismas, Decebal Popescu:
Detecting Vital Signs Using Inertial Measurement Unit Sensors in Military Applications. 86-90 - Mihaela-Hanako Matcovschi
, Octavian Pastravanu
Equivalence between Two Results Providing Polyhedral Contractive Sets for Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Arbitrary Switching. 91-96 - Cristian Patrascioiu, Marian Popescu
Robust Control of Benzene Distillation Column. 97-102 - Radu-Andrei Cioaca, Dan Stefanoiu
Simulating Acoustics of a Room Using MATLAB. 103-106 - Ion Fiodorov
, Irina Cojuhari
, Bartolomeu Izvoreanu, Dumitru Moraru
Analytical Algorithms for Synthesis of PID Controllers to the Complex Objects. 107-111 - Andrei George Florea, Catalin Buiu:
Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Drone Waypoint Navigation Using ROS and Numerical P Systems: A Critical Analysis of Its Advantages and Limitations. 112-117 - Cristian Lupascu
, Mihai Togan, Victor Valeriu Patriciu:
Acceleration Techniques for Fully-Homomorphic Encryption Schemes. 118-122 - Valentin-Alexandru Vladuta, Ioana Matei, Ion Bica:
Data Gathering Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 123-130 - Ciprian Dobre
, Constanta Zoie Radulescu
, Lidia Bajenaru
Parameters Weighting in Elderly Monitoring Based on Multi-Criteria Methods. 131-135 - Ovidiu Panait, Luminita Dumitriu, Ioan Susnea:
Hardware and Software Architecture for Accelerating Hash Functions Based on SoC. 136-139 - George-Valentin Iordache:
An Analysis of Service Level Agreement Parameters and Scheduling in Multi-Tenant Cloud Systems. 140-145 - Bogdan-Cosmin Chifor, Stefan-Ciprian Arseni, Ioana Matei, Ion Bica:
Security-Oriented Framework for Internet of Things Smart-Home Applications. 146-153 - Adriana Alexandru
, Dora Coardos, Eleonora Tudora
IoT-Based Healthcare Remote Monitoring Platform for Elderly with Fog and Cloud Computing. 154-161 - Cosmin-Gabriel Samoila, Emil-Ioan Slusanschi
COSMOS - Framework for Combining Optimization and Simulation Software. 162-169 - Stefan-Lucian Bucur, Florica Moldoveanu:
Anomaly Detection for Time Series Infrastructure Metric Data. 170-175 - Mohammed Tali Almalchy, Vlad Ciobanu
, Nirvana Popescu:
Noise Removal from ECG Signal Based on Filtering Techniques. 176-181 - Mihaela Balanescu, Iulia Oprea, George Suciu, Marius-Alexandru Dobrea, Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu
, Radu-Ioan Ciobanu
, Ciprian Dobre
A Study on Data Accuracy for IoT Measurements of PMs Concentration. 182-187 - Vlad-Andrei Zamfir, Mihai Carabas, Costin Carabas, Nicolae Tapus
Systems Monitoring and Big Data Analysis Using the Elasticsearch System. 188-193 - Andra-Teodora Ilie, Ion-Dorinel Filip, Andrei Vlad Postoaca, Catalin Negru
, Florin Pop, Adrian Stoica
, Florin Serban:
Faster and Scalable Parallel Processing Solution to Remove Visual Obstacles from Satellite Imagery. 194-201 - Andrei Cristian Nica, Mihai Trascau, Alexandru Andrei Rotaru, Constantin Andreescu, Alexandru Sorici, Adina Magda Florea
, Vlad Bacue:
Collecting and Processing a Self-Driving Dataset in the UPB Campus. 202-209 - Cristiana Stan, Irina Mocanu:
An Intelligent Personalized Fashion Recommendation System. 210-215 - Catalin-Mircea Dumitrescu, Ioan Dumitrache:
Combining Neural Networks and Global Gabor Features in a Hybrid Face Recognition System. 216-222 - Florina Ungureanu
, Robert Gabriel Lupu
, Andrei Rasvan Romila:
Experimental Analysis of Visual Cortex Activity - An EEG Study. 223-227 - Alexandru Sorici, Andrei Olaru, Stelian Flonta, Szilárd Enyedi
, Adina Magda Florea
Towards Enabling Context-as-a-Service for Social Assistive Robotics. 228-235 - Dorin Moldovan, Ionut Anghel
, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Viorica R. Chifu, Cristina Pop:
Kangaroo Mob Heuristic for Optimizing Features Selection in Learning the Daily Living Activities of People with Alzheimer's. 236-243 - Cosmin Gabriel Toader, Nirvana Popescu, Ioana Alina Teodorescu, Alin Daniel Toader, Stefan Busnatu
Patient Flow Control Using Multi-Agent Systems. 244-250 - Andrei Olaru, Alexandru Sorici, Adina Magda Florea
A Flexible and Lightweight Agent Deployment Architecture. 251-258 - Panagiotis Christias
, Mariana Mocanu:
Enhancing Bayes' Probabilistic Decision Support with a Fuzzy Approach. 259-263 - Calin Eugen Nicolae Gal-Chis, Bazil Pârv:
Using Non-Functional Requirements to Identify Cross-Cutting Concerns. 264-271 - Roxana Draganoiu, George Anescu, Florica Moldoveanu, Alin Moldoveanu
Interactive Visual Modeling with Applications in Jewelry Design. 272-279 - Florica Moldoveanu, Andrei Ciobanu, Anca Morar
, Alin Moldoveanu
, Victor Asavei
Real-Time Segmentation of Depth Map Frames on Mobile Devices. 280-287 - Radu-Alexandru Mantu, Dan Sporici
, Mihai-Daniel Chiroiu:
Control Flow Integrity Based on Controlled Channel. 288-295 - Xueyi Yang, Lingchen Zhang, Cunqing Ma, Zongbin Liu, Ping Peng:
Android Control Flow Obfuscation Based on Dynamic Entry Points Modification. 296-303 - Alexandru-Ionut Pandelea, Mihai-Daniel Chiroiu:
Password Guessing Using Machine Learning on Wearables. 304-311 - Ionut-Cosmin Cernica, Nirvana Popescu, Bogdan Tiganoaia:
Security Evaluation of Wordpress Backup Plugins. 312-316 - Jan-Alexandru Vaduva, Stefan Dascalu, Iulia-Maria Florea, Iulia Culic, Razvan Rughinis
Observations over SPROBES Mechanism on the TrustZone Architecture. 317-322 - Dragos-Florin Costea, Nicolae Tapus
Detection of Suspicious Connections on Android Mobile Devices. 323-328 - Stefan-Alexandru Aldoiu, Nicolae Tapus
Security Improvements for IoT Data Acquisition Process. 329-336 - Razvan Tataroiu, Florin-Alexandru Stancu, Dumitru-Cristian Tranca:
Energy Considerations Regarding Transport Layer Security in Wireless IoT Devices. 337-341 - Nicoleta Arghira, Ioana Fagarasan
, Cristina Nichiforov
, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu, Iulia Stamatescu
, Vasile Calofir, Nicoleta Daniela Ignat:
Demand Dispatch for the Distribution Grid - A Proposal for the Romanian Power System. 342-346 - Ionut Bogdan Stoenescu, Sorina Costinas
, Gheorghe Marius Deaconu:
Assessment of Hydropower Plants Energy Production Cost Influenced by Operational Decisions and Control Strategy. 347-352 - Doina Ilisiu, Elena-Daniela Dinu:
Modern Reactive Power Compensation for Smart Electrical Grids. 353-357 - Mihai Andrei Ionescu:
Volt/VAr Control Application for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems. 358-362 - Anamaria Iamandi, Nicoleta Arghira, Iulia Cristina Constantin, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
The Influence of Digital Communications in Protection Schemes. 363-368 - Vasile Calofir
, Ioana Fagarasan
, Nicoleta Arghira, Mircea Stefan Simoiu
, Grigore Stamatescu
, Cristina Nichiforov
, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
Simulator for Automation and Control Systems in a Power System. 369-374 - Mihaela Vasluianu, Oana-Carmen Niculescu-Faida, Ramona-Oana Flangea, Neculoiu Giorgian, Mariana Marinescu:
Microgrid System for a Residential Ensemble. 375-379 - Petre Dimo:
Knowing, Believing and Thinking We Know. 380 - Adina Magda Florea
, Serban Radu:
Artificial Intelligence and Education. 381-382 - Florin Pop, Valentin Cristea:
Distributed Systems Education: From Traditional Models to New Paths of Learning. 383-386 - Robert Gabriel Lupu
, Florina Ungureanu
, Corina Cimpanu
Brain-Computer Interface: Challenges and Research Perspectives. 387-394 - Rodica Potolea, Camelia Lemnaru
Understanding and Addressing Change in Computer Science Education. 395-397 - Mariana Mocanu:
Insights and Perspectives in Computer Science and Engineering Education. 398-402 - Andrei Ionut Damian, Laurentiu Piciu, Sergiu Turlea, Nicolae Tapus
Advanced Customer Activity Prediction Based on Deep Hierarchic Encoder-Decoders. 403-409 - Andrei Simion, Mihai Dascalu
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
Analysis of Trends in Online Romanian News Using Semantic Models. 410-415 - Marilena Panaite, Stefan Ruseti, Mihai Dascalu
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
Towards a Deep Speech Model for Romanian Language. 416-419 - Orlando-Georgian Ene, Maria-Dorinela Sirbu, Mihai Dascalu
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
, Alexandru Costin Nuta:
PIAM - Intelligent Platform for Retrieving Relevant Information on Drugs Marketed in Romania. 420-425 - Alexandra Hosszu, Daniel Rosner, Michael Flaherty:
Sleep Tracking Apps' Design Choices: A Review. 426-431 - Maria-Valentina Stoicescu, Stefania Matei, Razvan Rughinis
Sharing and Privacy in Dating Apps. 432-437 - Raisa-Gabriela Zamfirescu, Cosima Rughinis
, Alexandra Hosszu, Darie Cristea:
Cyber-Security Profiles of European Users: A Survey. 438-442 - Ziyad Hussien Salih
, Ghanim Thiab Hasan, Mostafa Abdulghafoor Mohammed
, Marwan Ali Shnan Klib, Ahmed Hussien Ali
, Ruwaida A. Ibrahim:
Study the Effect of Integrating the Solar Energy Source on Stability of Electrical Distribution System. 443-447 - Nada Qasim Mohammed, Mohammed Swish Ahmed
, Mostafa Abdulghafoor Mohammed
, Omar A. Hammood, Hayder Ali Nema Alshara, Aya Ahkam Kamil:
Comparative Analysis between Solar and Wind Turbine Energy Sources in IoT Based on Economical and Efficiency Considerations. 448-452 - Bashar Qas Elias
, Mohammad Alsajri
, Ping Jack Soh
, Abdullah Al-Hadi Azremi
Design of Flexible Planar Antennas Using Substrate Gap Structure for Surface Wave Reduction. 453-458 - Hussam Dheaa Kamel Al-Janabi
, Haider Dheyaa Kamil Al-janabi, Raed Abdulkareem Hasan Al-Bukamrh:
Impact of Light Pulses Generator in Communication System Application by Utilizing Gaussian Optical Pulse. 459-464 - Salih Hassan Mahmood, Abdulkreem Mohammed Salih
, Muhammed Ismail Khalil:
Broadband Services on Power Line Communication Systems: A Review. 465-470 - Costica Nitu, Alexandru Dumitrascu, Vladimir F. Krapivin, Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan, Vladimir Yu. Soldatov:
Information-Modeling Instrumental System for the Water Resource Diagnostics. 471-477 - Costica Nitu, Anda Sabena Dobrescu, Vladimir F. Krapivin, Vladimir Yu. Soldatov:
Algorithm for Decision Making and Big Data Processing. 478-483 - Vasile M. Tovarnitchi:
Designing Distributed, Scalable and Extensible System Using Reactive Architectures. 484-488 - Vasile M. Tovarnitchi:
Intelligent Wireless Sensor Network Applications in Cloud Era. 489-491 - Eusebiu Pruteanu
, Petru Gabriel
Intelligent Measuring System Using Network Wireless Sensors for Structural Diagnostics. 492-495 - Nebojsa T. Milosevic, Herbert F. Jelinek
, Nemanja Rajkovic
, Luke A. Donnan
Proprioception and Postural Stability of the Young Adult Human: Multifractal Analysis. 496-500 - Nebojsa T. Milosevic, Velicko Vranes
, Damjan Stojic
The Binary Images of Aspiny Neurons from the Human Neostriatum: Cluster Classification Using Parameters of Monofractal Analysis. 501-506 - Maria Ghita
, Mihaela Ghita
, Dana Copot, Martine Neckebroek, Clara M. Ionescu
Experimental Measurement of Pain Stimulus Effects in Skin Impedance. 507-514 - Irina-Andra Tache
, Dumitru Popescu, Ruxandra-Andreea Codreanu:
Fractal Matrix and Morphological Analysis of Retinal Vascular Regions. 515-520 - Tanbir Najrana, Juan Sanchez-Esteban, Rasha Abu Eid
The Effect of Mechanical Forces on the Morphology of a Lung Epithelial Cell Line. 521-524 - Alexandru Costache, Dan Popescu, Cosmin Popa
, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu:
Multi-Camera Video Surveillance. 525-530 - Andrei-Cristian Nastase, Gabriel Predusca
, Dan-Constantin Puchianu, Liana-Denisa Circiumarescu, Nicoleta Angelescu:
Simulation Based of Comparative Study of Routing Protocols for Real Time Applications. 531-535 - Viorel Mihai
, Razvan Adrian Luchian
, Cristian Dragana, Dan Popescu:
Leveraging Industrial Communication in Technical Training Systems. 536-540 - Jan-Iliuta-Romeo Cojocaru, Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim
Image Based Fault Detection Algorithm for Flexible Industrial Assembly Line. 541-546 - Giorgiana Cristescu, Radu Dobrescu, Oana Chenaru, Gheorghe Florea:
DEW: A New Edge Computing Component for Distributed Dynamic Networks. 547-551 - Mihai Craciunescu, Diana Baicu, Maria Circiumaru, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu, Radu Dobrescu:
Towards the Development of Autonomous Wheelchair. 552-557 - Ana Maria Chiriac
, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu, Andrei Lacatusu:
Risk Analysis and Control. 558-562 - Maximilian Nicolae, Alexandru Mihai Vulcan:
Distributed Concurrent Actor Models with Akka.NET and CAF. 563-568 - Adrian-Costin Tundrea:
Modeling Crowd Dynamics in a Multi-Agent Based Evacuation Simulation System. 569-574 - Manuel Adelin Manolache, Nicolae Tapus
Universal Resource Management and Logistics Using Blockchain Technology. 575-582 - Levente Simon, Anna Soós:
Fractal Analysis on the Football Pitch. 583-585 - Cornel Ion Serban, Cosmin Popa
, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu, Daniela Saru:
Dedicated Algorithms for Risk Minimization in Suspicious Financial Transactions. 586-591 - Cristina Elena Poenaru, Radu Dobrescu:
Fractal Techniques in Health Information Systems Management: Can They Be Used? 592-597 - Radu Angelescu, Stefan Popa:
Considerations about miRNA and Diseases Networks. 598-601 - Eugen Pop
, Daniela Gîfu:
A Cyber-Physical Systems Oriented Platform Using Web Services. 602-609 - Luige Vladareanu, Victor Vladareanu, Octavian Melinte
, Mihai Radulescu, Marius Pandelea, Alexandra Catalina Ciocîrlan:
Mobile Robots Applied on Virtual and Real Environments. 610-615 - Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu
, Ioan Stefan Sacala
, Ioan Dumitrache, Simona Iuliana Caramihai, Nicolae Constantin, Bogdan Barbulescu, Marius Danciuc:
A Cyber-Physical Approach in Heterogeneous Communication Networks. 616-621 - Eugen Pop
, Daniela Gîfu, Ioan Stefan Sacala
, Simona Iuliana Caramihai, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu
, Dragos Repta:
Services Integration for Cyber Physical Systems. 622-628 - Andrei Nae, Ioan Dumitrache:
Neuro-Fuzzy Traffic Signal Control in Urban Traffic Junction. 629-635 - Ciprian Dobre
, Lidia Bajenaru
, Ion Alexandru Marinescu, Mihaela Tomescu:
Improving the Quality of Life for Older People: From Smart Sensors to Distributed Platforms. 636-642 - Ovidiu-Lucian Bajenaru
, Adrian-Mihai Custura:
Enhanced Framework for an Elderly-Centred Platform: Big Data in Monitoring the Health Status. 643-648 - Marilena Ianculescu, Alexandru Balog, Irina Cristescu, Dragos Daniel Iordache, Lidia Bajenaru
Latent Profile Analysis in Health Research: A Case Study. 649-654 - Marilena Ianculescu, Adriana Alexandru
, Nicolae-Dragos Nicolau, Gabriel Neagu, Ovidiu Bica:
IoHT and Edge Computing, Warrants of Optimal Responsiveness of Monitoring Applications for Seniors. A Case Study. 655-661 - Gabriel Neagu, Vladimir Florian, Madalina Zamfir:
Health Monitoring Management Solution Centred on the Cloud of Things Service Integrator. 662-666 - Alexandru-Florin Gavril, Alexandra Stefania Ghita, Alexandru Sorici, Adina Magda Florea
Towards a Modular Framework for Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration. 667-674 - Mihai Nan, Alexandra Stefania Ghita, Alexandru-Florin Gavril, Mihai Trascau, Alexandru Sorici, Bogdan Cramariuc, Adina Magda Florea
Human Action Recognition for Social Robots. 675-681 - Dan Tufis, Verginica Barbu Mititelu
, Elena Irimia, Maria Mitrofan, Radu Ion
, George Cioroiu:
Making Pepper Understand and Respond in Romanian. 682-688 - Vlad-Ilie Ungureanu, Bianca-Alexandra Trutiu, Ioan Silea, Paul Negîrla, Cristian G. Zimbru, Razvan-Catalin Miclea:
Automatic Mapping of a Room Using LIDAR-Based Measuring Sensor. 689-695 - Eva-Henrietta Dulf
, Daniel D. Timis, Loránd Székely, Liviu Cristian Miclea:
Adaptive Fractional Order Control Applied to a Multi-Rotor System. 696-699 - Alexandru Pop, Ovidiu Petru Stan
Control a 6DOF Anthropomorphic Robotic Structure with Computer Vision as MEMS Input. 700-706 - Adriana Alexandru
, Marilena Ianculescu, Ion Alexandru Marinescu, Theodor Dan Popescu
Shaping the Digital Citizen into a Smart Citizen on the Basis of IoT Capabilities. 707-714 - Nicoleta-Denisa Bortanoiu, Teodora-Maria Goran, Loredana-Marsilia Groza, Roxana-Gabriela Stan
Pedestrian Congestion Monitoring Platform. 715-719 - Vlad Bucur, Ovidiu Petru Stan
, Liviu C. Miclea:
Data Loss Prevention and Data Protection in Cloud Environments Based on Authentication Tokens. 720-725 - Cristiana-Stefania Stan, Adrian-Eduard Pandelica, Vlad-Andrei Zamfir, Roxana-Gabriela Stan
, Catalin Negru
Apache Spark and Apache Ignite Performance Analysis. 726-733
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