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21st CSCS 2017: Bucharest, Romania
- 21st International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2017, Bucharest, Romania, May 29-31, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-1839-4
- Dan S. Necsulescu, Bilal A. Jarrah
Real-Time Temperature Control of a One Dimensional Metal Plate. 5-12 - Rajesh Koduri, Sorin Olaru, Pedro Rodríguez-Ayerbe
Sensitivity of Piecewise Control Laws with Respect to Perturbation of the State-Space Partition. 13-18 - Monica Patrascu, Andreea Ion
Self-Adaptation in Genetic Algorithms for Control Engineering: The Case of Time Delay Systems. 19-25 - Cristian-Bogdan Rusu, Corneliu Lungoci, Daniel Moga, Gloria Cosovici, Nicoleta Stroia:
Modelling a Temperature Calibration System for Medical Probes. 26-33 - Iuliana Marin
, Naseer Abdulkarim Jaber Al-Habeeb, Nicolae Goga, Andrei Vasilateanu
, Ionel-Bujorel Pavaloiu
, Costin-Anton Boiangiu
Improved M-Government Based on Mobile WiMAX. 37-42 - Lavinius Ioan Gliga
, Houcine Chafouk
, Dumitru Popescu, Ciprian Lupu:
Fault Detection and Identification for Fire and Explosion Detection. 43-50 - Stefan-Cristian Nechita, Codrin Alexandru Lupascu
, Octavian Pastravanu
On Spectrum Location of Discrete-Time Systems with Polytopic Uncertainties. 51-58 - Janetta Culita, Dan Stefanoiu
Multi-Model Identification of Pumping System in ASTANK2 Plant. 59-66 - Mihnea Rosu-Hamzescu
, Sergiu Oprea
, Cristina Polonschii
, Eugen Gheorghiu
, Mihaela Gheorghiu
High Performance Low Cost Impedance Spectrometer for Biosensing. 69-75 - Paul Tucan
, Florin Craciun, Calin Vaida
, Bogdan Gherman
, Doina Pisla
, Corina Radu
, Nicolae Crisan:
Development of a Control System for an Innovative Parallel Robot Used in Prostate Biopsy. 76-83 - Eugen Iancu, Emil Petre:
Control Strategy Based on Sensitivity Analysis. Application for Anaerobic Digestion Bioprocess. 84-89 - Adrian Korodi, Teodor Huple, Ioan Silea, Octavian Stefan:
IGSS Higher-Level SCADA Optimal Resource Allocation to Integrate Water and Waste Water Pumping Stations. 93-98 - Iulia Clitan, Vlad Muresan, Mihail Abrudean, Sas Diana Monica:
Automatic Determination of Optimal Length of Casting Steel Blocks in the Context of an Imprecise Manufacturing. 99-105 - Dumitru-Cristian Tranca, Daniel Rosner, Alexandru-Viorel Palacean
Autonomous Flexible Low Power Industrial IoT Controller for Solar Panels Cleaning Systems. 106-112 - Ancuta-Petronela Barzu, Mihai Carabas, Nicolae Tapus
Scalability of a Web Server: How Does Vertical Scalability Improve the Performance of a Server? 115-122 - Constanta Zoie Radulescu
Cloud Provider's Services Evaluation Using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers. 123-128 - Huijun Dai, Zhaosheng Dai, Xiaolin Gui, Min Zhu, Kuncai Zhong
, Shuming Liu:
RT_Vivaldi: A Symmetric & Equality RTT Prediction Algorithm in Networks. 129-133 - George Valentin Iordache, Florin Pop, Christian Esposito
, Aniello Castiglione
Selection-Based Scheduling Algorithms under Service Level Agreement Constraints. 134-140 - Ionut-Catalin Draghici, Monica Nastasia Mihailescu, Laurentiu Ilie Guta, Andrei Vasilateanu
, Ionel-Bujorel Pavaloiu
, Iuliana M. Bocicor, Arthur Molnar
, Nicolae Goga:
A Quantitative Research to Decide the User Requirements for the i-Light System. 143-148 - Cristian Cocioaba, Dan Tudose
Environmental Monitoring Using Heterogeneous Wi-Fi and IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. 149-155 - Darius Andrei Suciu, Radu Sion
Droidsentry: Efficient Code Integrity and Control Flow Verification on TrustZone Devices. 156-158 - Ioana Radoi, Gabriel Gutu, Traian Rebedea, Cristian Neagu, Marius Popa:
Indoor Positioning inside an Office Building Using BLE. 159-164 - Vlad Doru Colceriu, Teodor Stefanut
, Victor Bâcu
, Dorian Gorgan:
Low Grade Sensor Data Based Annotation of Topological Railway Maps. 167-174 - Stefania Matei, Cosima Rughinis
, Razvan Rughinis
Big Data, Old Users, Personal Worlds: A Survey of Challenges and Resistance to Big Data Analytics in the EU. 175-181 - Costin-Gabriel Chiru
, Tudor Dimcica, Stere Caciandone:
Expression of Political Opinions in Press. 182-189 - Iulia Florea, Razvan Rughinis
, Laura Ruse
, Dan Dragomir:
Survey of Standardized Protocols for the Internet of Things. 190-196 - Florina Ungureanu
, Robert Gabriel Lupu
, Simona Caraiman
, Andrei Stan:
A Framework to Assess Cortical Activity of Visually Impaired Persons during Training with a Sensory Substitution Device. 199-206 - Selver Ezgi Küçükbay, Mustafa Sert, Adnan Yazici:
Use of Acoustic and Vibration Sensor Data to Detect Objects in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks. 207-212 - Alexandra Cernian
, Adriana Olteanu
, Dorin Carstoiu, Cristina Mares:
Mood Detector - On Using Machine Learning to Identify Moods and Emotions. 213-216 - Mihaela Maracine, Alexandra Radu, Vlad Ciobanu
, Nirvana Popescu:
Brain Computer Interface Architectures and Classification Approaches. 217-222 - Alexandru-Florin Gavril, Mihai Trascau, Irina Mocanu:
Multimodal Interface for Ambient Assisted Living. 223-230 - Tudor Berariu, Florin Gogianu, Adina Magda Florea
Random Projection Based Representations for Learning Policies in Deterministic Atari Games. 233-238 - Adriana-Cristina Enache, Valentin Sgarciu, Mihai Togan:
Comparative Study on Feature Selection Methods Rooted in Swarm Intelligence for Intrusion Detection. 239-244 - Corina Cimpanu
, Florina Ungureanu
, Vasile-Ion Manta
, Tiberius Dumitriu:
A Comparative Study on Classification of Working Memory Tasks Using EEG Signals. 245-251 - Radu Cristian Alexandru Iacob, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Trausan-Matu
NLCP: Towards a Compiler for Natural Language. 252-259 - Alexandra Voinea, Florica Moldoveanu, Alin Moldoveanu
3D Model Generation of Human Musculoskeletal System Based on Image Processing: An Intermediary Step while Developing a Learning Solution Using Virtual and Augmented Reality. 263-270 - Claudiu Baronea, Adrian Cojocaru, Mihai Frâncu, Anca Morar
, Victor Asavei
Comparison between Incompressible SPH Solvers. 271-278 - Alexandru Emilian Susu:
Low-Cost Distributed Video Surveillance with Discarded Mobile Phones. 279-286 - Andrei Ciobanu, Anca Morar
, Florica Moldoveanu, Lucian Petrescu, Oana-Maria Ferche, Alin Moldoveanu
Real-Time Indoor Staircase Detection on Mobile Devices. 287-293 - Andreea Racovita, Anca Morar
, Oana Balan
, Florica Moldoveanu, Alin Moldoveanu
Near Infrared Imaging for Tissue Analysis. 294-300 - Alexandru Pruncu, Irina Mocanu:
A Parallel Version of the OneCut Image Segmentation Algorithm. 301-307 - Radu Velea, Casian Ciobanu, Florina Gurzau, Victor Valeriu Patriciu:
Feature Extraction and Visualization for Network PcapNg Traces. 311-316 - Alexandru Boicea, Florin Radulescu, Ciprian-Octavian Truica
, Cristina Costea:
Database Encryption Using Asymmetric Keys: A Case Study. 317-323 - Florin-Alexandru Stancu, Mihai Chiroiu, Razvan Rughinis
SecCollab - Improving Confidentiality for Existing Cloud-Based Collaborative Editors. 324-331 - Tanbir Najrana, Juan Sanchez-Esteban, Rasha Abu Eid
The Effect of Oligohydramnios on Tissue and Cellular Morphometry in the Developing Fetal Murine Lung. 337-342 - Nebojsa T. Milosevic, Antonio Di Ieva
, Herbert F. Jelinek
, Nemanja Rajkovic
Box-Counting Method in Quantitative Analysis of Images of the Brain. 343-349 - Nemanja Rajkovic
, Marko Radulovic
, Bojana Stojadinovic
, Dragica Nikolic Vukosavljevic, Ksenija Kanjer, Nebojsa T. Milosevic:
Analysis of Histopathology Images by the Use of Monofractal and Multifractal Algorithms. 350-355 - Przemyslaw Waliszewski, Ryszard Skwarek:
Deterministic Chaos and Mitochondrial Synthesis of Reactive Oxygen Species. 356-363 - Andreea Udrea, George Daniel Mitra:
Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Skin Lesions Detection in Clinical Images. 364-368 - Lavinia Costan, Stefan Popa:
The Company's Internal Audit Seen as a Piece of a Complex System. 371-374 - Mihai Bucurica, Ioana Dogaru, Radu Dogaru:
Novel Applications of Complexity Inspired RDT Transform for Low Complexity Embedded Speech Recognition in Automotive Environments. 375-378 - Celestin Draganescu, Cosmin Popa
, Adrian-Costin Tundrea:
Context-Aware Adaptive System for Intelligent Transport Management. 379-384 - Adrian-Costin Tundrea, Celestin Draganescu, Cosmin Popa
Integrating Intelligent Transport Systems in a Risk Management System of Systems. 385-391 - Liana-Denisa Circiumarescu, Gabriel Predusca
, Nicoleta Angelescu, Dan-Constantin Puchianu:
A New Approach to Improve Performance of Routing Protocols for Voice, Video Conferencing and FTP Services. 392-398 - Giorgiana Geampalia, Florin Hartescu, Oana Chenaru, Gheorghe Florea:
Communication Technologies for Complex Industrial Systems. 401-405 - Cristina Elena Poenaru, Radu Dobrescu, Daniel Marian Merezeanu:
Fractal Organization in Healthcare Information Systems. 406-413 - Adelin Manuel Manolache:
Integrated Decision Making Platform. 414-421 - Victor Ursianu, Florica Moldoveanu, Radu Ursianu, Emiliana Ursianu:
Bayesian Networks Applications Extended to Evaluate the Reliability of EMS and DMS Software Systems. 422-425 - Aimee-Theodora Dumitrescu, Ecaterina Oltean, Daniel Marian Merezeanu, Radu Dobrescu:
Emergence in Hierarchical Complex Systems Structured as Social Networks. 426-431 - Jan-Iliuta-Romeo Cojocaru, Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim
Texture Classification Algorithm Using Elements of Fractal Analysis. 435-440 - Levente Simon, Anna Soós:
Fixed Point Theorem on High Dimensional Apollonian Networks. 441-446 - Mihai Craciunescu, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu
, George Manea:
Towards Practical Integration of WSN in Cloud Dedicated to Smart Environments. 447-452 - Andrei Duluta, Stefan Alexandru Mocanu
, Radu Pietraru
, Daniel Marian Merezeanu, Daniela Saru:
Secure Communication Method Based on Encryption and Steganography. 453-458 - Alexandru Mihai Vulcan, Maximilian Nicolae:
Fractal Compression with GPU Support. 459-462 - Alexandru Tiganasu, Corneliu Lazar, Constantin Florin Caruntu
Cyber Physical Systems - Oriented Design of Cooperative Control for Vehicle Platooning. 465-470 - Dragos Repta, Aurelian Mihai Stanescu:
Holistic Approach for Process Model Discovery. 471-476 - Ioan Dumitrache, Simona Iuliana Caramihai, Ioan Stefan Sacala
, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu
A Cyber Physical Systems Approach for Agricultural Enterprise and Sustainable Agriculture. 477-484 - José Ferreira, Joao Nuno Soares, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
, Carlos Agostinho
Management of IoT Devices in a Physical Network. 485-492 - Eugen Pop
, Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu
, Ioan Stefan Sacala
A Cyber-Physical Systems Oriented Transaction Platform. 493-499 - Victor Vladareanu, Sergiu B. Cononovici, Radu I. Munteanu, Hongbo Wang, Yongfei Feng, Luige Vladareanu:
Modelling Inverse Kinematics for Virtual Environment Robot Simulation. 500-505 - Delia Ioana Dogaru, Ioan Dumitrache:
Robustness of Power Systems in the Context of Cyber Attacks. 506-512 - Dorian Floarea, Valentin Sgarciu:
LED Smart Illumination with DFID Indoor Positioning. 515-522 - Liliana Dobrica
, Radu Pietraru
Experiencing Native Mobile Health Applications Development. 523-528 - Serban Radu:
A Negotiation Framework with Strategies Based on Agent Preferences. 529-535 - Imad Alex Awada
, Irina Mocanu, Adina Magda Florea
, Bogdan Cramariuc:
Multimodal Interface for Elderly People. 536-541 - Andreea Macovei:
Capturing the Evolution of Characters in Novels. 545-552 - Daniela Gîfu, Mihaela Plamada-Onofrei
Detecting Bridge Anaphora in Novels. 553-558 - Gabriel Gutu
, Mihai Dascalu
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
, Olivier Lepoivre:
How Adequate Is Your CV? Analyzing French CVs with ReaderBench. 559-565 - Ionut Cristian Paraschiv, Mihai Dascalu
, Stefan Trausan-Matu
, Nicolae Nistor
, Ambar Murillo Montes de Oca, Danielle S. McNamara:
Semantic Similarity versus Co-Authorship Networks: A Detailed Comparison. 566-570 - Angela Chan, Sergiu Dascalu:
Using Brain Computer Interface Technology in Connection with Google Street View. 571-576 - Andrei Ionut Damian, Nicolae Tapus
Model Architecture for Automatic Translation and Migration of Legacy Applications to Cloud Computing Environments. 577-582 - Alexandru Predescu
, Mariana Mocanu, Ciprian Lupu:
Modeling the Effects of Leaks on Measured Parameters in a Water Distribution System. 585-590 - Lucia Vacariu, Anca Hangan
, Octavian Cret, Andrei Cretu:
A Decision Support System on the Cyberwater Platform. 591-598 - Antonio Candelieri, Ilaria Giordani, Francesco Archetti:
Supporting Resilience Management of Water Distribution Networks through Network Analysis and Hydraulic Simulation. 599-605 - George Suciu
, Laurentiu Bezdedeanu, Andrei Vasilescu, Victor Suciu:
Unified Intelligent Water Management Using Cyberinfrastructures Based on Cloud Computing and IoT. 606-611 - A. Tserstou, Andreja Jonoski, Ioana Popescu
, T. Herman Asumpção, G. Athanasiou, Andreas Kallioras
, Iulian Nichersu:
SCENT: Citizen Sourced Data in Support of Environmental Monitoring. 612-616 - Catalin Negru
, Florin Pop, Mariana Mocanu, Valentin Cristea:
Storage Solution of Spatial-Temporal Data for Water Monitoring Infrastructures Used in Smart Cities. 617-621 - Dan Dragan, Dan Tudose
, Dan Dragomir:
Enablement of CoAP Stack on Sparrow Wireless Sensor Network. 625-629 - Ioana Fagarasan
, Iulia Stamatescu
, Nicoleta Arghira, Daniela Hossu, Andrei Hossu, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
Control Techniques and Strategies for Microgrids: Towards an Intelligent Control. 630-635 - Mihaela Puianu, Ramona-Oana Flangea, Nicoleta Arghira, Sergiu Stelian Iliescu:
PV Panel - Wind Turbine Hybrid System Modelling. 636-640 - Stefan Gheorghe
, Nicolae Golovanov, George Cristian Lazaroiu
, Radu Porumb
Smart Grid, Integration of Renewable Sources and Improvement of Power Quality. 641-645 - Alina Marinica, Oana Chenaru, Gheorghe Florea, George Marian Manea:
Enabling Smart Integration of Renewable Energy in National Energy Transport Infrastructures. 646-650 - Alexandru Mihai Vulcan, Maximilian Nicolae:
High Performance Computing Based on a Smart Grid Approach. 651-655 - Lavinia Nastase:
Security in the Internet of Things: A Survey on Application Layer Protocols. 659-666 - Alexandru Stanciu
Blockchain Based Distributed Control System for Edge Computing. 667-671 - Alexandru Cismas, Ioana Matei, Vlad Ciobanu
, George Casu:
Crash Detection Using IMU Sensors. 672-676 - Constantin Nandra, Victor Bacu
, Dorian Gorgan:
Parallel Earth Data Tasks Processing on a Distributed Cloud Based Computing Architecture. 677-684 - George Suciu
, Cristina Butca, Ciprian Dobre
, Cornel Popescu:
Smart City Mobility Simulation and Monitoring Platform. 685-689 - Cristian Vidan
, Mihaela Maracine:
Corona Discharge Classification Based on UAV Data Acquisition. 690-695 - Cosmin Gabriel Toader:
Multi-Agent Based E-Health System. 696-700 - Vladimir F. Krapivin, Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan, Vladimir Yu. Soldatov, Vasile M. Tovarnitchi:
An Expert Systems for the Aquatic Systems Investigation. 703-707 - Vasile M. Tovarnitchi:
Cloud-Based Architectures for Environment Monitoring. 708-714 - Costica Nitu, Vladimir F. Krapivin, Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan, Vladimir Yu. Soldatov, Anda Sabena Dobrescu:
Multi-Functional Informational - Instrumental Technology for the Hydrochemical Monitoring. 715-720 - Vladimir F. Krapivin, Vladimir Yu. Soldatov, Costica Nitu, Alexandru Dumitrascu:
Geoecological Information-Modeling System as a Tool for Global Environmental Diagnostics. 721-724
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