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3. CCGRID 2003: Tokyo, Japan
- 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003), 12-15 May 2003, Tokyo, Japan. IEEE Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1919-9
Regular Papers
- Darius Buntinas, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Ron Brightwell:
Application-Bypas Broadcast in MPICH over GM. 2-9 - Motohiko Matsuda, Tomohiro Kudoh, Yutaka Ishikawa:
Evaluation of MPI Implementations on Grid-connected Clusters using an Emulated WAN Environmen. 10-17 - Matthias S. Müller
, Matthias Hess, Edgar Gabriel:
Grid enabled MPI solutions for Clusters. 18-25 - Olivier Aumage, Guillaume Mercier
MPICH/MADIII: a Cluster of Clusters Enabled MPI Implementation. 26-33
- Shannon Hastings, Tahsin M. Kurç, Stephen Langella, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Tony Pan
, Joel H. Saltz:
Image Processing or the Grid: A Toolkit or Building Grid-enabled Image Processing Applications. 36-43 - Tsz Kin Ho, Jack Y. B. Lee:
A Row-Permutated Data Reorganization Algorithm for Growing Server-less Video-on-Demand Systems. 44-51 - Ludmila Cherkasova, Loren Staley:
Building a Performance Model of Streaming Media Applications in Utility Data Center Environment. 52-59
Algorithms & Applications
- Ken-ichi Kurata, Vincent Breton
, Hiroshi Nakamura
A Method to Find Uniq e Sequences on Distrib ted Genomic Databases. 62-69 - James Cheetham, Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Andrew Rau-Chaplin
, Ulrike Stege, Peter J. Taillon:
A Parallel FPT Application For Clusters. 70-77 - Christophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier
, Mohamed Jemni
A Synthesis of P rallel Out-of-core Sorting Programs on Heterogeneous Clusters. 78-85 - Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Todd Eavis, Andrew Rau-Chaplin
Parallel Multi-Dimensional ROLAP Indexing. 86-93
Parallel I/O
- Murali Vilayannur, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Rajeev Thakur
, Robert B. Ross:
Discretionary Caching for I/O on Clusters. 96-103 - Avery Ching, Alok N. Choudhary, Kenin Coloma, Wei-keng Liao
, Robert B. Ross, William Gropp
Noncontiguous I/O Accesses Through MPI-IO. 104-111 - Vlad Olaru, Walter F. Tichy:
CARDs: Cluster-Aware Remote Disks. 112-119 - Tobias Mayr, Philippe Bonnet
, Johannes Gehrke, Praveen Seshadri:
Leveraging Non-Uniform Resources for Parallel Query Processing. 120-127
Scheduling and Resource Management
- Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Jack J. Dongarra:
A Performance Oriented Migration Framework For The Grid. 130-137 - Arnaud Legrand, Loris Marchal
, Henri Casanova:
Scheduling Distributed Applications: the SimGrid Simulation Framework. 138-145 - Stephen D. Kleban, Scott H. Clearwater:
Fair Share on High Performance Computing Systems: What Does Fair Really Mean? 146-153
Programming on the Grid
- Kento Aida, Wataru Natsume, Yoshiaki Futakata:
Distributed Computing with Hierarchical Master-worker Paradigm for Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm. 156-163 - Win Bausch, Cesare Pautasso, Gustavo Alonso:
Programming for Dependability in a Service-based Grid. 164-171 - Beomseok Nam, Alan Sussman
Improving Access to Multi-dimensional Self-describing Scientific Dataset. 172-179
Grid Tools
- Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Sriram Krishnan, Kenneth Chiu, Aleksander Slominski
, Dennis Gannon, Randall Bramley:
Merging the CCA Component Model with the OGSI Framework. 182-189 - Maozhen Li, P. van Santen, David W. Walker
, Omer F. Rana
, Mark A. Baker:
PortalLab: A Web Services Toolkit for Building Semantic Grid Portals. 190-197 - Junwei Cao, Stephen A. Jarvis
, Subhash Saini, Graham R. Nudd:
GridFlow: Workflow Management for Grid Computing. 198-205 - Mitsuhisa Sato, Taisuke Boku, Daisuke Takahashi
OmniRPC: a Grid RPC ystem for Parallel Programming in Cluster and Grid Environment. 206-213
- Vani Prasad, Yugyung Lee:
A Scalable Infrastructure for Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Web Service Registries and Intelligent Peer Locators. 216-223 - Chris M. Kenyon
, Giorgos Cheliotis:
Creating Services with Hard Guarantees from Cycle-Harvesting Systems. 224-231 - Yi Ren, Chaofeng Sha, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou, Beng Chin Ooi, Kian-Lee Tan
Explore the "Small World Phenomena" in Pure P2P Information Sharing Systems. 232-239 - Bennet Uk, Michela Taufer
, Thomas Stricker, Giovanni Settanni
, Andrea Cavalli, Amedeo Caflisch:
Combining Task- and Data Parallelism to Speed up Protein Folding on a Desktop Grid Platform. 240-247
Data Grid
- Radhakrishnan Sundaresan, Tahsin M. Kurç, Mario Lauria, Srinivasan Parthasarathy
, Joel H. Saltz:
A Slacker Coherence rotocol for Pull-based Monitoring of On-line Data Source. 250-257 - Sang-Min Park, Jai-Hoon Kim:
Chameleon: A Resource Scheduler in A Data Grid Environment. 258-265 - Arne Wiebalck, Peter T. Breuer
, Volker Lindenstruth, Timm M. Steinbeck:
Fault-Tolerant Distributed Mass Storage for LHC Computing. 266-273
- Chang Li, Gang Peng, Kartik Gopalan
, Tzi-cker Chiueh:
Performance Guarantees for Cluster-Based Internet Services. 276-283 - Takashi Okumura, Daniel Mossé, Masaki Minami, Osamu Nakamura:
Network QoS Management Framework for Server Clusters An End-Host Retrofitting Event-Handler Approachusin Netnice. 284-291 - Akhil Sahai, Sven Graupner, Vijay Machiraju, Aad P. A. van Moorsel:
Specifying and Monitoring Guarantees in Commercial Grids through SLA. 292-299
Cluster Tools
- Anca I. D. Bucur, Dick H. J. Epema:
The Performance of Processor Co-Allocation in Multicluster Systems. 302-309 - Mark K. Gardner, Wu-chun Feng, Michael Broxton, Adam Engelhart, Justin Gus Hurwitz:
MAGNET: A Tool for Debugging, Analyzing and Adapting Computing Systems. 310-317 - Konosuke Watanabe, Tomohiro Otsuka, Junichiro Tsuchiya, Hideharu Amano, Hiroshi Harada, Junji Yamamoto, Hiroaki Nishi
, Tomohiro Kudoh:
Performance Evaluation of RHiNET-2/NI: A Network Interface for Distributed Parallel Computing Systems. 318-325 - Shinji Sumimoto, Kouichi Kumon:
PM/Ehernet-kRMA: A High Performance Remote Memory Access Facility Using Multiple Gigabit Ethernet Cards. 326-333
Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing on Large Scale Distributed Systems
- Hung-Chang Hsiao, Chung-Ta King:
A Tree Model for Structured Peer-to-Peer Protocols. 336-343 - Luc Onana Alima, Sameh El-Ansary, Per Brand, Seif Haridi:
DKS (N, k, f): A Family of Low Communication, Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Infrastructures for P2P Applications. 344-350 - Farnoush Banaei Kashani, Cyrus Shahabi:
Criticality-based Analysis and Design of Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks as "Complex Systems". 351-358 - Kiyohide Nakauchi, Yuichi Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Tomonori Aoyama:
Peer-to-Peer Keyword Search Using Keyword Relationship. 359-366 - Abhishek Agrawal, Henri Casanova:
Clustering Hosts in P2P and Global Computing Platforms. 367-373 - Shoji Ogura, Satoshi Matsuoka, Hidemoto Nakada
Evaluation of the inter-cluster data transfer on Grid environment. 374-381 - Oleg Lodygensky, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello, Vincent Néri, Miron Livny, Douglas Thain
XtremWeb & Condor sharing resources between Internet connected Condor pools. 382-389 - Thomas Fuhrmann:
Supporting Peer-to-Peer Computing with FlexiNet. 390-397 - Ronaldo A. Ferreira
, Christian Grothoff, Paul Ruth
A Transport Layer A straction for Peer-to-Peer Networks. 398-405 - Samir Djilali:
P2P-RPC: Programming Scientific Applications on Peer-to-Peer Systems with Remote Procedure Call. 406-413 - Tyron Stading:
Secure Communication in a Distributed System Using Identity Based Encryption. 414-420 - Konstantinos G. Zerfiridis, Helen D. Karatza
Large Scale Dissemination Using a Peer-to-Peer Network. 421-427 - Vaidy S. Sunderam, James S. Pascoe, Roger J. Loader:
Towards a Framework for Collaborative Peer Groups. 428-433 - Nodoka Mimura, Kiyohide Nakauchi, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Tomonori Aoyama:
RelayCast: A Middleware for Application-level Multicast Services. 434-441 - Yaohang Li, Michael Mascagni:
Improving Performance via Computational Replication on a Large-Scale Computational Grid. 442-448
DSM2003: Distributed Shared Memory on Clusters
- Yoshinori Ojima, Mitsuhisa Sato, Hiroshi Harada, Yutaka Ishikawa:
Performance of Cluster-enabled OpenMP for the SCASH Software Distributed Shared Memory System. 450-456 - Thomas Seidmann:
Distributed Shared Memory Using The .NET Framework. 457-462 - Yoshiaki Sakae, Mitsuhisa Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka, Hiroshi Harada:
Preliminary Evaluation of Dynamic Load Balancing Using Loop Re-partitioning on Omni/SCASH. 463-470 - Ramamurthy Badrinath, Christine Morin, Geoffroy Vallée:
Checkpointing an Recovery of Share Memory Parallel Applications in a Cluster. 471-478 - Yvon Jégou:
Implementation of Page Management in Mome, a User-Level DSM. 479-486 - Cristian Tapus:
Kernel Level Speculative DSM. 487-494 - Liang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong
, Chung-Kwong Yuen:
The Performance Model of SilkRoad - A Multithreaded DSM System for Clusters. 495-501 - Michael Schöttner, Moritz Wende, Ralph Göckelmann, T. Bindhammer, U. Schmid, Peter Schulthess:
A Gaming Framework for a Transactional DSM System. 502-509 - Jerzy Brzezinski
, Michal Szychowiak
An Extended Home-ased Coherence Protocol for Causally Consistent Replicated Read-Write Objects. 510-515 - Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé
, Sébastien Lacour:
Making a DSM Consistency Protocol Hierarchy-Aware: an Efficient Synchronization Scheme. 516-523
Grids and Advanced Networks (GAN'03)
- Micah Beck, Ying Ding, Erika Fuentes, Sharmila Kancherl:
An Exposed Approach to Reliable Multicast in Heterogeneous Logistical Networks. 526-533 - Craig A. Lee
, Eric Coe, B. Scott Michel, James Stepanek, Ignacio Solis, J. Matt Clark, Brooks Davis:
Using Topology-Aware Communication Services in Grid Environments. 534-541 - Se-Chang Son, Miron Livny:
Recovering Internet Symmetry in Distributed Computing. 542-549 - Markus Fidler, Volker Sander
Multi-class Applications for Parallel Usage of a Guaranteed Rate and a Scavenger Service. 550-557 - Taisuke Boku, Mitsuhisa Sato, Kenji Onuma, Junichiro Makino
, Hajime Susa
, Daisuke Takahashi
, Masayuki Umemura, Akira Ukawa:
HMCS-G: Grid-enabled Hybrid Computing System for Computational Astrophysics. 558-565
- Yaohang Li, Michael Mascagni, Michael H. Peter:
Grid-based Nonequilibrium Multiple-Time Scale Molecular Dynamics/Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Ligand-Receptor Interactions in Structured Protein Systems. 568-573 - Sophia Corsava, Vladimir Getov:
Cluster Infrastructure for Biological and Health Related Research. 574-581 - Hugues Benoit-Cattin, Fabrice Bellet, Johan Montagnat, Christophe Odet:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Simulation On A Grid Computing Architecture. 582-587 - Johan Montagnat, Vincent Breton
, Isabelle E. Magnin:
Using grid technologies to face medical image analysis challenges. 588-593 - Brian Sturgeon, Damian McCourt, John Cowper, Fiona Palmer, Sally I. McClean
, Werner Dubitzky:
Can the Grid Help to Solve the Data Integration Problems in Molecular Biology? 594-600 - Thomas Fuhrmann, Andrea Schafferhans
, Thure Etzold:
An Overlay-Network Approach for Distributed Access to SRS. 601-605 - Hector Duque, Johan Montagnat, Jean-Marc Pierson
, Lionel Brunie, Isabelle E. Magnin:
DM2: A Distributed Medical Data Manager for Grids. 606-611
Agent Based Cluster and Grid Computing
- Tieyan Li, Zhi-Gang Zhao, Si-Zhen Yo:
A-peer: An Agent Platform Integrating Peer-to-Peer Network. 614-617 - Niranjan Suri, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
, Marco M. Carvalho
, Thomas B. Cowin, Maggie R. Breedy, Paul T. Groth, Raul Saavedra:
Agile Computing: Bridging the Gap between Grid Computing and Ad-hoc Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing. 618-625 - Line Pouchard, Luca Cinquini, Bob Drach, Don Middleton, David E. Bernholdt
, Kasidit Chanchio, Ian T. Foster, Veronika Nefedova, David Brown, Peter Fox, José García, Gary Strand, Dean N. Williams, Ann L. Chervenak, Carl Kesselman
, Arie Shoshani, Alex Sim
An Ontology for Scientific Information in a Grid Environment: the Earth System Grid. 626-632 - Sophia Corsava, Vladimir Getov:
Agent-Based Service Management in Large Datacentres and Grids. 633-640 - Andraz Bezek, Matjaz Gams:
An Agent Version of a Cluster Server. 641-644 - Torsten Eymann, Michael Reinicke, Oscar Ardaiz
, Pau Artigas, Felix Freitag
, Leandro Navarro
Decentralized Resource Allocation in Application Layer Networks. 645-650 - Seng Wai Loke:
Towards Data-Parallel Skeletons for Grid Computing: An Itinerant Mobile Agent Approach. 651-652 - Luc Moreau
, Simon Miles
, Carole A. Goble
, Robert Mark Greenwood, Vijay Dialani, Matthew Addis, Mahmut Nedim Alpdemir
, Rich Cawley, David De Roure
, Justin Ferris, Robert J. Gaizauskas
, Kevin Glover
, Chris Greenhalgh
, Peter Li, Xiaojian Liu, Phillip W. Lord, Michael Luck
, Darren Marvin, Thomas M. Oinn, Norman W. Paton
, Steve Pettifer, Milena V. Radenkovic
, Angus Roberts, Alan J. Robinson, Tom Rodden, Martin Senger, Nick Sharman, Robert Stevens, Brian Warboys, Anil Wipat, Chris Wroe:
On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid. 653-660 - William H. Bell, David G. Cameron, Rubén Carvajal-Schiaffino, A. Paul Millar
, Kurt Stockinger, Floriano Zini
Evaluation of an economy-based file replication strategy for a data grid. 661-668 - Dario Bruneo
, Marco Scarpa, Angelo Zaia, Antonio Puliafito:
Communication Paradigms for Mobile Grid Users. 669-676 - Marc-Laurent Aird, Walter Barbera-Medina, Julian A. Padget
MONET: service discovery and composition for mathematical problems. 678-685
- Benno J. Overeinder, Frances M. T. Brazier, Olivier Marin
Fault Tolerance in Scalable Agent Support Systems: Integrating DARX in the AgentScape Framework. 688-695
Parallel I/O in Cluster Computing and Computational Grids
- Olivier Cozette, Cyril Randriamaro, Gil Utard:
READ2: Put disks at network level. 698-704 - Koji Segawa, Osamu Tatebe, Yuetsu Kodama, Tomohiro Kudoh, Toshiyuki Shimizu:
Design and implementation of PVFS-PM: a cluster file system on SCore. 705-711 - Xinrong Zhou, Tong Wei:
A Greedy I/O Scheduling Method in the Storage System of Clusters. 712-717 - José María Pérez, Félix García, Jesús Carretero
, Alejandro Calderón, Luis Miguel Sánchez:
Data Allocation and Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Cluster Storage Systems. 718-723 - Jemal H. Abawajy:
Performance Analysis of Parallel I/O Scheduling Approaches on Cluster Computing Systems. 724-729 - Yifeng Zhu, Hong Jiang, Xiao Qin, Dan Feng, David R. Swanson:
Improved Read Performance in a Cost-Effective, Fault-Tolerant Parallel Virtual File System (CEFT-PVFS). 730-735 - Ming Zhang, Qing Yang, Xubin He:
Performability Evaluation of Networked Storage Systems Using N-SPEK. 736-741
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