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4. CCGRID 2004: Chicago, Illinois, USA
- 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004), April 19-22, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8430-X
- Kavitha Ranganathan, Matei Ripeanu, A. Sarin, Ian T. Foster:
Incentive mechanisms for large collaborative resource sharing. 1-8 - An-Hsun Cheng, Yuh-Jzer Joung:
Probabilistic file indexing and searching in unstructured peer-to-peer networks. 9-18 - Jerry Chi-Yuan Chou, Tai-Yi Huang, Kuang-Li Huang:
SCALLOP: a scalable and load-balanced peer-to-peer lookup protocol for high-performance distributed systems. 19-26 - Hao Chen, Hai Jin, Jianhua Sun, Dafu Deng, Xiaofei Liao:
Analysis of large-scale topological properties for peer-to-peer networks. 27-34 - Panayiotis Neophytou, Neophytos Neophytou, Paraskevas Evripidou:
Net-dbx-G: a Web-based debugger of MPI programs over Grid environments. 35-42 - Denise Stringhini:
Parallel program debugging: interface design and implementation. 43-50 - Hidemoto Nakada, Satoshi Matsuoka:
A Java-based programming environment for hierarchical Grid: Jojo. 51-58 - Mark Baker, Richard Boakes:
Ubiquitous information browsing. 59-65 - Dayi Zhou, Virginia Mary Lo:
Cluster Computing on the Fly: resource discovery in a cycle sharing peer-to-peer system. 66-73 - Jin Liang, Klara Nahrstedt:
Supporting quality of service in a non-dedicated opportunistic environment. 74-81 - Anne-Marie Bosneag, Yong Xi, Xinjie Li, Monica Brockmeyer:
Adaptive congestion control for hotspot management in structured peer-to-peer systems. 82-89 - G. Utard, Antoine Vernois:
Data durability in peer to peer storage systems. 90-97 - Colin Allison, Martin Bateman, Ross Nicoll, Alan Ruddle:
Adaptive QoS for collaborative service-oriented learning environments. 98-104 - Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Luis M. Vaquero-González, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo
, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez, Yannis A. Dimitriadis:
GRIDCOLE: a Grid Collaborative Learning Environment. 105-112 - Oscar Ardaiz, Luis Díaz de Cerio
, Antonia Gallardo, Roc Messeguer, Kana Sanjeevan:
ULabGrid framework for computationally intensive remote and collaborative learning laboratories. 119-125 - Lars-Olof Burchard, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Axel Keller, Barry Linnert:
The virtual resource manager: an architecture for SLA-aware resource management. 126-133 - Rashid J. Al-Ali, Gregor von Laszewski, Kaizar Amin, Mihael Hategan
, Omer F. Rana
, David W. Walker, Nestor J. Zaluzec:
QoS support for high-performance scientific Grid applications. 134-143 - Ludmila Cherkasova, Wenting Tang:
Sizing the streaming media cluster solution for a given workload. 144-151 - Heinz Stockinger
, Flavia Donno, Roberto Puccinelli, Kurt Stockinger:
Data Grid tutorials with hands-on experience. 152-159 - Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo
, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo:
Learning Grid technologies in a project-based computer architecture course. 160-167 - Bina Ramamurthy:
GridForce: a comprehensive model for improving the technical preparedness of our workforce for the Grid. 168-173 - Robert L. R. Mattson, Somnath Ghosh:
HTTP(P2P): a transaction based (HTTP) peer-to-peer protocol for the dissemination of Web-objects in congested networks. 174-181 - Adam Wierzbicki, Nathaniel Leibowitz, Matei Ripeanu, Rafal Wozniak:
Cache replacement policies revisited: the case of P2P traffic. 182-189 - John Brevik, Daniel Nurmi, Richard Wolski:
Automatic methods for predicting machine availability in desktop Grid and peer-to-peer systems. 190-199 - Santi Caballé, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis, Joan Manuel Marquès:
Towards a generic platform for developing CSCL applications using Grid infrastructure. 200-207 - Luiz Antônio M. Pereira, Rubens N. Melo, Fábio Porto, Bruno Schulze:
A workflow-based architecture for E-learning in the Grid. 208-209 - Zhiqi Shen, Chunyan Miao, Angela Goh, Robert K. L. Gay:
Agent mediated Grid services in E-learning. 210-211 - Phillip M. Dickens, Jay W. Larson:
Classifiers for the causes of data loss using packet-loss signatures. 212-219 - C. Y. Chan, Jack Y. B. Lee:
A decentralized scheduler for distributed video streaming in a server-less video streaming system. 220-227 - Xinran (Ryan) Wu, Andrew A. Chien:
GTP: group transport protocol for lambda-Grids. 228-238 - James C. Browne:
Grid computing as applied distributed computation: a graduate seminar on Internet and Grid computing. 239-245 - Karen L. Karavanic:
Incorporating Grid computing concepts into a course in performance measurement. 246-250 - Ali Aydin Selçuk, Ersin Uzun, Mark Resat Pariente:
A reputation-based trust management system for P2P networks. 251-258 - Thanasis G. Papaioannou, George D. Stamoulis:
Effective use of reputation in peer-to-peer environments. 259-268 - Lintao Liu, Kyung Dong Ryu, Kang-Won Lee
Keyword fusion to support efficient keyword-based search in peer-to-peer file sharing. 269-276 - Beth Plale
, Craig Jacobs, Scott Jensen, Ying Liu, Charles W. Moad, Rupali Parab, Prajakta Vaidya:
Understanding Grid resource information management through a synthetic database benchmark/workload. 277-284 - José Luis Bosque, L. P. Perez:
Theoretical scalability analysis for heterogeneous clusters. 285-292 - Jin Liang, Klara Nahrstedt, Yuanyuan Zhou:
Adaptive multi-resource prediction in distributed resource sharing environment. 293-300 - Hui Li, David L. Groep, Jeffrey Templon
, Lex Wolters:
Predicting job start times on clusters. 301-308 - Peter M. A. Sloot, Alfredo Tirado-Ramos, Alfons G. Hoekstra, Marian Bubak:
An interactive Grid for non-invasive vascular reconstruction. 309-319 - Mark L. Green, Russ Miller:
Molecular structure determination on a computational and data Grid. 320-327 - Mark L. Green, Russ Miller:
Evolutionary molecular structure determination using Grid-enabled data mining. 328-335 - David Piggott, Alan Kelly, Conor Teljeur:
Exploring the combination of computational Grid processing techniques and public health information in relation to modeling the effects of hospital closure proposals. 336-337 - D. C. Parker, S. A. Collins, D. C. Cleary:
Building near real-time P-2-P applications with JXTA. 338-345 - Tsungnan Lin, Hsinping Wang, Jianming Wang:
Search performance analysis and robust search algorithm in unstructured peer-to-peer networks. 346-354 - Bujor D. Silaghi, Peter J. Keleher, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
Multi-dimensional quorum sets for read-few write-many replica control protocols. 355-362 - Ingo Gruber, Rüdiger Schollmeier, Wolfgang Kellerer:
Performance evaluation of the mobile peer-to-peer service. 363-371 - Rodolfo Bezerra Batista, D. N. Silva, Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo, Weigang Li
Using a DSM application to locally align DNA sequences. 372-378 - Weijian Fang, Cho-Li Wang, Wenzhang Zhu, Francis Chi-Moon Lau:
PAT: a postmortem object access pattern analysis and visualization tool. 379-386 - Gisele da Silva Craveiro, Liria Matsumoto Sato:
CPAR-Cluster: a runtime system for heterogeneous clusters with mono and multiprocessor nodes. 387-394 - Yen-Tso Liu, Tyng-Yeu Liang, Zhe-Hung Kuo, Ce-Kuen Shieh:
Involving memory resource consideration into workload distribution for software DSM systems. 395-402 - José Luis Bosque, L. P. Perez:
HLogGP: a new parallel computational model for heterogeneous clusters. 403-410 - Assaf Schuster, Ran Wolff, Bobi Gilburd:
Privacy-preserving association rule mining in large-scale distributed systems. 411-418 - Han Gao, Ivan R. Judson, Thomas D. Uram, Terry Disz, Michael E. Papka, Rick L. Stevens:
Capability matching of data streams with network services. 419-425 - Chunxi Chen, Bertil Schmidt
Performance analysis of computational biology applications on hierarchical Grid systems. 426-433 - Vincent Breton, Tony Solomonides, Richard McClatchey:
A perspective on the Healthgrid initiative. 434-439 - Nazareno Andrade, Miranda Mowbray, Walfredo Cirne, Francisco Vilar Brasileiro:
When can an autonomous reputation scheme discourage free-riding in a peer-to-peer system? 440-448 - Zhen Liu, Vishal Misra, Laura Wynter:
Dynamic offloading in a multi-provider environment: a behavioral framework for use in influencing peering. 449-458 - Ramamurthy Badrinath, Christine Morin:
Locks and barriers in checkpointing and recovery. 459-466 - Ranjit Noronha, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Designing high performance DSM systems using InfiniBand features. 467-474 - Stefan Frenz, Michael Schöttner, Ralph Göckelmann, Peter Schulthess:
Parallel ray-tracing with a transactional DSM. 475-481 - Thorsten Schütt, André Merzky, Andrei Hutanu, Florian Schintke:
Remote partial file access using compact pattern descriptions. 482-489 - Xi Zhang, Tony Pan, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz:
Serving queries to multi-resolution datasets on disk-based storage clusters. 490-498 - Soon M. Chung, Congnan Luo:
Distributed mining of maximal frequent itemsets from databases on a cluster of workstations. 499-507 - Fei Cai, Shaogang Wu, Longbing Zhang, Zhiming Tang:
Parallel program performance evaluation and their behavior analysis on an OpenMP cluster. 508-514 - Xuli Liu, Hong Jiang, Leen-Kiat Soh:
A distributed shared object model based on a hierarchical consistency protocol for heterogeneous clusters. 515-522 - Jiesheng Wu, Pete Wyckoff, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Robert B. Ross:
Unifier: unifying cache management and communication buffer management for PVFS over InfiniBand. 523-530 - Weihang Jiang, Jiuxing Liu, Hyun-Wook Jin, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, William Gropp
, Rajeev Thakur:
High performance MPI-2 one-sided communication over InfiniBand. 531-538 - Marin Bertier, Luciana Bezerra Arantes
, Pierre Sens
Hierarchical token based mutual exclusion algorithms. 539-546 - Stephen D. Kleban, J. R. Johnston, James A. Ang, Scott H. Clearwater:
With great reliability comes great responsibility: tradeoffs of run-time policy on high reliability systems. 547-554 - Pramod Kumar Konugurthi
, Arun Agarwal, R. Krishnan:
Fuzzy based resource management framework for high throughput computing. 555-562 - Paul Z. Kolano:
Surfer: an extensible pull-based framework for resource selection and ranking. 563-571 - Paul Z. Kolano:
A resource manager for optimal resource selection and fault tolerance service in Grids. 572-579 - Bin Jia, Mei-Hwa Chen, W. Maniatty:
Server directed file domain allocation for noncontiguous file access. 580-587 - Mustafa Mat Deris, Jemal H. Abawajy, H. M. Suzuri:
An efficient replicated data access approach for large-scale distributed systems. 588-594 - María S. Pérez, Alberto Sánchez, Víctor Robles, José M. Peña, Jemal H. Abawajy:
Cooperation model of a multiagent parallel file system for clusters. 595-601 - Huseyin Simitci:
An analytical throughput model for bulk data transfers over wide area networks. 602-609 - Robert Harakaly, Pascale Primet, Franck Bonnassieux:
Grid coordination by using the Grid coordination protocol. 610-616 - Hua Lee, Malathi Veeraraghavan, Hojun Li, Edwin K. P. Chong:
Lambda scheduling algorithm for file transfers on high-speed optical circuits. 617-624 - Cosimo Anglano, Massimo Canonico:
The File Mover: an efficient data transfer system for Grid applications. 625-632 - George Clapp, Joel W. Gannett, Ronald A. Skoog:
Requirements and design of a dynamic Grid networking layer. 633-639 - Markus Lorch, Jim Basney, Dennis G. Kafura:
A hardware-secured credential repository for Grid PKIs. 640-647 - Glenn S. Wasson, Norm Beekwilder, Mark M. Morgan, Marty Humphrey:
OGSI.NET: OGSI-compliance on the .NET framework. 648-655 - Xuxian Jiang, Dongyan Xu, Rudolf Eigenmann:
Protection mechanisms for application service hosting platforms. 656-663 - Keita Teranishi, Padma Raghavan, Zi-Kui Liu
Towards a Grid enabled system for multicomponent materials design. 664-669 - Kenji Kaneda, Kenjiro Taura, Akinori Yonezawa:
Routing and resource discovery in Phoenix Grid-enabled message passing library. 670-677 - Toshio Endo, Kenji Kaneda, Kenjiro Taura, Akinori Yonezawa:
High performance LU factorization for non-dedicated clusters. 678-685 - Jianqi Tang, Binxing Fang, Mingzeng Hu, Hongli Zhang:
Developing a user-level middleware for out-of-core computation on Grids. 686-690 - Jiwu Shu, Bing Wang, Weimin Meng, Yiyan Deng:
Policy of file migration at server in cluster file system. 691-698 - Sherlia Shi, Lili Wang, Kenneth L. Calvert, Jim Griffioen:
A multi-path routing service for immersive environments. 699-706 - Silvia M. Figueira, Sumit Naiksatam, Howard J. Cohen, Doug Cutrell, Paul Daspit, David Gutierrez, Doan B. Hoang, Tal Lavian, Joe Mambretti, Steve Merrill, Franco Travostino:
DWDM-RAM: enabling Grid services with dynamic optical networks. 707-714 - Nut Taesombut, Andrew A. Chien:
Distributed virtual computers (DVC): simplifying the development of high performance Grid applications. 715-722 - Sukhdeep Sodhi, Jaspal Subhlok:
Skeleton based performance prediction on shared networks. 723-730 - Vanish Talwar, Bikash Agarwalla, Sujoy Basu, Raj Kumar, Klara Nahrstedt:
A resource allocation architecture with support for interactive sessions in utility Grids. 731-734 - Gosia Wrzesinska, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal:
An simple and efficient fault tolerance mechanism for divide-and-conquer systems. 735-734 - Sven Graupner, J.-M. Chevrot, Nigel Cook, R. Kavanappillil, Tilo Nitzsche:
Adaptive control system for server groups in enterprise data centers. 736-743 - Diego Puppin, Fabrizio Silvestri, Domenico Laforenza:
An evaluation of component-based software design approaches. 744-753 - Youn-Seok Kim, Jung-Lok Yu, Jae-Gyoon Hahm, Jinsoo Kim, Joonwon Lee:
Design and implementation of an OGSI-compliant Grid broker service. 754-761 - Tal Lavian, Joe Mambretti, Doug Cutrell, Howard J. Cohen, Steve Merrill, Ramesh Durairaj, Paul Daspit, Inder Monga
, Sumit Naiksatam, Silvia M. Figueira, David Gutierrez, Doan B. Hoang, Franco Travostino:
DWDM-RAM: a data intensive Grid service architecture enabled by dynamic optical networks. 762-764 - Sayaka Akioka, Yoichi Muraoka:
Extended forecast of CPU and network load on computational Grid. 765-772 - Sébastien Monnet, Christine Morin, Ramamurthy Badrinath:
Hybrid checkpointing for parallel applications in cluster federations. 773-782 - Dimitra Simeonidou, Reza Nejabati, Mike J. O'Mahony:
Photonic infrastructure for Grid enabled networks. 783-789 - Anirban Mandal
, Anshuman Dasgupta, Ken Kennedy, Mark Mazina, Charles Koelbel, Gabriel Marin, Keith D. Cooper, John M. Mellor-Crummey, Bo Liu, S. Lennart Johnsson:
Scheduling workflow applications in GrADS. 790-797 - Tezaswi Raja, Manish Parashar:
Using a Jini based desktop Grid for test vector compaction and a refined economic model. 798-805
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