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19. Mensch & Computer 2019: Hamburg, Germany
- Florian Alt, Andreas Bulling, Tanja Döring:
Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019, Hamburg, Germany, September 8-11, 2019. GI / ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-7198-8
- Anke Huckauf, Lisa V. Eberhardt:
Information Processing in Real and in Stereoscopic Environments. 1-9 - Rufat Rzayev
, Gürkan Karaman, Katrin Wolf, Niels Henze, Valentin Schwind
The Effect of Presence and Appearance of Guides in Virtual Reality Exhibitions. 11-20 - Daniel Roth, Carola Bloch
, Josephine Schmitt, Lena Frischlich, Marc Erich Latoschik
, Gary Bente:
Perceived Authenticity, Empathy, and Pro-social Intentions evoked through Avatar-mediated Self-disclosures. 21-30 - Philipp Kulms, Stefan Kopp:
More Human-Likeness, More Trust?: The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Self-Reported and Behavioral Trust in Continued and Interdependent Human-Agent Cooperation. 31-42 - Martin Westhoven, Tim van der Grinten, Steffen Müller:
Perceptions of a Help-Requesting Robot - Effects of Eye-Expressions, Colored Lights and Politeness of Speech. 43-54
- Jesús Omar Álvarez Márquez, Jürgen Ziegler:
Augmented-Reality-Enhanced Product Comparison in Physical Retailing. 55-65 - Timm Kleemann
, Jürgen Ziegler:
Integration of Dialog-based Product Advisors into Filter Systems: Integration dialogbasierter Produktberater in Filtersysteme. 67-77 - Maximilian Dürr, Ulrike Pfeil, Jens Müller, Marcel Borowski, Carla Gröschel, Harald Reiterer
Learning Patient Transfers with Technology: A Qualitative Investigation of the Design Space. 79-90 - Daniel Pohlandt, Bernhard Preim, Patrick Saalfeld:
Supporting Anatomy Education with a 3D Puzzle in a VR Environment - Results from a Pilot Study. 91-102 - Sebastian Linsner, Franz Kuntke, Gina Maria Schmidbauer-Wolf, Christian Reuter:
Blockchain in Agriculture 4.0 - An Empirical Study on Farmers Expectations towards Distributed Services based on Distributed Ledger Technology. 103-113
Research Methodology
- Thomas Schmidt, Vera Wittmann, Christian Wolff
The Influence of Participants' Personality on Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics in Usability Testing. 115-126 - Malin Eiband, Charlotte Anlauff, Tim Ordenewitz, Martin Zürn, Heinrich Hussmann:
Understanding Algorithms through Exploration: Supporting Knowledge Acquisition in Primary Tasks. 127-136 - Monika Pröbster, Julia Hermann
, Nicola Marsden:
Personas and Persons - An Empirical Study on Stereotyping of Personas. 137-145 - Daniel Wessel, Christiane Attig, Thomas Franke:
ATI-S - An Ultra-Short Scale for Assessing Affinity for Technology Interaction in User Studies. 147-154 - Anke Dittmar, Andreas Görres:
A Cultural Probes Study on the (Non-)Use of Digital Artefacts. 155-165
- Valentin Lohmüller, Christian Wolff
Towards a Comprehensive Definition of Second Screen. 167-177 - Valentin Lohmüller, Philip Eiermann, Peter Zeitlhöfler, Christian Wolff
Attention Guidance in Second Screen Applications. 179-187 - Sven Mayer
, Lars Lischke
, Valentin Schwind
, Markus Gärtner, Eric Hämmerle, Emine Turcan, Florin Rheinwald, Gustav Murawski, Jonas Kuhn, Niels Henze:
Text Analysis Using Large High-Resolution Displays. 189-197 - Meinald T. Thielsch, Jana Scharfen, Ehsan Masoudi, Meike Reuter:
Visual Aesthetics and Performance: A First Meta-Analysis. 199-210
Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Valentin Schwind
, Jan Leusmann, Niels Henze:
Understanding Visual-Haptic Integration of Avatar Hands Using a Fitts' Law Task in Virtual Reality. 211-222 - Robin Schlünsen, Oscar Ariza, Frank Steinicke:
A VR Study on Freehand vs. Widgets for 3D Manipulation Tasks. 223-233 - Eike Langbehn
, Joel Wittig, Nikolaos Katzakis, Frank Steinicke:
Turn Your Head Half Round: VR Rotation Techniques for Situations With Physically Limited Turning Angle. 235-243 - Malte Husung, Eike Langbehn
Of Portals and Orbs: An Evaluation of Scene Transition Techniques for Virtual Reality. 245-254 - Philipp Ladwig, Bastian Dewitz, Hendrik Preu, Mitja Säger:
Remote Guidance for Machine Maintenance Supported by Physical LEDs and Virtual Reality. 255-262
Safety, Security and Privacy
- Margarita Grinko, Marc-André Kaufhold, Christian Reuter:
Adoption, Use and Diffusion of Crisis Apps in Germany: A Representative Survey. 263-274 - Denis Feth, Svenja Polst:
Heuristics and Models for Evaluating the Usability of Security Measures. 275-285 - Christian Reuter, Katja Häusser, Mona Bien, Franziska Herbert:
Between Effort and Security: User Assessment of the Adequacy of Security Mechanisms for App Categories. 287-297 - Mehrdad Bahrini
, Georg Volkmar, Jonas Schmutte, Nina Wenig, Karsten Sohr
, Rainer Malaka
Make my Phone Secure!: Using Gamification for Mobile Security Settings. 299-308 - Timo Jakobi
, Gunnar Stevens, Anna-Magdalena Seufert, Max Becker:
Webtracking under the New Data Protection Law: Design Potentials at the Intersection of Jurisprudence and HCI. 309-319
Interaction Techniques
- Matthias Weise
, Raphael Zender, Ulrike Lucke:
A Comprehensive Classification of 3D Selection and Manipulation Techniques. 321-332 - Johannes Hartmann, Maximilian Schirmer, Florian Echtler
BinarySwipes: Fast List Search on Small Touchscreens. 333-340 - Henrik Detjen
, Sarah Faltaous, Stefan Geisler
, Stefan Schneegass:
User-Defined Voice and Mid-Air Gesture Commands for Maneuver-based Interventions in Automated Vehicles. 341-348 - Monique Faye Baier, Michael Burmester:
Not Just About the User: Acceptance of Speech Interaction in Public Spaces. 349-359
Mobile and Wearable Interaction
- Dominik Weber
, Alexandra Voit, Niels Henze:
Clear All: A Large-Scale Observational Study on Mobile Notification Drawers. 361-372 - Romina Poguntke, Tamara Mantz, Mariam Hassib, Albrecht Schmidt, Stefan Schneegass:
Smile to Me: Investigating Emotions and their Representation in Text-based Messaging in the Wild. 373-385 - Robin Schweigert, Jan Leusmann, Simon Hagenmayer, Maximilian Weiß, Huy Viet Le
, Sven Mayer
, Andreas Bulling
KnuckleTouch: Enabling Knuckle Gestures on Capacitive Touchscreens using Deep Learning. 387-397 - Jens Müller, Johannes Zagermann
, Jonathan Wieland
, Ulrike Pfeil, Harald Reiterer
A Qualitative Comparison Between Augmented and Virtual Reality Collaboration with Handheld Devices. 399-410 - Diana Löffler, Robert Tscharn, Philipp Schaper, Melissa Hollenbach, Viola Mocke:
Tight Times: Semantics and Distractibility of Pneumatic Compression Feedback for Wearable Devices. 411-419
- Sebastian Schams, Jan Hauffa
, Maximilian Schmidt, Georg Groh:
Market Systems as a Source of Individual Contributive Social Capital Scores. 421-425 - Daniel Wessel, Helke Kohlbrandt, Tilo Mentler
Human-Centered Development of an Activity Diary App for People with Depression. 427-431 - Torben Volkmann, Daniel Wessel, Thomas Franke, Nicole Jochems:
Testing the Social Presence Aspect of the Multimodal Presence Scale in a Virtual Reality Game. 433-437 - Christoph Brauer, Oscar Ariza, Frank Steinicke:
An Active Tangible Device for Multitouch-Display Interaction. 439-444 - Sarah Faltaous, Salma Eljaki, Stefan Schneegass
User Preferences of Voice Controlled Smart Light Systems. 445-449 - Fabian Hemmert, Piet Becker, Alexander Görts, David Hrlic, David von Netzer, Christopher J. Weld:
aicracy: Everyday Objects from a Future Society Governed by an Artifical Intelligence. 451-456 - Friedrich Kegel, Fabian Hemmert:
SandExplorer: Exploring Geospatial Data, Grain by Grain. 457-461 - Hendrik Heuer
, Anna Polizzotto, Franziska Marx, Andreas Breiter
Visualization Needs in Computational Social Sciences. 463-468 - Florian Habler, Valentin Schwind
, Niels Henze:
Effects of Smart Virtual Assistants' Gender and Language. 469-473 - Tim Claudius Stratmann, Dierk Brauer, Susanne Boll:
Supporting the Perception of Spatially Distributed Information on Ship Bridges. 475-479 - Uwe Gruenefeld, Lars Prädel, Wilko Heuten:
Improving Search Time Performance for Locating Out-of-View Objects in Augmented Reality. 481-485 - Majken Kirkegård Rasmussen
, Fabian Hemmert:
Envisioning Future Challenges and Possibilities for Shape-Changing Interfaces through Speculative Scenarios. 487-492 - Erika Root, Wilko Heuten, Susanne Boll:
Maker Cards: Evaluating design cards for teaching physical computing to middle-school girls. 493-497 - Sandra Birnstiel
, Benedikt Steinmüller, Kerstin Bissinger, Simone Doll-Gerstendörfer, Stephan Huber
Gartenfreund: Exploring the Botanical Garden with an Inclusive App. 499-502 - Dennis Lawo
, Katharina Litz, Christina Gromov, Hannah Schwärzer, Gunnar Stevens:
Going Vegan: The Use of digital Media in vegan Diet Transition. 503-507 - Martin Mundt, Tintu Mathew:
Exploring Pie Menus for System Control Tasks in Virtual Reality. 509-513 - Lisa Marie Prinz, Mara Kaufeld, Tintu Mathew:
Point-and-Lift: 3DoF Travel in Virtual Environments. 515-519 - Helge Nissen, Monique Janneck:
Usability Evaluation of Online Questionnaires on Mobile Devices. 521-526 - Anneli Eddy:
Is Technology Killing Human Emotion?: How Computer-Mediated Communication Compares to Face-to-Face Interactions. 527-530 - Stefan Dimitri Ziaras, Wolfgang Wörndl:
Strategy-Specific Preference Elicitation for Group Recommender. 531-535 - Friedemann Dohse, Vera Nicolaisen, Stefanie Wetzel, Sven Bertel:
Potential of AR for the Analysis and Training of Spatial Skills: A Case Study. 537-541 - Gerrit Hirschfeld, Meinald T. Thielsch:
Sample Size Planning and Questionnaire Length in Website-Evaluations. 543-546 - Martina Schuß, Tom Gross:
Boundary Management: Between Clear Separation and Ad-Hoc Decisions. 547-551 - Ludwig Thormann, Tom Gross:
Boundary Management Between Factual Constraints and Emotional Ties. 553-557 - Tom Gross:
Towards a Better Understanding of Negotiation in Group Recommender Systems. 559-563 - Raoul Bickmann, Celine Tran, Ninja Ruesch, Katrin Wolf:
Haptic Illusion Glove: A Glove for Illusionary Touch Feedback when Grasping Virtual Objects. 565-569 - Julia Sageder, Ariane Demleitner, Oliver Irlbacher, Raphael Wimmer:
Applying Voting Methods in User Research. 571-575 - Anna-Lena Müller, Tom Gross:
A Formal Model of the Sematic Structure of Life Domains to Reduce Interruptions. 577-581 - Svenja Dittrich, Ferdinand Hof, Alexander Wiethoff:
InteracDiff: Visualizing and Interacting with UX-Data. 583-587 - Anna-Lena Spleet, Dennis Kahya, Sören Eckhardt, Nils Niercke, Katrin Wolf:
Furniture CGI Presentation as 2D Renderings or Virtual Reality? 589-592 - Felix Thewes
, Thomas Herrmann
, Annette Kluge
Validating a Heuristic Evaluation Method An Application Test. 593-597 - Alexander Schäfer
, Gerd Reis, Didier Stricker
Towards Collaborative Photorealistic VR Meeting Rooms. 599-603 - Anna-Lena Müller, Tom Gross:
Notification Manager: Reducing Interruptions with Boundary Management Concepts. 605-610 - Marcel Müßiggang, Tim Rasim, Tilo Mentler
, Michael Herczeg:
Structuring of Interactive Style Guides. 611-615 - Tanja Heuer
Who Do You Want to Talk to?: User-centered Design for Human-like Robot Faces. 617-620 - Amelie Oberhofer, Sabrina Schmidt, Clara Wild, Anna-Katharina Frison, Andreas Riener
The Influence of User Openness on Acceptance and UX of Smart Speakers. 621-625 - Ksenia Rasin, Birgit Bomsdorf:
Design of Graphical Representations of Dynamic 3D Gestures. 627-631 - Daniel Künkel, Dominik Rupprecht, Rainer Blum:
Evaluation of Tool-based Gesture Extractions. 633-637 - Kathrin Pollmann, Nektaria Tagalidou, Nora Fronemann
It's in Your Eyes: Which Facial Design is Best Suited to Let a Robot Express Emotions? 639-642 - Ravi Kanth Kosuru, Katharina Lingelbach, Michael Bui, Mathias Vukelic
MindTrain: How to Train Your Mind with Interactive Technologies. 643-647 - Markus Jelonek
, Thomas Herrmann
Atentiveness for Potential Accidents at the Construction Site: Virtual Reality Test Environment with Tactile Warnings for Behavior Tests in Hazardous Situations. 649-653 - Regina Koreng:
AR in production: Development of UI patterns. 655-659 - Benjamin Walther-Franks, Tanja Döring, Meltem Yilmaz, Rainer Malaka
Embodiment or Manipulation?: Understanding Users' Strategies for Free-Hand Character Control. 661-665 - Valérie Maquil
, Hoorieh Afkari, Christian Moll, Johannes Hermen, Thibaud Latour
Active Tangibles for Tabletop Interaction based on the Kniwwelino Prototyping Platform. 667-671 - Katrin Schilling, Daniel Stanetzky, Christian Brecher:
A Mixed Reality Application for Linked Data in Engineering and Production. 673-676 - Gina Maria Schmidbauer-Wolf, Markus Guder:
Usability and UX of a Gaze Interaction Tool for Front Seat Passengers: Evaluation of a Gaze Controlled Optical Feedback System in a Car. 677-681 - Markus Gödker, Markus Dresel, Thomas Franke:
EDA Scale - Assessing Awareness for Energy Dynamics. 683-687 - Jürgen Hahn, Raphael Wimmer:
A Prototypical Photo Sorting Study Design for Comparing Interaction Styles. 689-693 - Johannes Kunkel, Tamara Feldkamp, Jürgen Ziegler:
Map-based Visualization of Item Spaces for Increasing Transparency and Control in Recommender Systems. 695-699 - Anna Tscherejkina, Francis Zinke, Ulrike Lucke:
Functional Decomposition of Web Services for Visualization on Tactile Displays for Blind Users. 701-705 - Alexander Marc Mantel, Michael Prilla:
SmartFooding: Input and Tracking of the Shelf Life of Groceries to Reduce Food Waste. 707-711 - Gordon George Brown, Michael Prilla:
Evaluating Pointing Modes and Frames of Reference for Remotely Supporting an Augmented Reality User in a Collaborative (Virtual) Environment: Evaluation within the Scope of a Remote Consultation Session. 713-717 - Robin Schweigert, Valentin Schwind
, Sven Mayer
EyePointing: A Gaze-Based Selection Technique. 719-723 - Mira Alhonsuo, Ashley Colley
Designing New Hospitals - Who Cares About the Patients? 725-729 - Kerstin Eckhardt, Ina Schiering
, Alexander Gabel, Funda Ertas, Sandra Verena Müller:
Visual Programming for Assistive Technologies in Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities. 731-735 - Jacob Sietas, Torsten Hansen, Hajar Ali, Sascha Reinhold, Michael Teistler
Tangible Browsing for E-Books: Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Approach for Digital Reading. 737-741 - Adelka Niels, Michael Prußat, Christian Zagel:
The Influence of Survey Link Placement on the User Rating. 743-747 - Lars Knaack, Ann-Karolin Lache, Oliver Preikszas, Sascha Reinhold, Michael Teistler
Improving Readability of Text in Realistic Virtual Reality Scenarios: Visual Magnification Without Restricting User Interactions. 749-753 - Matthias Süncksen, Michael Teistler
, Frederik Hamester, Lars C. Ebert
Preparing and Guiding Forensic Crime Scene Inspections in Virtual Reality. 755-758 - Florian Jann, Sascha Reinhold, Michael Teistler
Nutzung eines Smartphones als virtuelle Sonde im medizinischen Ultraschalltraining: Six-Degrees-of-Freedom-Tracking mittels ARCore. 759-763 - Julia Hertel, Armin Schaare, Philipp Feuerbach, Oscar Ariza, Frank Steinicke:
STIC - Sensory and Tactile Improved Cane. 765-769 - Abdullah Sezgin:
A Human-Centered Design Process for an Augmented Reality based Training System. 771-775 - Kolja Kirsch, Christian Schatzschneider, Carina Garber, Aila Rosenberger, Konya Kirsten, Oscar Ariza, Frank Steinicke, Gerd Bruder:
KiVR Sports: Influencing the Users Physical Activity in VR by using Audiovisual Stimuli in Exergames. 777-781 - Alina Makhkamova, Pascal Ziegler, Dirk Werth:
Augmenting Collaboration with Invisible Data: Brain-Computer Interface for Emotional Awareness. 783-787 - Bastian Schmeier, Ann-Kristin Hoffmann, Jasmin Wollgast, Ruth Deck, Björn Hauptmann, Andreas Schrader, Nicole Jochems:
ParkProTrain: Design und Entwicklung einer Therapie-App zum Training von Parkinson-Patienten. 789-793 - Vanessa Cobus, Steffen Busse, Wilko Heuten:
Glass++ Evaluating Multimodal Alarms on Google Glass. 795-799 - Frank Dittrich, André Dettmann, Angelika C. Bullinger:
The Use of Virtual Depth on Stereoscopic Displays for the Information and Interaction Design of Desktop Applications. 801-804 - Michael Oehl
, Michelle Kamps, Christine Sutter
More Mechanical- Versus More Humanoid-Looking Assistance Robots: How Do Users Rate their Capabilities? A Study of Younger Versus Older Users. 805-809 - Fatemeh Alizadeh, Timo Jakobi
, Jens Boldt, Gunnar Stevens:
GDPR-Reality Check on the Right to Access Data: Claiming and Investigating Personally Identifiable Data from Companies. 811-814 - Christoph Oemig, Tom Gross:
Impacts of Disruption on Secondary Task Knowledge: Recovery Modes and Social Nuances. 815-818 - Alexandra Weidemann, Nele Rußwinkel
Investigation of Frustration. 819-824 - Julia Justinger, Tanja Heuer
, Ina Schiering
, Reinhard Gerndt
Forgetfulness as a feature: Imitation of Human Weaknesses for Realizing Privacy Requirements. 825-830 - Karola Marky, Florian Müller
, Markus Funk, Alexander Geiß
, Sebastian Günther
, Martin Schmitz
, Jan Riemann, Max Mühlhäuser:
Teachyverse: Collaborative E-Learning in Virtual Reality Lecture Halls. 831-834 - Arbresh Ujkani, Jan Willms
, Lezgin Turgut, Katrin Wolf:
The Effect of Camera Perspectives on Locomotion Accuracy in Virtual Reality. 835-838
- Frauke Heinecke, Sandra Schering, Kai Essig:
Traceability im Usability-Engineering: Integration von Usability Engineering und Software Engineering mittels eines Traceability-Tools. 839-842 - Manuela Uhr, Sina Haselmann, Lea Steep, Chia Bretschneider, Joschka Eickhoff:
VRoadworks - Interactive Data Visualization for Coordinating Construction Sites in Virtual Reality. 843-847 - Katharina Koal, Mathias Hias Wrba, Herbert A. Meyer:
User-centered Evaluation of Ideas by Bet-Cost-Matrix Analysis: A Web App Supported Workshop Method. 849-852 - Andreas Riegler, Andreas Riener, Clemens Holzmann
AutoWSD: Virtual Reality Automated Driving Simulator for Rapid HCI Prototyping. 853-857 - Veronika Krauß
, Yücel Uzun, Leif Oppermann
, René Reiners:
Smartglasses in the Sterile Supply Process. 859-861 - Anna-Marie Ortloff, Lydia Güntner, Maximiliane Windl
, Thomas Schmidt, Martin Kocur, Christian Wolff
SentiBooks: Enhancing Audiobooks via Affective Computing and Smart Light Bulbs. 863-866 - David Halbhuber, Jakob Fehle, Alexander Kalus
, Konstantin Seitz, Martin Kocur, Thomas Schmidt, Christian Wolff
The Mood Game - How to Use the Player's Affective State in a Shoot'em up Avoiding Frustration and Boredom. 867-870 - Teresa Denefleh:
Sensorstation. 871-873 - Daria Soroko, Nina Döge, Ahmed Al-Shafeei, Hendrik Heuer
Unpacking a model: An interactive visualization of a text similarity algorithm for legal documents. 875-879 - Vinodh Rajan, H. Siegfried Stiehl:
AMAP: A Visual Programming Language Based System to Support Document Image Analysis. 881-884 - Enes Yigitbas, Joshua Heindörfer, Gregor Engels:
A Context-aware Virtual Reality First Aid Training Application. 885-888 - David Golchinfar, Daryoush Daniel Vaziri, Dirk Schreiber, Gunnar Stevens:
Assisting Service Robots on their Journey to Become Autonomous Agents: From Apprentice to Master by Participatory Observation. 889-891 - Alexander Scheidt, Tim Pulver:
Any-Cubes: A Children's Toy for Learning AI: Enhanced Play with Deep Learning and MQTT. 893-895 - Kristin Reich, Elisabeth Jäger, Xuan Linh Do, Katrin Wolf:
ArmTouch: The Forearm as Touchpad for VR Control. 897-899 - Florian Jasche
, Thomas Ludwig:
Appropriating 3D Printers in Augmented Reality. 901-903 - David Heidrich, Andreas Schreiber
Visualization of a Software System in Virtual Reality. 905-907 - Anastasia Treskunov, Emil Cyrill Gerhardt, David Nowottnik, Ben Fischer, Laurin Gerhardt, Mitja Säger, Christian Geiger:
ICAROSmuIti - A VR Test Environment for the Development of Multimodal and Multi-User Interaction Concepts. 909-911 - Philipp Hartl, Thomas Fischer, Andreas Hilzenthaler, Martin Kocur, Thomas Schmidt:
AudienceAR - Utilising Augmented Reality and Emotion Tracking to Address Fear of Speech. 913-916 - Thereza Schmelter, Sebastian Rings, Caspar Prasuhn, Joachim Villwock, Frank Steinicke, Kristian Hildebrand:
VITALab.Mobile - A Mobile Living Lab. 917-920 - Andre Taulien, Anika Paulsen, Tim Streland, Benedikt Jessen, Stefan Wittke, Michael Teistler
A Mixed Reality Environmental Simulation to Support Learning about Maritime Habitats: An Approach to Convey Educational Knowledge With a Novel User Experience. 921-925
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