Example text
Hey, I'm Crystal and I practically live in the 90s. This website is mainly to share my creative work (software and 3D stuff).
Firefox or Librewolf recommended.
I make vintage software as a hobby. My favorite target OS's are Windows 3.11 and Mac OS9.
This app is called Iconic, basicall a task bar for Win 3.11, adds so much to they system's usability. Written in C.
At the bottom of the screen
Sticks to any side
Quick launch menu
I'm working on a MacOS 9-like web based OS where apps are easy-to-make HTML files.
Will be released one day.
Jan 2025 Finally a preview of my OS, also added new product designs I've been working on. Uploaded new photos too.
Nov 2024 New resources: HTML/CSS tips, Embedding with privacy. New sections: Video Rental and Paranormal Journal. I've uploaded a bunch more 3D renders and photos as well.'
Nov 2024 Added a resources section and fancy new 3D buttons. Hello 1993.
Oct 2024 - For your informed consent! :] I've added destination specific cursors for external links (hover over these: YT, Bandcamp, Archive, Neocities). This is automatic from CSS. Let me know if I should make this a public resource!
Thank you all for the feedback and following me, it's really inspiring to keep working on the site. I will start adding buttons to my favorite sites.
Oct 2024 - Got my first comment, thank you <3 Also new sections: Music box and Media
Uh oh I keep forgetting that I am on Mastodon. Follow me and then I'll start posting. It's not gonna work the other way around, haha.
Jul 2024 - Iconic App Switcher for Windows 3.11 released
Jul 2024 - Website launched!
The best soundtrack for browsing
the information superhighway.
International Telecom - WebTV Viewer
Click to connect to Bandcamp
I create (or replicate) tech products in Blender 3D. I am especially interested in translucent materials and surfaces with unusual reflective properties such as optical discs.
iMac promo that never was (2023)
iMac Blender model updated in 2025. It takes literal years to perfect this model!
The mice that got me into using Blender
iBook autumn colors edition. Will be part of the intro video for my OS.
Designed this MiniDisc player
D-Shock colors: cantelope, green apple and grape
My fantasy room, made in Blender. Centered around my iMac. It's an ongoing project.
Birthday party aftermath
Crystal's room
Crystal's room
Crystal's room
Crystal's room
Crystal's room
Frash! A color refresh for the G3 series. Made in Blender.
Cactus edition
iMac and iBook in cactus
Sage, Honey and Crystal™ editions
This was my first attempt at product design. I'm proud of the headphones but the player itself, is more like a practice in CAD than something I'd actually use.
I like to be around aesthetic objects.
My photos are not so good really, but they remind me of my design inspiration.
Happy place
IKEA home
The dotcom aesthetic starter pack
My mouse collecting habit is much worse than this
A fluorescent happy accident
Category: family resemblence
Just shiny objects
My 2023 mood was very much this aesthetic.
All the plastic I brought home from London, 2023
My Neocities profile (follow my website updates!)
Find me on Mastodon and SpaceHey. Sometimes uploading to YouTube
Evan Collins on, a Y2K image collection is currently the best thing on the internet!
I support Right to Repair and Stop Killing Games and .
Hey, I thought of adding this more expandable section and make it look like a Windows Helpfile (damn I love those!). I wanna add tuts and tricks, even downloadable resources.
Please click the buttons above to explore this section!
Image: Original scan source is
First you'll need the book Programming Windows 3.1 by Charles Petzold (I got the original which is extra fun) and get a little bit onboarded about Windows programming. His instructions are about compiling programs in DOS, however I chose to work with Visual C++ 1.52. Don't expect it to be very visual, it's not like Visual Basic, but it at least runs in Windows, making it much quicker to test applications. It also comes with debugging tools and a resource editor where you can easily build UI, dialogs, even draw icons. The help files are quite good, especially useful is the Windows 3.1 API reference.
Windows applications written in C follow a very predictable pattern so it's not gonna be as hard to master it as it first seems. 16-bit Windows had cooperative multitasking. This means, the OS and applications pass on control to each other constantly. At every little thing the OS does (e.g. before starting to draw a button), you can take control and even override the OS's action, e.g. fill buttons with a different color than the OS would. But the OS always has to get back control, otherwise the system will freeze. It's also crazy how permissive the system was, compared to anything today.
Basic is very limited compared to C and VB applications must be distributed with an installer (I prefer compact/standalone apps). However you can combine the simplicity of VB and the power of C by coding VB components in C and embedding them in your VB application.
Once you're comfortable writing Windows applications and you want to learn real insider tricks, check out MSDN CDs from around 1994-1995. I'm currently looking into how to display 256 color images. This is not straightforward and not described in any Win 3.11 API documentation, but I've found an example application on MSDN. Would be awesome to create a 256-color game or multimedia CD for Win 3.11 (and Mac OS9 as well!).
Btw if you're interested in graphics, you can go beyond Windows's default graphics device interface (GDI) and utilize WinG, which is more similar to DirectX and allows direct hardware access. Also with Win32s it's possible to run 32-bit programs and libraries (ok I am not sure what I'm talking about now), but note that WinG and Win32s are not part of a default Win3.x install, your application has to be delivered with them if it needs them. I prefer compact .exe applications without installers so I don't use these. If you get into Win3.x programming, let me know, I'm curious why and what you create!
Classic Mac programming (I'm most focused on the late 90s era) is a little bit different from Windows. Apparently native coding was so complicated that nobody did it, in some cases not even Apple. Instead everyone used Metrowerks PowerPlant CodeWarrior (it has so many names, I never know which one to use!), it's an SDK and set of libraries that makes app development very simple, but at the end you still get a native compiled application - not something that relies on additional software like HyperCard or Visual Basic. You can create "Fat binaries" which run natively both on Motorola and PowerPC Macs!
Setting up was so not straightforward, I took notes how to do the next time. Please mind, there might be slight inaccuracies here! Also my setup is specifically for PowerPC applications, the book will guide you through other options as well.
Then it's useful to create desktop aliases for apps you'll often need:
Then: go ahead with the book! It's super well written and easy to follow. I really hope I can get back to this soon because it's heaps of fun. But I'm quite Mac'd out on another project that I'll soon reveal.
<a href="" target="_blank">example</a>
My pet peeve is that I don't want external code (especially trackers!) to load automatically on a website because of embedded stuff. I obv make an exception with cbox, but I embed everything else only on user request like this:
No Google code is loaded until I click the link. That's because the embed doesn't really exist until then, it's only stored in a string.
You can create such embed code with this generator:
<div class="privembed" style="width: 560px; height: 316px; background: black"> <script> embed00000 = function(anchor){ let privembedbox = anchor.closest(".privembed"); privembedbox.innerHTML = `insert the "real" embed code from YT or another site here. The code starts with <iframe...`; } </script> <a style="color: white" class="randomfunction" style="background: white" data-bubblehelp="This must be unique for each embed, but don't worry, I will generate it automatically.">embed00000(this)">Load YouTube</a> </div>
Auto-select script from
Doggie (Rover) from Microsoft Bob.
Scroll down for a code generator to create embeds like this. Woof.
Note to self: I will def need to polish and simplify this code.
If you manually edit this code, the embedXXXXX parts should be always the same for the same embed, but unique to the web page (if you have multiple embeds, and you copypasted them, then change these parts in pairs).
These are Crystal's cult technohorror-thriller-sci-fi recommendations.
Please rewind after watching and return within 7 business days.
By Pictureplane.
Listen here
No One Will Save You is my new favorite alien invasion movie. The aliens with the grotesque limbs remind me of The Arrival (from 1996 with Charlie Sheen), and I like how the movie occasionally turns into comedy. I also appreciate there is almost no human conversation in it.
By far the Best X-Files "monster of the week" is a fungus that kills people in minutes and turns them into green mush. The writer must have found something long forgotten in their fridge. The effects look awesome and it's genuinely a bit scary (which is more scary than most X-files episodes).
S4 E11 - El Mundo Gira (IMDB)
And if that's not enough:
A creature that's completely invisible in water, attacking people during a hurricane.
S6 E13 - Agua Mala (IMDB)
Millions of tiny bugs mummifying people in the forest after sunset.
S1 E20 - Darkness Falls (IMDB)
Website + all scripts* by Crystal, made in XED on Linux. I like to code the hard way, without fancy tools ^^. Got a lot of help from MDN.
*scrollbars use simplebar, a pretty awesome library that replaces the system scrollbar with a stylable div. I've added extra CSS and script to make it look how it is.
Most artwork by me, except any pixel icons, and the aquarium photo (CC0) is by David Clode used in the splash screen. For artwork I use Blender, GIMP and/or pure HTML/CSS.
Video cassette covers and X-files imagery belongs to their respective copyright holders.
Fonts: Dotemp Demo (Personal use License) and Pixel Times, monospace: Basis33 (MIT)
Some cursors are from: (others I made in GIMP)
Please credit me if you repost my artwork.
Watch Daria.