Example in Norwegian | Translation in English |
De repeterer de tre første satsene nå. Han insisterer på å dirigere. | They're rehearsing the first three movements now, and he insists on conducting. |
Jeg lurer på hvorfor en mann som ikke har gjort noe annet enn å dirigere et symfoniorkester, blir myrdet av mafiaen. | I wonder why a man who hasn't done anything other than conducted symphony orchestras is murdered by the Mafia. |
Jeg var ikke der for å dirigere. | I wasn't there to conduct. |
Jeg hørte nylig Bachs sønn dirigere konserten i London. | When I was in London, I had the good fortune to hear them conducted by Mr Bach's son himself, Johann Christian. |
De repeterer de tre første satsene nå. Han insisterer på å dirigere. | They're rehearsing the first three movements now, and he insists on conducting. |
Men kan du dirigere? | But can you conduct? |
Barbirolli skal dirigere "Pathétique". | Barbirolli is conducting the Pathetique at Carnegie. |
Jeg lurer på hvorfor en mann som ikke har gjort noe annet enn å dirigere et symfoniorkester, blir myrdet av mafiaen. | I wonder why a man who hasn't done anything other than conducted symphony orchestras is murdered by the Mafia. |
Du dirigerer ditt eget afrikanske orkester. | You are the conductor of your own proud African orchestra. |
Jeg dirigerer litt. | I'm conducting a little, though. |
-Sist han dirigerte gjorde han dem så forvirret at de måtte begynne om igjen, to ganger. | - Oh, the last time he conducted them, he threw them off so badly they had to start all over again twice. Please, try to convince him not to conduct. |
Det er notene jeg - vi - dirigerte fra. | Oh, here, look. It's the score I conducted... |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Azeri | aparmaq | Dutch | geleiden,voeren |
English | conduct | Esperanto | kondukti |
Estonian | dirigeerima | Faroese | føra |
German | dirigieren, dirimieren, vornehmen | Greek | διενεργώ, διευθετούμαι |
Hungarian | kommandíroz | Italian | condurre, condursi, ricondurre |
Japanese | 伝導 | Lithuanian | diriguoti, pravesti |
Macedonian | диригира | Polish | zaprowadzić |
Russian | дирижировать | Thai | ดำเนิน |
Turkish | yürütülebilmek | Vietnamese | hướng đạo |