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Retarder (to retard) conjugation

21 examples
Conjugation of retarder
Present tense
je retarde
I retard
tu retardes
you retard
il/elle/on retarde
he/she/it retards
nous retardons
we retard
vous retardez
you all retard
ils/elles retardent
they retard
Present perfect tense
j’ai retardé
I retarded
tu as retardé
you retarded
il/elle/on a retardé
he/she/it retarded
nous avons retardé
we retarded
vous avez retardé
you all retarded
ils/elles ont retardé
they retarded
Past impf. tense
je retardais
I was retarding
tu retardais
you were retarding
il/elle/on retardait
he/she/it was retarding
nous retardions
we were retarding
vous retardiez
you all were retarding
ils/elles retardaient
they were retarding
Future tense
je retarderai
I will retard
tu retarderas
you will retard
il/elle/on retardera
he/she/it will retard
nous retarderons
we will retard
vous retarderez
you all will retard
ils/elles retarderont
they will retard
Past perfect tense
j’avais retardé
I had retarded
tu avais retardé
you had retarded
il/elle/on avait retardé
he/she/it had retarded
nous avions retardé
we had retarded
vous aviez retardé
you all had retarded
ils/elles avaient retardé
they had retarded
Past preterite tense
je retardai
I retarded
tu retardas
you retarded
il/elle/on retarda
he/she/it retarded
nous retardâmes
we retarded
vous retardâtes
you all retarded
ils/elles retardèrent
they retarded
Past anterior tense
j’eus retardé
I had retarded
tu eus retardé
you had retarded
il/elle/on eut retardé
he/she/it had retarded
nous eûmes retardé
we had retarded
vous eûtes retardé
you all had retarded
ils/elles eurent retardé
they had retarded
Future perfect tense
j’aurai retardé
I will have retarded
tu auras retardé
you will have retarded
il/elle/on aura retardé
he/she/it will have retarded
nous aurons retardé
we will have retarded
vous aurez retardé
you all will have retarded
ils/elles auront retardé
they will have retarded
Present subjunctive tense
que je retarde
that I retard
que tu retardes
that you retard
qu’il/elle/on retarde
that he/she/it retard
que nous retardions
that we retard
que vous retardiez
that you all retard
qu’ils/elles retardent
that they retard
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie retardé
that I have retarded
que tu aies retardé
that you have retarded
qu’il/elle/on ait retardé
that he/she/it have retarded
que nous ayons retardé
that we have retarded
que vous ayez retardé
that you all have retarded
qu’ils/elles aient retardé
that they have retarded
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je retardasse
that I would retard
que tu retardasses
that you would retard
qu’il/elle/on retardât
that he/she/it would retard
que nous retardassions
that we would retard
que vous retardassiez
that you all would retard
qu’ils/elles retardassent
that they would retard
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse retardé
that I had retarded
que tu eusses retardé
that you had retarded
qu’il/elle/on eût retardé
that he/she/it had retarded
que nous eussions retardé
that we had retarded
que vous eussiez retardé
that you all had retarded
qu’ils/elles eussent retardé
that they had retarded
Conditional mood
je retarderais
I would retard
tu retarderais
you would retard
il/elle/on retarderait
he/she/it would retard
nous retarderions
we would retard
vous retarderiez
you all would retard
ils/elles retarderaient
they would retard
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais retardé
I would have retarded
tu aurais retardé
you would have retarded
il/elle/on aurait retardé
he/she/it would have retarded
nous aurions retardé
we would have retarded
vous auriez retardé
you all would have retarded
ils/elles auraient retardé
they would have retarded
Imperative mood
let's retard!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie retardé
have retarded
ayons retardé
let's have retarded
ayez retardé
have retarded
Examples of retarder
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Ce ne peut être qu'une chose: Ia légende disant qu'ils détiennent le secret pour retarder le vieillissement.That can only mean one thing, Doctor, the legend that they have a secret process to retard age.
D'où le refroidissement du corps... pour retarder la dégénération.Which is why we're keeping his body cold to retard degeneration.
Faut retarder l'allumage de 4 degrés.You gotta retard the sparks four degrees.
Il a peut-être une infirmité motrice cérébrale pouvant retarder la croissance osseuse.Okay. It's possible he had cerebral palsy. That could retard bone development.
Le modus operandi de notre suspect consiste à appliquer sur une rambarde du campus de la peinture bleue à laquelle il a ajouté de l'huile de moteur pour retarder le processus de séchage.Our suspect's M.O. is to apply blue paint to a campus railing that he has infused with motor oil to retard the drying process.
- Ce film est retardé.This movie is retarded.
- Cool est mon credo, bébé. Arrête de la jouer Isaac Hayes alors que t'as l'air de l'enfant retardé perdu des Huxtable.Stop trying to sound like isaac hayes when you're standing here looking like the lost, retarded huxtable kid.
- Il est retardé ?Is he retarded?
- Je ne vais pas utiliser le mort retardé- I won't use the word retarded.
- Non. Alan n'est pas retardé, mais autiste.No, Alan's not retarded, John.
Cela éclaircit le sang et retarde la coagulation.It thins out the blood and retards clotting.
Cette sentence devrait prendre effet immédiatement, mais à titre exceptionnel, je retarde votre incarcération de 6 mois pour vous permettre de réorganiser votre œuvre de bienfaisance, dans laquelle vous enseignez la musique à des enfants attardés.Normally, your sentence would begin immediately. However, I'm going to delay your incarceration for six months so that you may... reorganise the charity that you've established to teach music to retarded children.
Eh bien, dans " follow me" , j'improvise Ia fin du premier refrain et retarde les deux dernières mesures.I ___ ...I wanna finish the first chorus ad lib with a retard in the last two bars.
Elle retarde l'apparition des signes du photo-vieillissement....proven to retard the signs of photo-aging.
H - aider les retarde .H-help the retards.
Allez, vous retardez!Go on, you retards!
Avancez l'avance, retardez les gaz.Advance the spark and retard the gas.
NON, vous retardez !Where's that, Jimmy? No, you retards!
On n'est toujours pas ensemble sur les temps faibles... et, ma chère, vous retardez un peu trop les quatre dernières mesures.We're still not together on the of f-beats... and, darling, you're retarding a little too much on the last f our bars.
Vos gueules, retardez les pièges!Shut your traps, retards!
Ce tablier de plomb l'empêche de pénétrer mon âme et la couronne en alu brouille mes ondes mentales, retardant ainsi son habilité à lire mes pensées.This leaden apron prevents her from peering into my soul, and the foil crown scrambles my brain waves, thus retarding Sheila's ability to read my thoughts.
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