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Narguer (to taunt) conjugation

18 examples
Conjugation of narguer
Present tense
je nargue
I taunt
tu nargues
you taunt
il/elle/on nargue
he/she/it taunts
nous narguons
we taunt
vous narguez
you all taunt
ils/elles narguent
they taunt
Present perfect tense
j’ai nargué
I taunted
tu as nargué
you taunted
il/elle/on a nargué
he/she/it taunted
nous avons nargué
we taunted
vous avez nargué
you all taunted
ils/elles ont nargué
they taunted
Past impf. tense
je narguais
I was taunting
tu narguais
you were taunting
il/elle/on narguait
he/she/it was taunting
nous narguions
we were taunting
vous narguiez
you all were taunting
ils/elles narguaient
they were taunting
Future tense
je narguerai
I will taunt
tu nargueras
you will taunt
il/elle/on narguera
he/she/it will taunt
nous narguerons
we will taunt
vous narguerez
you all will taunt
ils/elles nargueront
they will taunt
Past perfect tense
j’avais nargué
I had taunted
tu avais nargué
you had taunted
il/elle/on avait nargué
he/she/it had taunted
nous avions nargué
we had taunted
vous aviez nargué
you all had taunted
ils/elles avaient nargué
they had taunted
Past preterite tense
je narguai
I taunted
tu narguas
you taunted
il/elle/on nargua
he/she/it taunted
nous narguâmes
we taunted
vous narguâtes
you all taunted
ils/elles narguèrent
they taunted
Past anterior tense
j’eus nargué
I had taunted
tu eus nargué
you had taunted
il/elle/on eut nargué
he/she/it had taunted
nous eûmes nargué
we had taunted
vous eûtes nargué
you all had taunted
ils/elles eurent nargué
they had taunted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai nargué
I will have taunted
tu auras nargué
you will have taunted
il/elle/on aura nargué
he/she/it will have taunted
nous aurons nargué
we will have taunted
vous aurez nargué
you all will have taunted
ils/elles auront nargué
they will have taunted
Present subjunctive tense
que je nargue
that I taunt
que tu nargues
that you taunt
qu’il/elle/on nargue
that he/she/it taunt
que nous narguions
that we taunt
que vous narguiez
that you all taunt
qu’ils/elles narguent
that they taunt
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie nargué
that I have taunted
que tu aies nargué
that you have taunted
qu’il/elle/on ait nargué
that he/she/it have taunted
que nous ayons nargué
that we have taunted
que vous ayez nargué
that you all have taunted
qu’ils/elles aient nargué
that they have taunted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je narguasse
that I would taunt
que tu narguasses
that you would taunt
qu’il/elle/on narguât
that he/she/it would taunt
que nous narguassions
that we would taunt
que vous narguassiez
that you all would taunt
qu’ils/elles narguassent
that they would taunt
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse nargué
that I had taunted
que tu eusses nargué
that you had taunted
qu’il/elle/on eût nargué
that he/she/it had taunted
que nous eussions nargué
that we had taunted
que vous eussiez nargué
that you all had taunted
qu’ils/elles eussent nargué
that they had taunted
Conditional mood
je narguerais
I would taunt
tu narguerais
you would taunt
il/elle/on narguerait
he/she/it would taunt
nous narguerions
we would taunt
vous nargueriez
you all would taunt
ils/elles nargueraient
they would taunt
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais nargué
I would have taunted
tu aurais nargué
you would have taunted
il/elle/on aurait nargué
he/she/it would have taunted
nous aurions nargué
we would have taunted
vous auriez nargué
you all would have taunted
ils/elles auraient nargué
they would have taunted
Imperative mood
let's taunt!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie nargué
have taunted
ayons nargué
let's have taunted
ayez nargué
have taunted
Examples of narguer
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Alors ces mots qu'il laisse dans la bouche sont pour nous narguer ?So these words that he's leaving in the mouth are directly taunting us?
Arrête de me narguer !Stop taunting me!
Arrête de me narguer.Stop taunting me
C'est pas une bonne idée de narguer des criminels violents.Yeah, um... Probably not a good idea to taunt violent criminals, fellows.
Ce tueur aime nous narguer.This unsub gets off on taunting us.
Il m'a nargué à m'en faire perdre la tête, il m'a provoqué à ce point.He taunted me until didn't know whether was coming or going. That's how he provoked and taunted me.
Il m'a nargué.He taunted me.
Le Replicator a directement nargué tout le monde dans cette équipe sauf moi.The Replicator has directly taunted everyone on this team except for me.
Non, on ne l'a pas attrapé, il a choisi de mourir, il m'a nargué.We didn't catch him. He chose to die, he taunted me.
Oui, mais il n'a tué personne, il a juste nargué la police.True, but he didn't kill anyone. He only taunted the police.
"Dans la chambre du riche et pompeux, où Tom Sawyer réside et nous nargue.""In the chambers of the rich and pompous, where Tom Sawyer sits and taunts us."
"La septième victime, trouvée à Dorset Street, avait un message du criminel qui nous nargue.""Seventh victim found on Dorset Street. Villain taunts authorities with note."
- Comment ? Les victimes aussi mais il veut être malin, il nous nargue.The choice of victims is a message in itself, but he'll want to be cleverer, to taunt us.
- Il me nargue, agent Gibbs.He's taunting me, Agent Gibbs. Maybe.
Alors, il te nargue et il t'appelle... parce qu'il se plaît à te clouer le bec.So, he taunts and calls you because he's reveling in outwitting you.
Celeste m'a fait choisir entre ma famille et toi. Elle veut tourner ce choix en ridicule, en me narguant par ce jeu puéril.Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game.
Il revient toujours en souriant, me narguant.It always comes up smiling, taunting me.
Je continue à penser à quel point je ne suis qu'un idiot qui a offert ce collier, qui doit être dans la chambre de Rebecca en ce moment - en me narguant.I just keep thinking about how I'm just the schmuck who gave away that necklace, which is now sitting somewhere in Rebecca's room just taunting me.
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