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Continuer (to keep) conjugation

27 examples
Conjugation of continuer
Present tense
je continue
I keep
tu continues
you keep
il/elle/on continue
he/she/it keeps
nous continuons
we keep
vous continuez
you all keep
ils/elles continuent
they keep
Present perfect tense
j’ai continué
I kept
tu as continué
you kept
il/elle/on a continué
he/she/it kept
nous avons continué
we kept
vous avez continué
you all kept
ils/elles ont continué
they kept
Past impf. tense
je continuais
I was keeping
tu continuais
you were keeping
il/elle/on continuait
he/she/it was keeping
nous continuions
we were keeping
vous continuiez
you all were keeping
ils/elles continuaient
they were keeping
Future tense
je continuerai
I will keep
tu continueras
you will keep
il/elle/on continuera
he/she/it will keep
nous continuerons
we will keep
vous continuerez
you all will keep
ils/elles continueront
they will keep
Past perfect tense
j’avais continué
I had kept
tu avais continué
you had kept
il/elle/on avait continué
he/she/it had kept
nous avions continué
we had kept
vous aviez continué
you all had kept
ils/elles avaient continué
they had kept
Past preterite tense
je continuai
I kept
tu continuas
you kept
il/elle/on continua
he/she/it kept
nous continuâmes
we kept
vous continuâtes
you all kept
ils/elles continuèrent
they kept
Past anterior tense
j’eus continué
I had kept
tu eus continué
you had kept
il/elle/on eut continué
he/she/it had kept
nous eûmes continué
we had kept
vous eûtes continué
you all had kept
ils/elles eurent continué
they had kept
Future perfect tense
j’aurai continué
I will have kept
tu auras continué
you will have kept
il/elle/on aura continué
he/she/it will have kept
nous aurons continué
we will have kept
vous aurez continué
you all will have kept
ils/elles auront continué
they will have kept
Present subjunctive tense
que je continue
that I keep
que tu continues
that you keep
qu’il/elle/on continue
that he/she/it keep
que nous continuions
that we keep
que vous continuiez
that you all keep
qu’ils/elles continuent
that they keep
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie continué
that I have kept
que tu aies continué
that you have kept
qu’il/elle/on ait continué
that he/she/it have kept
que nous ayons continué
that we have kept
que vous ayez continué
that you all have kept
qu’ils/elles aient continué
that they have kept
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je continuasse
that I would keep
que tu continuasses
that you would keep
qu’il/elle/on continuât
that he/she/it would keep
que nous continuassions
that we would keep
que vous continuassiez
that you all would keep
qu’ils/elles continuassent
that they would keep
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse continué
that I had kept
que tu eusses continué
that you had kept
qu’il/elle/on eût continué
that he/she/it had kept
que nous eussions continué
that we had kept
que vous eussiez continué
that you all had kept
qu’ils/elles eussent continué
that they had kept
Conditional mood
je continuerais
I would keep
tu continuerais
you would keep
il/elle/on continuerait
he/she/it would keep
nous continuerions
we would keep
vous continueriez
you all would keep
ils/elles continueraient
they would keep
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais continué
I would have kept
tu aurais continué
you would have kept
il/elle/on aurait continué
he/she/it would have kept
nous aurions continué
we would have kept
vous auriez continué
you all would have kept
ils/elles auraient continué
they would have kept
Imperative mood
let's keep!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie continué
have kept
ayons continué
let's have kept
ayez continué
have kept
Examples of continuer
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Etape 2 : continuer de blablater jusqu'à ce qu'il s'ouvre. "Step two: Just keep babbling until he finally opens up.
"Comment pourras-tu continuer à apprendre à lire et à écrire ?""How will you keep learning to read and write?"
"Devons-nous continuer de les voir s'écrouler?Do we have to keep watching them fall down?
"Ecoute, on doit continuer. ""Listen," you know, "we gotta keep going."
"Espère continuer à faire la fête avec ses amis.""Hopes to keep the party going with his boys."
"C'est arrivé. Je ne pourrai plus parler français." Alors j'ai continué à chantonner des ordures en italien, croyant te faire plaisir.So I went on singing obscenities in Italian, thinking to please but you kept smiling and saying liar...
"J'ai trouvé des vertèbres, j'ai continué."I found some vertebrae, kept on going.
"L'infiltration s'est bien passée, car Jackie a continué de me téléphoner, "ayantbesoinde cecietdecela.Infiltration went well, cos Jackie kept phoning up, needing this and needing that.
"Martin McGowan prétendit ramasser les crottes de son chien, mais il a juste regardé en l'air et continué à marcher."Martin McGowan pretended to pick up his dog's poop, but just grabbed at the air and kept walking."
"Pourquoi le jeune Underwood a continué à nager ?"What kept a young Frank Underwood swimming onward?
"" Lt continue à me mordre """"It keeps biting me"
"Bon, euh, Billy..." Oui, bien, continue tranquille."So, erm, Billy..." Yeah, good, keep it casual.
"C'est pas bien. "Ne continue pas comme ça. Tu vas tout gâcher.That's wrong, keep like this, and you'll lose him.
"Cher Ed, continue à faire bouger ce stylo pour qu'on croit que tu es en train d'écrire."dear ed, keep working this pencil So he thinks you're doing something.
"Cher Mako, Nuktuk dit, continue de sourire.""Dear Mako, Nuktuk says, 'keep smiling.'"
- Alors continuons comme ça.- Then let's keep having it.
- Alors continuons dans cette voie.- Okay, let's keep him on that.
- Alors continuons. M. Paik. Votre fille est là.Then let's keep walking.
- Alors, continuons d'essayer.-Well, then, let's keep trying.
- Bien, continuons comme ça.- Well, let's keep it that way.
"Et si vous continuez à me regarder de cette manière, je vous foutrai mon poing dans la figure.""And if you keep looking at me like that, I'll punch your lights out."
"Gardez l'équipe soudée et continuez le combat."Keep the crew together and keep fighting the fight.
"Hé frère Babu, continuez à tenir."'Hey Babu, keep holding."
"Je me moque des dégâts, continuez les recherches."I don't care about the mess, just keep trying.
"Mais si vous continuez à appliquer cet politique que vous avez promis... hmm... vous allez partir!""But if you continue to try to keep these policys you promised... ah... You gonna go!"
Ok, écoutez, j'honore sa mémoire en continuant son travail.Okay, look, I honor his memory by keeping the party going.
Tu devrais chercher la volonté de Dieu et ta propre joie en continuant à croire en tes vœux,You should seek God's pleasure and your own joy... in keeping faith with your vows.
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