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Consentir (to consent) conjugation

30 examples
Conjugation of consentir
Present tense
je consens
I consent
tu consens
you consent
il/elle/on consent
he/she/it consents
nous consentons
we consent
vous consentez
you all consent
ils/elles consentent
they consent
Present perfect tense
j’ai consenti
I consented
tu as consenti
you consented
il/elle/on a consenti
he/she/it consented
nous avons consenti
we consented
vous avez consenti
you all consented
ils/elles ont consenti
they consented
Past impf. tense
je consentais
I was consenting
tu consentais
you were consenting
il/elle/on consentait
he/she/it was consenting
nous consentions
we were consenting
vous consentiez
you all were consenting
ils/elles consentaient
they were consenting
Future tense
je consentirai
I will consent
tu consentiras
you will consent
il/elle/on consentira
he/she/it will consent
nous consentirons
we will consent
vous consentirez
you all will consent
ils/elles consentiront
they will consent
Past perfect tense
j’avais consenti
I had consented
tu avais consenti
you had consented
il/elle/on avait consenti
he/she/it had consented
nous avions consenti
we had consented
vous aviez consenti
you all had consented
ils/elles avaient consenti
they had consented
Past preterite tense
je consentis
I consented
tu consentis
you consented
il/elle/on consentit
he/she/it consented
nous consentîmes
we consented
vous consentîtes
you all consented
ils/elles consentirent
they consented
Past anterior tense
j’eus consenti
I had consented
tu eus consenti
you had consented
il/elle/on eut consenti
he/she/it had consented
nous eûmes consenti
we had consented
vous eûtes consenti
you all had consented
ils/elles eurent consenti
they had consented
Future perfect tense
j’aurai consenti
I will have consented
tu auras consenti
you will have consented
il/elle/on aura consenti
he/she/it will have consented
nous aurons consenti
we will have consented
vous aurez consenti
you all will have consented
ils/elles auront consenti
they will have consented
Present subjunctive tense
que je consente
that I consent
que tu consentes
that you consent
qu’il/elle/on consente
that he/she/it consent
que nous consentions
that we consent
que vous consentiez
that you all consent
qu’ils/elles consentent
that they consent
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie consenti
that I have consented
que tu aies consenti
that you have consented
qu’il/elle/on ait consenti
that he/she/it have consented
que nous ayons consenti
that we have consented
que vous ayez consenti
that you all have consented
qu’ils/elles aient consenti
that they have consented
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je consentisse
that I would consent
que tu consentisses
that you would consent
qu’il/elle/on consentît
that he/she/it would consent
que nous consentissions
that we would consent
que vous consentissiez
that you all would consent
qu’ils/elles consentissent
that they would consent
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse consenti
that I had consented
que tu eusses consenti
that you had consented
qu’il/elle/on eût consenti
that he/she/it had consented
que nous eussions consenti
that we had consented
que vous eussiez consenti
that you all had consented
qu’ils/elles eussent consenti
that they had consented
Conditional mood
je consentirais
I would consent
tu consentirais
you would consent
il/elle/on consentirait
he/she/it would consent
nous consentirions
we would consent
vous consentiriez
you all would consent
ils/elles consentiraient
they would consent
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais consenti
I would have consented
tu aurais consenti
you would have consented
il/elle/on aurait consenti
he/she/it would have consented
nous aurions consenti
we would have consented
vous auriez consenti
you all would have consented
ils/elles auraient consenti
they would have consented
Imperative mood
let's consent!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie consenti
have consented
ayons consenti
let's have consented
ayez consenti
have consented
Examples of consentir
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Ces animaux n'ont pas la capacité cognitive de consentir et ceci est la réalité qui fait que nous devons les protéger", dit Pam Roach."These animals don't have the cognitive ability to consent and that is the case, that we have to be protecting them", said Pam Roach.
"Comme vous savez, nous sommes en retard sur le programme... de ce fait nous ne pouvons consentir a votre absence. ""As you know, we're behind schedule with our picture and we cannot consent to or acquiesce in your absence. "
(sept ans après je revis les deux serpents) Ce à quoi je ne voulus consentir avec l'esprit me fut fait par violence ou par luxure,(seven years later I saw the two snakes again) what I did not want to consent to with my spirit was done to me through violence or through lust,
- C'est le mien. C'est mon droit d'y consentir.Why is it not my right to consent?
- Elle a dû consentir des... Des facilités aux fonctionnaires..She had to consent to... the whims of the passport official.
""Pour autant que Sam etJennie aient consenti de s'épouser... et ont fait cette mìme déclaration devant Dieu... et en présence de cette assemblée... je les prononce mari et femme.""For as much as Sam and Jennie have consented together in holy wedlock... ""and have declared the same before God... ""and in the presence of this company,
- Elle a consenti.She consented.
- Vous avez consenti ?- You consented?
- Vous avez consenti à l'adoption ?- You consented to an adoption?
... Ont consenti à ce mariage....consented together in holy matrimony.
"Eu égard à ces sentiments, "je consens aux souhaits de mon auguste époux."It is with regard of these sentiments that I consent's to the wishes of my regal consul.
"Je consens, si je deviens parjure, à avoir la gorge tranchée,"I consent, if I ever commit perjury,
"Je consens, si je deviens parjure,"I consent, if I ever commit perjury,
- J'y consens.- I do consent.
- Je consens et l'offre avec joie.I consent and gladly give.
- Pas si vous consentez.- Not with your consent.
-Si vous consentez à vous laisser soigner et si vous ne faites pas d'imprudence, surtout votre cœur peut très bien, tenir très longtemps encore.If you consent to being treated and aren't reckless, above all, your heart may very well hold out for a very long time yet.
Alors, vous consentez?Then you do consent?
Debbie, si vous n'y consentez pas, je vais devoir vous demander de partir.OK, Debbie, if you don't give us your consent, we're going to have to ask you to leave.
Dites-moi, Valérie.. quoi que Stéphane exige de vous.. y consentez-vous?Tell me, Valerie, whatever Stefan demands of you- do you consent to do it?
"Qui ne dit mot consent.""Qui tacet, consentire videtur."
"de nos peuples et si Elle consent à retirer ses troupes,"and consents to the withdrawal of Your Majesty's troops,
- D'accord, Monk. Lieutenant, voyez si la reine du ciel consent à une radio.Lieutenant, see if our Queen of the Sky will consent to an x-ray.
- Es-tu si... - Ma pauvreté consent, non ma volonté.- My poverty, but not my will, consents.
- Le patient est prêt. Il consent à cette nouvelle expérience.- He fully consents to the new experiment.
Comment peut on être consentant si l'un des deux est inconscient ?How can it be consensual if one of the consenting parties isn't conscious?
En Floride, c'est un adulte consentant.In Florida, that's a consenting adult.
Et s'il y avait un adulte consentant et un adulte prétendant être consentant car il a trop peur d'être seul ?Well, what if it's one consenting adult and one adult who pretends to consent because he's afraid of being alone?
Il n'a que 17 ans, il n'a même pas l'âge pour être consentant.He's only seventeen. He's not even consenting age.
Il était adulte et consentantShe was a consenting adult
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