Example in Finnish | Translation in English |
-Ei voi kehua. | -You can not praise. |
Miehiä pitää kehua. | Men need to be praised. |
Nyt ei ole tarkoitus vain kehua Johnia, vaan myös nolata hänet. | However, I'm not just here to praise John, I'm also here to embarrass him, so let's move on to... |
Saatko kehua vain kun teen kuten sinä? | - to only praise me? When my choices are the same as yours? Isn't it possible that you and I may not want the same things? |
Se oli kunnon kehua isäpapalta. | High praise from the old man. |
-Minä kehun häntä aina. | I like his work. The ironic that I do is praise. |
Haluatko, että kehun sinua nyt? | - Do you want me to sing your praise? - Sure. |
Jos kehun häntä, hän poistuu kaupungista. Taivas kirkastuu ja lapset laulavat. | On the other hand, if I "praise" Wuntch, she will leave this city, the clouds will part, and the children will sing "Wuntch is gone." |
Aloittelen vasta, joten kehut sinulta - merkitsevät paljon. | I'm just beginning, so praise from someone such as yourself, well, you can imagine that it means quite a lot. |
Sain jo kehut sinulta. | Terry, I have already received your praise. |
Tiesin aina, että ole olet hyvä, mutta Reichsministerin kehut... | I always knew you were brilliant, but to hear such praise from the Reichsminister himself... |
Toisen esiintyjän suusta kuultuna kehut ovat parhaita. | When one performer troubles to tell another, that's praise indeed. |
Tuosta eivät kehut parane! | I can think of no higher praise. |
-Hän kehuu sinua. | - He sings your praises. |
Ismo aina kehuu sua. | You should hear how Ismo praises you when you're not around. |
Kun Lovejoykin kehuu hattutelinettä ― hän voittaa Stevensin luottamuksen. | Very fine wood, Eric. When Lovejoy comes back and overpraises it, he establishes his credentials as an honest man. |
Kun isä kehuu, tiedät, että se meni hyvin. | When the father of praises, you know that it went well. |
Truron herttuatar kehuu teitä vuolaasti, sir Philip. | The dear Duchess of Truro is full of your praises, Sir Philip. |
Kaikki kehuvat sitä. | The praise is universal. |
Kaikki massan mielipiteitä muokkaavat mediat kehuvat hänen sarjakuviaan. | His comics are praised by all the important media types telling people what to think. |
On mahdotonta, että kaikki vain kehuvat. | It's unlikely that everybody here has nothing but praise. |
Tässä on lista käsikirjoittajista, jotka kuulemma kehuvat minua. | I've got a, list of writers that I've worked with who will apparently sing my praises. |
Ystäväni instituutissa kehuvat työtäsi. Taistelet lavantautia vastaan. | My friends at the Institute praise your work and say that you eliminate typhus. |
Ensimmäinen piano-opettaja kehui hänen asiantuntemustaan. | Her first piano teacher praised her dexterity. |
Irakin presidentti al-Sadr oli juhlassa mukana - ja kehui sunneja, shiioja, kurdeja ja turkmeeneja. | Iraqi President al-Sadr was on hand to commemorate the occasion and praised Sunni, Shiah, Kurd and Turkoman... |
Juuri hän kehui lehdille, että Dole aikoo haastaa meidät oikeuteen. | It was he who praised the leaves of the dole will challenge us to court. |
Rouva Christian kehui sinua ja salasit murhan todisteet. Vedit ystäväsi ja perheesi mukaan murhajuttuun ja etsit tyttöä, jota kukaan ei edes muista! | Just because Mrs. Christian praised your discretion you sat on evidence of murder, dragged your friend, family into some old graveyard to dig up a dead girl with no name that nobody remembers. |
Toisinaan hän kehui Pakua. | Sometimes he praised him... |
"Puupuhaltimien tärkeä soittaja" oli suurin hänen saamansa kehu. | Backbone of the woodwinds section was the highest praise he got. |
- Niin. Et kehu sitä kun se kakkaa ulkona. | It's because she's not getting enough praise when she goes outside, honey. |
- Tuo kehu tuli Orrylta. | - That's high praise coming from Orry. |
Hänessä ihmetys ja kehu kilvan sinua koskettaa. | Thick as hail came post with post, and everyone did bear thy praises. |
Ja mikäs sitä oli kuunnellessa ku toinen kehu koko ajan. | It's not hard to listen to praise. |
Tehkää hänen olonsa tervetulleeksi ja kehukaa minua vapaasti. | Please make her feel welcome, and feel free to sing my praises. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | أثنى,حمد, مدح | Catalan | lloar |
Danish | love, prise, rose | Dutch | prijzen, roemen |
English | praise | Esperanto | laŭdi |
Faroese | lova, prísa | French | louanger |
German | loben, rühmen | Greek | εκθειάζω, επαινώ |
Hungarian | dicsér | Icelandic | hrósa, hæla |
Indonesian | memuji, puja | Italian | decantare, elogiare, encomiare, lodare, rinomare |
Japanese | 讃える, 賛美, 賞賛, 褒める | Latvian | slavēt |
Lithuanian | girti, liaupsinti, pagirti | Macedonian | пофали, фали |
Norwegian | love | Polish | chwalić, nachwalić, pochwalić, sławić, wychwalać, wysławiać, zachwalać |
Portuguese | elogiar, gabar, louvar | Romanian | lăuda |
Russian | восславить, восславлять, славить | Spanish | alabar, elogiar, enaltecer, loar, preconizar |
Swedish | hylla, hymla, lova, lovorda, prisa, rosa | Thai | เชิดชู, ยกย่อง, สดุดี, สรรเสริญ |
Vietnamese | ca tụng, khen ngợi, ngợi |