Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
, ¿qué se supone que debía opinar? | What was I supposed to think? |
- Tu trabajo no es opinar. | - You're not here to think. |
- ¿Qué se supone que debo opinar? | - What am I supposed to think? |
Algunos no parecen opinar lo mismo. | Some people don't seem to think so. |
Bien, Richard, mi familia parece opinar que dinero es la respuesta. | Well, Richard, my family seems to think money's the way to go. |
"¡Cállate, Roy!" Siempre dice que hay líderes y seguidores, y que los seguidores deben callar y dejar que hablen los líderes lo cual opino que es completamente cierto. | "Be quiet, Roy!" She always says there are leaders and there are followers, and the followers should shut up and let the leaders do all of the talking, which I think is totally true. |
- Ay, ay, ay - Yo opino que eres magnífico | - ##I, yi, yi, yi ## - # I think you're grand # |
- Bien. ¿Quieres saber qué opino? | - Fine. You wanna know what I think? - Yeah. |
- Bueno, opino que está bastante bien. | - Well, l think it's rather good. |
- Creo que necesitan ayuda. - Yo opino igual. | - I think they could use some help in there. |
! ¿Qué opinas, Goudurix? | What do you think Justforkix? |
" ¿ Qué opinas de ser artista ? " | "What do you think about being an artist?" |
"Algernon"... ¿Qué opinas de eso, "Montgomery"? | Algernon. What do you think of that, Montgomery? |
"¿Qué opinas de mí? | Do you think about me? |
- Ella opina que son una ridiculez. - ¿Ah, sí? | She thinks they're ridiculous. |
- Martin no opina lo mismo. | Martin thinks otherwise. |
- No es lo que se opina, sino lo que se ve. | - Ain't what a man thinks, it's what he knows. |
- No sé lo que opina. | I don't know what she thinks. |
- No, solo pregunto qué opina. | - No, I wonder what he thinks. |
- Bueno, ¿qué opinamos de esa carretera? | - Right, what do we think about that road? |
- ¡No! ¡Esto opinamos del maldito reclutamiento! | -Show them what we think of their draft! |
Así al menos sabremos si opinamos lo mismo. | At least we'll know if we're thinking the same thing! |
Bien, ¿qué opinamos? | Okay, what do we think? |
Creo que en esto tanto usted y yo opinamos lo mismo. | I think you and I are on the same side here. |
*¿Qué opináis vosotros de estas? * | ♪ What do ya think of these? |
- ¿ Qué opináis la una de la otra? - Nos caemos bien. | - What do you think of each other? |
- ¿ Qué opináis? | - What do you think? |
- ¿Que opináis? | What do you think? LAUGHTER |
" ¿Qué opinan? ". | What do you think? |
"Bien, ¿Qué opinan?" | ""So, what did you think?" |
- Eso es lo que opinan de todos nosotros. - ¿Y por qué no? | - That's what they think of all of us. |
- Los bomberos no opinan lo mismo. | - That isn't what the fire department thinks. |
- No sé qué opinan ellos. | - I don't know what they think. |
Le doy sus pantaletas y las mete en su bolso y me mira para ver qué opiné. | I hand her her knickers, she puts them in her purse... and she looks at me to see what I thought about that. |
Pues no sé qué opiné. | Well, I don't know what I thought about it. |
¿Qué opiné? | What I thought about it? |
- Alguien opinó lo contrario. | - Well, somebody thought differently. |
- Claro que lo hice y opinó que al forense le va a costar trabajar con eso. | - I certainly did. And he thought the medical examiner is gonna have a tough time with that. |
Eso es lo que opinó el fiscal. | The DA thought so. |
La mayoría opinó que el rastrillo era, sin duda, de Elizabeth. Unos pocos, de Flora. Y nadie que debía compartirse. | Most thought the rake was Elizabeth's a few, that it was Flora's, and nobody, that it could be shared. |
Pero creo que el grupo de expertos opinó diferente. | You know, in my opinion, you were robbed. But I guess the focus group thought differently. |
En una encuesta reciente, la mitad de los alumnos de bachillerato opinaron que los diarios deben pedir aprobación del gobierno para publicar. | In a recent poll, half of today's high school students... thought newspapers should get government approval of stories before publishing them. |
Sin embargo, en tribunales no opinaron así. | Courts thought different, though. |
Y 80 alumnos opinaron que era una buena idea. | A class of 80 people thought that was a good idea. |
Doble ración de ron, tareas faciles, no criticaran la labor del cápitan, eso opinará el tribunal. | Double rum, make and mend. It's not for us to criticize- the captain, so the court will think. |
Y espero que tu madre opinará como yo. | And I hope that your mother will think so too. |
¿Qué le parece que opinaría Jesús del capitalismo? | What do you think Jesus would think of capitalism? |
- No importa lo que opine. | Doesn't matter what I think. |
- No le importa lo que opine de ella. | She doesn't care what he thinks. |
- Opine lo que opine, inspector, David ha desaparecido y debemos encontrarlo. | Regardless of what you think, Inspector, David is missing, and we must find him. |
- Puede que algún día opine así. | - Maybe I'll think so someday. |
- ¿A quién le importa lo que opine? | -Who cares what he thinks? |
- Me importa lo que opines tú de ella. | - It's important to me what you think other. |
A menos que opines diferente. | Unless you think otherwise? |
Así que solo importa lo que tu opines. | So it only matters what you think. |
Aunque opines lo contrario, esta es la primera decisión libre que he tomado en mi vida. | Even if you think the opposite, this is the first free choice I made in all my life. |
Da igual lo que opines de eso, quieres formar parte. | No matter how you think about it, you want to be a part. |
No importa lo que opinemos de su religión es obvio que creían en ella y que su hija no se moriría. | Forget that. No matter what we think of their religion, it's obvious they believed in it and they believed their kid wasn't sick enough to die. |
Vale, chicos, da igual lo que opinéis de ellos, los bomberos son unos cocineros increíbles. | Okay, guys, no matter what you think of them, firemen are great cooks. |
- Espero que los críticos opinen así. | - I hope the critics think so. |
- Importa lo que opinen los demás. | - It doesn't matter what I think, but the others! |
A la mejor persona no le importa lo que otros opinen. | The bigger person doesn't worry about what other people think. |
Aunque me gustaría dar unos azotes a todos los críos que piensan que amenazar un monumento nacional es gracioso, hay leyes en este país y a pesar de lo que mis adversarios opinen, yo creo en ellas. | While I would like to round up every kid that thinks threatening a national monument is funny, we have laws in this country and despite what my opponents think, I believe in them. |
Es decir, quiere que otros opinen que usted ha triunfado. | - You mean you want other people to think you're a success? |
Es lo que siempre he opinado de usted. | That's how I've always thought about you. |
Es natural... pero no piensas en ellos opinando de ese modo. | That's only natural... but you're not thinking of the children when you feel like that. - You're thinking of yourself. - I never thought I was being selfish. |
¿La cuñada opiná que podría haber tenido dudas? | The sister-in-law thinking she might have had doubts? |
- Bueno, ¿Qué opinás? | - Well, what do you think? |
No sé, ¿qué opinás Ernie? | What do you think, Ernie? |
¿Eh, qué opinás? | what do you think? |
¿Qué opinás? | There. What do you think? |