Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
Televisioon panustab pühendunud Ameerika peredele. | TV contributes to the decay of the American family. |
Me kõik panustame tulemusse. | We all contribute to the outcome. |
Mis teie sellesse panustate? | What do you contribute? |
- Nende heaks, kes panustavad. | The ones that contribute. |
Jah, ka need panustavad sellesse, aga hoolikad uurimused on näidanud, et see seletab võib-olla ainult kolmandikku muutlikkusest. | Yeah, those contribute but careful studies have shown that it explains maybe about a third of the variability. |
Las nad panustavad meie võimu heaks. | Let them contribute to our power. |
- Ta ei panusta midagi. | - He does not contribute. |
On asitõendid selle kohta, et Mattiece panustas 4 miljonit dollarit presidendi valimiskampaaniasse. | We've confirmed Mattiece contributed over $4 million to the President's last campaign. |
- Ta ei panusta midagi. | - He does not contribute. |
Ja ütle oma isale et ta peaks panustama mu ärisse või hoidku sellest eemale. | And you tell your father he should either contribute to my business or stay out of it. |
Ja ütle oma isale et ta peaks panustama mu ärisse... ...või hoidku sellest eemale. | And you tell your father he should either contribute to my business... ...or stay out of it. |
Peab ainult panustama nende salongi kunstikollektsiooni, nii et... | All you have to do is contribute to their salon's art collection as a fee, so... |
Kõik, mida ma otsin, on kedagi, kes saaks panustada sellesse, mida Inglismaa on andnud maailmale: | What I'm looking for is someone who can contribute to what England has given to the world: |
Ma tahtsin lihtsalt öelda, et teie sõnad mõjusid mulle väga, ja ma loodan üks päev panustada linnale samal moel kui teie. | I just wanted to tell you that your words really resonated with me, and I hope to one day contribute to the city in the way that you do. |
Ma töötan kolmel kohal, ma tunnen, et suudan panustada. | I work three jobs, and I feel like I contribute. |
Meil kõigil on millegagi panustada. | We all have something to contribute. |
Tema võib panustada palju rohkem sinu pärandisse, mida sa armastad rohkem oma päris lastest. | That she might have the most to contribute to your legacy that you love so much more than your actual children? |
Keegi meist ei panustanud millelegi uuele. | And none of us contributed anything new. |
Pereliige, kes on panustanud pere püsima jäämiseks. | A member of your family who has actively contributed to that family's survival. |
See võib ka seletada, miks Nikola Tesla, vennad Wrightid ja paljud teised leiutajad on tohutult panustanud praegusesse maailma ning nad ei olnud selleks rahaliselt motiveeritud. | And this might explain why Nikola Tesla, the Wright Brothers and other inventors who contributed massively to our current world never showed a monetary incentive to do so. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Afrikaans | bydra | Catalan | contribuir |
Dutch | bijdragen | English | contribute |
Esperanto | kontribui | French | contribuer,cotiser |
German | beisteuern, beitragen, mitwirken | Greek | εισφέρω, συμβάλλω, συνεισφέρω, συντείνω, συντελώ, συντηρούμαι, συντονίζω, συντρίβομαι, συνυπολογίζω, συνυφαίνομαι |
Hungarian | hozzájárul | Indonesian | menyumbang |
Italian | concorrere, tassarsi | Japanese | 寄付, 寄与, 貢献, 醵金 |
Lithuanian | prisidėti | Macedonian | придонесе, придонесува |
Malay | menyumbang | Norwegian | bidra |
Polish | przyczyniać, współtworzyć | Portuguese | contribuir |
Spanish | contribuir, tribuir | Swedish | bidra, bidraga |
Thai | ลงขัน, อุดหนุน | Turkish | katkıda bulunmak |
Vietnamese | góp phần, góp sức |