Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
- Ma kupeldan su õega pisut. | - I'll pimp your sister. |
- Ma kupeldan su õega pisut._BAR_ | - I'll pimp your sister. |
Kas kupeldad omaenda emaga? | Are you pimping out your own mother? |
Ma isegi ei küsi, miks sa mind juustu eest kupeldad... aga mis ajast sind üldse huvitab, kellega ma magan? | I'm not even going to ask why you're pimping me out for cheese. But since when do you care at all about who I sleep with? |
Ikka kupeldame. | Still pimping. |
Kuidas me seda libu siis kupeldame? | So, then, how do we go pimp of Babylon all over this bitch? |
Mida, kas me kupeldame teda nüüd või? | What, are we pimping for him now? |
Mida, kas me kupeldame tema heaks nüüd või? | We pimping for him now? |
Ja ma ei kupelda sind sest sinu meeleavaldus, see lihtsalt paneb meid hoopis teist moodi olukorda, kas saad aru mis ma öelda tahan? | And me not pimping you because of your demonstration, it just puts us in a whole different kind of place, you know what I mean? |
Isa kupeldas ta mingi tehingu katteks New Yorgi huntidele. | Her father pimped her out to the New York wolves to seal some deal. |
Ja ma ei kupelda sind sest sinu meeleavaldus, see lihtsalt paneb meid hoopis teist moodi olukorda, kas saad aru mis ma öelda tahan? | And me not pimping you because of your demonstration, it just puts us in a whole different kind of place, you know what I mean? |
Mine kupelda kedagi teist. | Go pimp someone else, please. |
Tee mida sa pead, kupelda, tee narkotsi, kõike mida tahad. | Do what you have to, pimp, deal, whatever. |
Ma ei hakka teie tütart kupeldama. | I will not pimp your daughter. |
Nii see juba asi käibki. Peab ainult kupeldama. | That's the way the game goes Gotta keep it strictly pimpin' |
Eile püüdis ta mulle Lenat kupeldada. | Yesterday he tried to pimp her to me. |
Kas sa arvad, et ma tahan terve oma ülejäänud elu teie perseid kupeldada? | You think I wanna spend the rest of my life pimping your pimpled country ass? |
Ma ei proovi teda maha kupeldada. | I am not pimping him out. |
Ma saan end alati vanematele, seksikatele daamidele kupeldada. | I can always pimp myself out to hot older ladies. I need to remember that. |
Hei, mina ei kupeldanud teda. | I'm not the one who pimped her-- |
Mina teda ei kupeldanud. | I'm not the one who pimped her... |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
English | pimp | French | maquerauter |
Italian | ruffianeggiare | Polish | odpicować,stręczyć |
Portuguese | alcovitar, cafetinar | Spanish | alcahuetear |
Swedish | pimpa |