Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
Ei, kui ma sul seda keelan. | Not if I say you don't. |
Ei, ma keelan sul sinna alla minemast. | No, I forbid you to go down there. |
- Ei luba? Sina keelad mind? | You don't want her hurt? |
- Tru... Sa ei taha, et ma su sõpradega kohtuksin, sa keelad mul nautida fondüüd... | Tru, you don't want me to meet your friends you don't want me to enjoy fondue. |
Aga, Hank, kui sa keelad mul advokaadiga rääkimast, jätab täpselt vastupidise mulje. | But, Hank, you telling me not to talk to a lawyer doesn't sound like that at all. |
Kui sa keelad mul edasi töötada, siis olen ma eikeegi, mittekeegi. | I mean, if you stop me from doing my work, then I am nothing. I'm just nobody. |
-Milline dieet keelab tequila? | What kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila? |
Jah, keelab. | Yes, it does. |
Kui ta miskipärast koju peaks tulema, siis helista mulle, isegi kui ta keelab seda teha. | Just- - If he does come home for any reason, call me and let me know, even if he commands you not to. |
Ega sa arva, et keelame sulle õnne lihtsalt sellepärast, et vajasime lapsehoidjat? | You surely do not think we would deny you happiness just simply because we needed a nursemaid? |
Me ei aita neid, kui keelame neile eneseväljenduse. | We aren't helping if we deny them the freedom to express themselves. |
Me ei pea midagi muud tegema kui ainult keelame tal ruumi siseneda. | We don't need to do anything apart from just stop him entering the room. |
Iga kord, kui te võtate ühe meie vabadustest, iga kord, kui keelate ühe meie õigustest, muutume me rohkem nende sarnaseks. | Every time you take away one of our freedoms,... every time you restrict or curtail one of our rights,... we become one step closer to being like them. |
Kui keelate mul kokku saada advokaadiga . . . . . . siis võin ma sõjaväe määrustiku kohaselt . . . . . . esitada kaebuse sõjaväe inspektorile . | And I believe if you don't allow me to see a J.A.G. officer, sir.... ....then under the uniform code of military justice.... ....I can file a complaint with the inspector general. |
Kui keelate mul kokku saada advokaadiga... siis võin ma sõjaväe määrustiku kohaselt... esitada kaebuse sõjaväe inspektorile. | And I believe if you don't allow me to see a J.A.G.-officer, sir... ...then under the uniform code of military justice... ...I can file a complaint with the inspector general. |
Kui keelate selle, eksite põhiseaduse vastu ja ma pean võistluse katkestama uurimise ajaks. | Try to stop it and you'll be in blatant violation of the WRL charter leaving me no option but to shut this year's Prix down until a full investigation can be completed. |
Ma arvan teadvat. Näiteks ma ei mõista, kuidas maasaadikud Teie kõrgeaususele balleti keelavad. | For example, I don't understand why the Council denies you a ballet. |
Ma ei tea, kuidas Bostonis, aga siin on meil reeglid, mis keelavad muusikat liiga kõvasti mängida. | I don't know how it is up in Boston, but down here we have rules against playing music too loud. |
Mu vanded Jumala ees keelavad mul teatud mineviku asjadest rääkida. | My vows to God do not allow me to talk... about certain aspects of my past. |
- Ei, sa lihtsalt ei keela endale väikseid naudinguid. | No, you just don't deny yourself small pleasures. |
- Keegi ei keela mul midagi teha. | - Nobody let's me do anything. |
- Kuhu sa lähed? Kontrollima neid seisakukookoneid ja sina mind ei keela, selge? | To check out the stasis pods, and don't tell on me, all right? |