Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
Em sap molt de greu que un peruà pugui ser tan ignorant com per destrossar una cosa així. | I am deeply sorry that a Peruvian might be so ignorant as to be able to destroy like that. |
No solament va matar en Babbaw... ...sinó que el va destrossar! | He didn't kiII Pettigrew. He destroyed him! |
No solament va matar en Babbaw, sinó que el va destrossar! | He didn't kill Pettigrew, he destroyed him! |
Et vas a destrossar... si segueixes creient que el teu iaio és responsable de tot el que passa. | You'll destroy yourself if you keep thinking your grandfather is totally to blame forthe family. |
I sigui el que sigui el que tinguéssim, tu i jo, la confiança que construïm durant una dècada en la que jo et protegia, ensenyant-te tot el que sé, la vas destrossar quan em vas mentir i em vas tractar com a un d'ells, | And whatever we had, you and I, whatever trust we built up over a decade of me protecting you, teaching you everything I know, you destroyed it when you lied to me and you treated me like "them," |
Ja s'han mort més de vuit mil màrtirs, s'han detingut desenes de milers de persones, s'han destrossat llars i s'han violat dones... | More than 8,000 people have been murdered, and thousands of people have been detained, homes destroyed and women raped. |
També m'han destrossat la vida. | They destroyed my life, too. |
Si la Sarah Jean hagués estat present, hauria destrossat la seva fantasia. | If Sarah Jean was present, it would have destroyed his fantasy. |
Darrera la mesquita, m'han destrossat la casa. I ara ens evacuaran a una escola de l'ONU | Behind the mosque, they destroyed the house, so now we are leaving, we are evacuating to a UN school. |
He destrossat cada relació decent que he tingut, fins i tot amb la meva filla. | I've destroyed every decent relationship I have ever had, including one with my daughter. |
Si destruiu les tombes, ens destrosseu el cor. | Destroying the graves is destroying our hearts. |
Això el destrossaria. | This would destroy him. |
La dictadura de Pinotxet destrossà la democràcia, aquella que durant 2 segles s'havia perfeccionat i va destruir, de dia en dia, durant 18 anys, el país que jo coneixia. | The dictatorship of Pinochet crushed that democracy which had perfectioned itself over two centuries, and destroyed, day after day, for 18 years, the country I knew. |
Quatre reis falsos destrossant el país. | Four false kings destroying the country. |