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Seiten in der Kategorie „Interpretation“
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Medien in der Kategorie „Interpretation“
Folgende 118 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 118 insgesamt.
6-zasad-tildena.jpg 1.929 × 2.165; 1,73 MB
Aptic.png 222 × 228; 11 KB
Bg 0367 Sveti-Marko multi-maketa.jpg 1.536 × 2.048; 710 KB
Bg-757 Sveti-Marko rokodelski-posnetek.jpg 2.976 × 3.968; 2,95 MB
Brinegar Cabin, Milepost 238.5, Blue Ridge Parkway (9265e58a724d4950b2f22576c7ef798a).tif 2.409 × 1.503; 10,36 MB
Chair caning demonstration and class (4072a25722764abd9f039244f744dbba).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Chair caning demonstration and class (5a2e8a302e4f4192b8e68839fa48c16c) (cropped).tif 1.349 × 1.003; 3,87 MB
Chair caning demonstration and class (5a2e8a302e4f4192b8e68839fa48c16c).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Chair caning demonstration and class (621c8acd42e340dbbe02f3f69a6e9e39) (cropped).tif 1.353 × 1.003; 3,88 MB
Chair caning demonstration and class (621c8acd42e340dbbe02f3f69a6e9e39).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Chair caning demonstration and class (874c7886d3cb47a382963e29ec6d0cf8).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Cool Springs Baptist Church (0b766f373483421dbb8c8d3a0bf1e292).tif 2.425 × 1.504; 10,44 MB
David Howard Hitchcock's " Madame Pele" (4e3de67d-b5f9-4b91-a404-c1257176b14a).tif 13.780 × 17.861; 196,52 MB
David Howard Hitchcock's "Moku‘āweoweo at Top of Mauna Loa" (716bab2e-7973-4102-8b0d-28e38ead2c13).tif 18.262 × 14.089; 490,87 MB
Gary Sánchez on the Yankees win against Oakland (HokxgWnhAM8).webm 1 min 41 s, 1.280 × 720; 69,21 MB
Grinding Cane at Sorghum Demonstration at Mabry Mill (12148e9a709b4279b211a10a6b6d8d89).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Grinding Cane at Sorghum Demonstration at Mabry Mill (32e4d91de5a34b929b7d1f7003299512).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Grinding Cane at Sorghum Demonstration at Mabry Mill (841fde3d6c2047a1b7020def91be714b).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Grinding Cane at Sorghum Demonstration at Mabry Mill (dda835b943bd4ea9abc91b64b2f0d13c).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Grinding Cane at Sorghum Demonstration at Mabry Mill (f281b6f709d94f4d973be276169f2269).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Group Poses with Sign at Halema‘uma‘u Crater (683c2ab8-ba3a-4d76-8745-e8f0906d5b0e).tif 4.012 × 2.792; 21,4 MB
Guided Tour of Mabry Mill conducted by Brenda Bowers (7e2e60971d9a4380a1cb8dbe92893393).tif 2.474 × 1.571; 11,13 MB
Guided walk around Johnson Farm (12902a4fccaf413e83cb53ead9af995b).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Guided walk around Johnson Farm (7eec74b14ecb424395aae3ab529bbca5).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Guided walk around Johnson Farm (8206f8d245d04b648b09facf9941dc0f).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Guided walk around Johnson Farm (903267ede8eb482cab0af957677c03f6).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Guided walk around Johnson Farm (ca5da7d1e83e4be58fbea5677f7f76f6).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Home Harris and sorghum demonstration at Mabry Mill (435714ddb1d340e6999b2c80cc1b5239).tif 2.474 × 1.571; 11,13 MB
Homer Harris making sorghum molasses at Mabry Mill (1449c7e195a24d91b69d0ef87b97614a).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Homer Harris, concessioner at Mabry Mill (8805340a7f0341fab0067346346f26f5).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Instituto Superior de Intérpretes y Traductores.jpg 4.000 × 3.000; 4,04 MB
Interpretive talk with school group at Johnson Farm (5502cea377c342b297dcee8dc477ba86).tif 2.474 × 1.571; 11,13 MB
Interpretive Walk on Falling Water Cascades Trail (22b0bfb290fa4035be5fe3dfccc14ff8).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Johnson Farm interpretive sign (18731420d72e4823a024ef27d6575571).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Johnson Farm interpretive sign (3327b26da9e44df6837cae2002ef7e91).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Johnson Farm interpretive sign (971a97b5dcef4f2c9ae8a418b95ec83f).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Johnson Farm interpretive sign (f1cb7129c6d44a46822170ba28824fd5).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Karen Lee and visitors inside Johnson Farmhouse (e4baf6ede3714fe4944a16ca7529a387).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Layers of Abstraction.jpg 2.280 × 1.990; 374 KB
Leaning sign at The Loops Overlook (10704d2d63e9464fb43d9fa470ce45ba).tif 2.393 × 1.504; 10,3 MB
Leaning sign at The Loops Overlook (30452e182b3245558927eae9a37bdebe).tif 2.425 × 1.500; 10,41 MB
Lee Dan.jpg 769 × 535; 60 KB
Man vs. Machine - Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mensch und Maschine.jpg 938 × 1.026; 184 KB
Medical Interpreter - The Noun Project.svg 512 × 435; 3 KB
Mel and Karen Lee demonstrating life at Johnson Farm (3b92ba6efaea4939ad2568c12827fe0d).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Mel and Karen Lee demonstrating life at Johnson Farm (6b3a531c1f7e4215910be77b7b1c29a9).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Mel and Karen Lee demonstrating life at Johnson Farm (7dae5daf794d45309281cf7b820e12c8).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Mel and Karen Lee, demonstrators at Johnson Farm (54bae77731a1406bb8afba3390b82ac4).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Mel Lee with visitor inside Johnson Farmhouse (9654def6f37f4ad08d1f7505e1814aeb).tif 2.448 × 1.567; 10,98 MB
Miss Harris testing sorghum at Mabry Mill (81cbdbe780774e64a5c8d7f3f8c2015b).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Miss Harris testing sorghum at Mabry Mill (b97d3aa4475847839a1a003b513d8f0d).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Miss Harris testing sorghum at Mabry Mill (e34b286bb3264fec8b027136553bc2ed).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Notebook commonly used by interpreters.jpg 4.624 × 3.472; 4,6 MB
Peaks of Otter Visitor Center (0c7a77e998f7434c9d6dec322b2eff10).tif 2.474 × 1.571; 11,13 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 01.jpg 2.448 × 3.264; 3,07 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 02.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,99 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 03.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,89 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 04.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 3,04 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 05.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,81 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 06.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,89 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 07.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,99 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 08.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 3 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 09.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 3,06 MB
Pioneer female interpreters 1900 1953 10.jpg 3.264 × 2.448; 2,88 MB
Pots and Kettles Parkway (bcb8fda45c394782811429b233b01065).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Presenting an Evening Program at Devils Garden (03966ed1-f5e6-4de1-9b5b-0403bec54beb).jpg 7.360 × 4.912; 6,14 MB
Ranger Clifton and Parkway visitors (07ad03d8d39240bca08d65c082366146).tif 2.474 × 1.571; 11,13 MB
Ranger talk at bumpass hell.jpg (ed3a438c-485a-4ac2-933e-89d87519a6c2).jpg 2.240 × 1.488; 1,41 MB
Richland Balsam Self-Guiding Trail interpretive sign (4c596d1b7e974752b01ebf7eaf53707a).tif 2.393 × 1.500; 10,27 MB
Testing sorghum at demonstration at Mabry Mill (2ceacee3a6b54abeade8125882670ae5).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Testing sorghum at demonstration at Mabry Mill (ba84d496dc8347948c8df8765fd52d13).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Testing sorghum at demonstration at Mabry Mill (fdd9b1b239e649de8ee9d69ff47b1ffc).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Topographical Map of Eastern Hawaiʻi (951d8ea4-7b70-42cb-804f-d0896efee991).tif 5.953 × 4.722; 69,97 MB
Topographical Map of Eastern Hawaiʻi (aaf6e251-d95e-452c-bddd-710a9f3b1996).tif 2.974 × 1.783; 10,14 MB
Unterschiedliche Interpretationen von 4 Bytes.svg 1.044 × 614; 32 KB
VIP Bill Burger leading interpretive walk (569f9f2d250c48f4afb4c477dee8dcc4).tif 2.448 × 1.557; 10,91 MB
VIP Bill Burger leading interpretive walk (9cd7ffcc503845bb950c26f6d0528e08).tif 2.448 × 1.557; 10,91 MB
Visitor Posed next to Fourteen Ton Lava Bomb (24982c70-ede2-4f1a-aff0-26fe0f8a9137).tif 3.263 × 1.914; 11,93 MB
Visitor Posed with Fourteen Ton Lava Bomb (8e867db5-83dc-4da2-b6bf-e6b584dcd63c).tif 3.276 × 1.936; 12,12 MB
Visitors at Mabry Mill on a Saturday afternoon in October (d7e7dc8cdd9e4774b759f7137dd493d4).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Visitors Posing in "Picture Frames" Lava Formation (9207a836-6980-4211-8cc6-64ff768b3d73).tif 3.966 × 2.764; 31,42 MB
Visitors testing sorghum at Mabry Mill (9ed8e6599268476b8989a98fdba463c9).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Visitors testing sorghum at Mabry Mill (b1dee665b87f43958d64b63d09496edd).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Visitors testing sorghum at Mabry Mill (b27500bf6b0547d2b0326471967b053d).tif 2.461 × 1.560; 11,41 MB
Weaving demonstration at Brinegar Cabin (c10d21b1ab92485d963c545cba023db9).tif 2.409 × 1.505; 10,37 MB
Weaving demonstration at Brinegar Cabin (d7c13f75f61b497da1d688c62b00d159).tif 2.425 × 1.507; 10,46 MB
לי דן.jpg 1.024 × 683; 206 KB
口譯的要素.pdf 2.000 × 1.125; 744 KB