Sapaclisp is the Common-Lisp code for the book "Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Univariate Techniques" (Cambridge University Press, 1993), by Donald B. Percival and Andrew T. Walden. The code is not only focused on spectral analysis, but contains many usefull numerical routines for a variety of purposes (linear systems, least squares, FFT, etc).
The code is now (as of 15.04.2005) under the BSD ("sans advertising clause") licence.
cvs -z3 -d co sapaclisp(If that fails, see here.)
ln -s /my/central/registry/sapaclisp.asd /path/of/code/sapaclisp.asd
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'sapaclisp)
Last modified: , Mario S. Mommer |