GECO is George P.W. Williams' CLOS-based toolkit for writing genetic algorithms. It is a fairly flexible framework that can be used for experimentation and for the solution of a variety of problems. Documentation is available, and it includes two simple examples.
Version 2.01a has been tested on SBCL and CMUCL.
A paper describing the framework can be found in the CMU AI Achive. The .ps file seems to be damaged, you might have to convert to a pdf file to see more than the first page. You can download it here.
Recommended: using ASDF.
ln -s /my/central/registry/geco.asd /path/of/code/geco.asd
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'geco)
A system definition file is also included.
Extensions, fixes, and additional examples are welcome. If you have patches, extensions, ideas, etc. just drop by at the geco-devel mailing list and tell us about it.
Development is tracked using darcs. The latest version of GECO is in the darcs repository at:
$ darcs get
If you have problems running GECO, or have found a bug, consider telling us at the geco-devel mailing list.
Last modified: | Mario S. Mommer |