مجله تمرین در روانشناسی بالینی

The Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology is a clinically peer-reviewed journal that is published quarterly by Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences PCP is dedicated to increase the depth of our knowledge of Clinical Psychology.

The contributions in PCP represent the breadth of clinical psychology erudition in the scientific community featuring original research from diverse fields in clinical psychology including psychometrics and measurement, etiology, epidemiology, prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation in mental disorders.

موضوعات تحت پوشش

اطلاعات تماس

  • آدرس دفتر نشریه: دانشگاه علوم توانبخشی و سلامت اجتماعی تهران، اوین، بلوار دانشجو، بن بست کودکیار
  • کدپستی: 1985713834
  • تلفن: (داخلی 2826) 02171732826
  • تلفن: 02171732000
  • ایمیل: iranianjcp@gmail.com
  • ایمیل: jpcp@uswr.ac.ir
  • وبسایت: https://jpcp.uswr.ac.ir/

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