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- Proof. Carroll. The multiplicative habits model by Carroll (2000) is characterized by a constant discount rate, such that θ(z) = θ, by an utility function which depends on the ratio between consumption of the addictive good c and the stock of habits z, so u(g, c, z) = u(c, z), and by an adaptive habits formation process. Even though the author explicitly sets up a CES like utility function from the beginning and uses a capital investment equation rather than a wealth equation, the following program max Z ∞ u(c(t), z(t))e−θt dt s.t. ˙ a = ra − c, ˙ z = λ(c − z), can be considered equivalent to Carroll (2000, page 7, equations (4) and(5)).
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- Proof. Epstein and Shi. The ERA model reduces to the endogenous discounting model with habits proposed by Epstein and Shi (1993) by setting u(g, c, z) = u(c) and assuming an adaptive habits accumulation process. Under these restrictions, the consumer maximization problem is max Z ∞ u(c(t))e− R t θ(z(Ä))dÄ dt s.t. ˙ a = ra − c, ˙ z = λ(c − z), which corresponds to Epstein and Shi (1993, page 63 equation (2.1)).
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- Proof. Uzawa and Obstfeld. The model proposed by Uzawa (1968) and Obstfeld (1990) is obtained by assuming that the utility function depends only on consumption of a non-addictive good, i.e. u(g, c, z) = u(g), and that the endogenous discount rate depends on current consumption of the non-addictive good.
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- This would be equivalent to set θ(z(t)) = θ(g(t)). The maximization program, taking into account that the habits accumulation equation must not be considered, becomes max Z ∞ u(g(t))e− R t θ(g(Ä))dÄ dt s.t. ˙ a = ra − c, which correspond to Obstfeld (1990, pag 14, equations (20) and (21)).
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- Uzawa, H. 1968. Time Preference, the Consumption Function, and Optimal Asset Holdings. In Value, Capital and Growth: Papers in Honour of Sir John Hicks, edited by J. N. Wolfe. Edimburg University Press, 485504. A Proofs Here we present a sketch of the proof that the ERA model is encompassing with respect to the models listed in the introduction. We show how imposing restrictions on the parameters or on the utility function the proposed model reduces to each of those models. We start specifying the representative consumer optimization problem for the ERA model, i.e. max Z ∞ u(g(t), c(t), z(t))e− R t θ(z(Ä))dÄ dt s.t. ˙ a = ra − g − pc, ˙ z = c − Ãz. This specication is dierent from (3) in two things: the utility function that here is not divided intro the non-addictive and addictive parts, and the discount rate, which, as shown in footnote 14, is perfectly equivalent to the alternative specication.
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