- #Scale <1> 1 Strongly disagree <2> 2 <3> 3 <4> 4 <5> 5 Strongly agree What is the highest level of your obtained education? <1> primary Kasperska, A., et al. /WORKING PAPERS 16/2023 (423) 34 <2> secondary <3> further (college/6th form/A-levels) <4> higher (undergraduate, postgraduate) How important, according to you, are social surveys for understanding social phenomena? <1> very important <2> rather important <3> neither important nor unimportant <4> rather not important <5> not important at all Q15. How important are the following skills, in your opinion, for doing your job? <1> Analytical <2> Social #Scale <1> Not important <2> Weakly important <3> Moderately important <4> Important <5> Very important Thank you for taking part in our survey.
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