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Fast and Reliable Jackknife and Bootstrap Methods for Cluster-Robust Inference. (2023). Nielsen, Morten ; Webb, Matthew D ; MacKinnon, James G.
In: Papers.

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  1. The effects of residential landlord–tenant laws: New evidence from Canadian reforms using census data. (2024). Gold, Daniel E ; Clarke, Dylan R.
    In: Journal of Urban Economics.

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  2. Motivating collusion. (2024). Aldokas, Alminas ; Ma, Fangyuan ; Ha, Sangeun.
    In: Journal of Financial Economics.

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  3. How price-gouging regulation undermined COVID-19 mitigation: county-level evidence of unintended consequences. (2023). Roberts, Gavin ; Chakraborti, Rik.
    In: Public Choice.

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  4. Testing for the appropriate level of clustering in linear regression models. (2023). Webb, Matthew ; Nielsen, Morten ; MacKinnon, James.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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References cited by this document

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  16. Hansen BE. 2022. Jackknife standard errors for clustered regression. Working paper, University of Wisconsin.
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  17. Hu A, Spamann H. 2020. Inference with cluster imbalance: The case of state corporate laws. Discussion paper, Harvard Law School.
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  21. MacKinnon JG, Nielsen MØ, Webb MD. 2022b. Leverage, influence, and the jackknife in clustered regression models: Reliable inference using summclust. QED Working Paper 1483, Queen’s University.
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  22. MacKinnon JG, Nielsen MØ, Webb MD. 2022c. summclust: Stata module to compute cluster level measures of leverage, influence, and a cluster jackknife variance estimator.
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  26. MacKinnon JG. 2022. Fast cluster bootstrap methods for linear regression models. Econometrics and Statistics : to appear.
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  32. Roodman D, MacKinnon JG, Nielsen MØ, Webb MD. 2019. Fast and wild: Bootstrap inference in Stata using boottest. Stata Journal 19: 4–60.

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  36. URL https://cran.r-project.org/package=summclust Fischer A, Roodman D. 2022. fwildclusterboot: Fast wild cluster bootstrap inference for linear regression models (version 0.12.3).
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  38. URL https://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s459072.html MacKinnon JG, Webb MD. 2017. Wild bootstrap inference for wildly different cluster sizes. Journal of Applied Econometrics 32: 233–254.

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  40. Xu G. 2018. The costs of patronage: Evidence from the British empire. American Economic Review 108: 3170–3198.


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