The chains in the crystal structure of tellurium along the 31-screw axis. The chain is highlighted in blue colors where the dark blue atom is situated on c = 1/3, middle blue on c = 2/3 and light blue on c = 0. Thick red bonds represent covalent bonds between atoms in the chain (d = 284 pm), dashed green bonds secondary contacts between chains (d = 349 pm) and dashed purple bonds represent the hexagonal surrounding within a "layer" of tellurium (d = 446 pm).
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{{Information |Description=Te chains in the crystal structure of tellurium along the 3<sub>1</sub>-screw axis. The chain is highlighted in blue colors where the dark blue atom is situated on c = 1/3, middle blue on c = 2/3 and light blue on c = 0. Thick r