State legislative scorecards in New Hampshire
Ballotpedia defines scorecards as records produced by newspapers, interest groups, think tanks, partisan groups, 501(c)(3)s, and 501(c)(4)s that provide relative rankings and cover all state or federal lawmakers. Some scorecards are created with a focus on specific issues, while others are broad in scope.
Because scorecards can be specific to particular issues or general to a state’s legislative term, each report should be considered on its own merits. The entities that publish these reports may use different methodologies and definitions for the terms used.
Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. Some states have a limited number of available scorecards or scorecards produced only by select groups. It is Ballotpedia’s goal to incorporate all available scorecards regardless of ideology or number.
If you are aware of a scorecard Ballotpedia has not included, please email it to
- See also: State legislative scorecards
In 2023, the New Hampshire State Legislature was in session from January 4 to June 29.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on economic issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2022, the New Hampshire State Legislature was in session from January 5 to May 26.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on economic issues.
- Legislators are scored based on their votes and if they align with the organization's values.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills supported or opposed by the organization.
- Legislators are scored on their stances on policies related to reproductive health issues.
In 2021, the New Hampshire State Legislature was in session from January 6 to June 24.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on economic issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills supported or opposed by the organization.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2020, the New Hampshire State Legislature was in session from January 8 to June 30. The session was suspended from March 14 to June 11.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on economic issues.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills supported or opposed by the organization.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2019, the New Hampshire General Court was in session from January 2 through June 30.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills supported or opposed by the organization.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2018, the New Hampshire General Court was in session from January 3 through June 30.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to civil liberties.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on economic issues.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on health issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills supported or opposed by the organization.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2017, the New Hampshire General Court was in session from January 4 through June 22. The state House met for a veto session on November 2.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on health issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills supported or opposed by the organization.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2016, the New Hampshire General Court was in session from January 6 through June 1.
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation-New Hampshire- 2016 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- Cornerstone Policy Research: 2015-2016 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored based on 15 roll call votes in the House and seven roll call votes in the Senate during the 2015-2016 session.
- Legislators are scored on how they voted on tax and fiscal legislation.
- New Hampshire Business and Industry Association: 2016 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored based on their votes on business legislation.
- New Hampshire Liberty Alliance: 2016 Liberty Rating report card
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- New Hampshire National Federation of Independent Business: 2016 Voting Record
- Legislators are scored on their votes on small business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2015, the New Hampshire General Court was in session from January 7 to July 1.
- Cornerstone Policy Research: 2015-2016 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored based on 15 roll call votes in the House and seven roll call votes in the Senate during the 2015-2016 session.
- New Hampshire Business and Industry Association: 2015 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored based on their votes on business legislation.
- New Hampshire Liberty Alliance: 2015 Liberty Rating report card
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2014, the 163rd New Hampshire General Court, second year, was in session from January 8 through June 13.
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation-New Hampshire- 2014 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- New Hampshire National Federation of Independent Business: 2013-2014 Voting Record
- Legislators are scored on their votes on small business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
- Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
In 2013, the 163rd New Hampshire General Court, first year, was in session from January 2 to July 1.
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation-New Hampshire- 2013 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored on their votes on bills related to economic issues.
- New Hampshire Liberty Alliance: 2013 Liberty Rating report card
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- New Hampshire National Federation of Independent Business: 2013-2014 Voting Record
- Legislators are scored on their votes on small business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
In 2012, the 162nd New Hampshire General Court, second year, was in session from January 4 through June 27.
- Cornerstone Policy Research: 2011-2012 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored based on 39 roll call votes in the House and 20 roll call votes in the Senate during the 2011-2012 session.
- Legislators are scored based on their votes on education legislation.
- New Hampshire Liberty Alliance: 2012 Liberty Rating report card
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- New Hampshire National Federation of Independent Business: 2011-2012 Voting Record
- Legislators are scored on their votes on small business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
In 2011, the 162nd New Hampshire General Court, first year, was in session from January 5 through July 1.
- Cornerstone Policy Research: 2011-2012 Legislative Scorecard
- Legislators are scored based on 39 roll call votes in the House and 20 roll call votes in the Senate during the 2011-2012 session.
- Legislators are scored based on their votes on education legislation.
- New Hampshire Liberty Alliance: 2011 Liberty Rating report card
- Legislators are scored by the organization "on pro-liberty and anti-liberty roll call votes."
- New Hampshire National Federation of Independent Business: 2011-2012 Voting Record
- Legislators are scored on their votes on small business issues.
- Legislators are scored based on if they voted with the Republican Party.
See also
- State legislative scorecards
- New Hampshire State Senate
- New Hampshire House of Representatives
- New Hampshire General Court
External links
The following organizations routinely provide legislative scorecards in New Hampshire.
- Americans for Prosperity Foundation-New Hampshire
- NH House Republican Alliance
- New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
- New Hampshire Business and Industry Association
- NH Families for Education
- New Hampshire National Federation of Independent Business
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