Joshua Deahl

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Joshua Deahl

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District of Columbia Court of Appeals

2020 - Present

Term ends


Years in position



Base salary




Arizona State University


University of Michigan Law School

Joshua Deahl is a judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. He assumed office on January 6, 2020. His current term ends on January 6, 2035.

Deahl was nominated to serve on the court by President Donald Trump (R) on June 29, 2017. The U.S. Senate confirmed Deahl on November 21, 2019, by voice vote.[1] Deahl joined the court on January 6, 2020.[2] To see a full list of judges appointed by Donald Trump, click here. To read more about judicial selection in Washington, D.C., click here.


Deahl earned undergraduate degrees in philosophy and in political science, magna cum laude, from Arizona State University. He earned his J.D., magna cum laude, from the University of Michigan Law School. During a period of his legal studies, he served as an articles editor for the Michigan Law Review. He was also the law school's student commencement speaker for his graduating class.[3] Deahl clerked for the Honorable Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor of the U.S. Supreme Court from 2009 to 2010.[4] From 2010 to 2013 he worked in a private practice in Washington, D.C., and Deahl was an appellate attorney for the Public Defender Service in Washington, D.C. from 2013 to 2019. In 2020 he began serving as a judge on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.


Nomination Tracker
Nominee Information
Name: Joshua A. Deahl
Court: District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Confirmed 875 days after nomination.
ApprovedANominated: June 29, 2017
ApprovedAABA Rating: Not rated by the ABA
ApprovedAHearing: October 22, 2019
QFRs: (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedAReported: November 6, 2019 
ApprovedAConfirmed: November 21, 2019
ApprovedAVote: Voice vote


See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

On June 29, 2017, President Donald Trump (R) nominated Deahl to serve as an associate judge on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.[5] The U.S. Senate confirmed Deahl on November 21, 2019, by voice vote.[1]

Confirmation vote

The U.S. Senate confirmed Deahl on November 21, 2019, by voice vote.[1]

Senate committee hearing

The United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held a hearing on Deahl's nomination on October 22, 2019. The committee advanced Deahl's nomination to the full Senate on November 6.[1]


Deahl was nominated by President Donald Trump (R) on June 29, 2017, to serve as an associate judge on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals succeeding Judge Eric Washington. His nomination was returned at the sine die adjournment of the 115th Congress.[6]

On May 2, 2019, President Trump resubmitted Deahl as a nominee to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.[7]

State supreme court judicial selection in Washington, D.C.

See also: Judicial selection in Washington, D.C.

The nine judges on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals are selected through the assisted appointment method. The District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission (JNC) releases a notice of judicial vacancy, and interested individuals submit application materials to the commission. The JNC is composed of seven members, each serving six-year terms, except the member appointed by the President who serves a five-year term. The commission evaluates applicants and may choose to conduct interviews or solicit feedback from the public.[8] Three individuals are recommended to the President of the United States by the commission for each vacancy. The President names an appointee from that list who then, like federal judges, must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.[8]

Judges serve for 15 years after their appointment. Eligibility for reappointment is determined by the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. The commission solicits feedback on and evaluates judges interested in another term. If a judge is found to be "well qualified," he or she is automatically reappointed. "Qualified" judges may be reappointed and go through the same process as a first-time nominee. If the President chooses to not reappoint a judge, or if the commission determines that a judge is "unqualified," the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission starts a new search.[9]


To serve on the court of appeals, a judge must be:

  • a U.S. citizen;
  • a D.C. area resident for at least five years prior to his or her appointment;
  • an active member of the D.C. bar for at least 5 years;
  • a professor at a D.C. law school or an attorney employed by the U.S. or D.C. government; and
  • under the age of 74 (retirement at 74 is mandatory).[9][10]

Selection of the chief judge

The chief judge of the court is designated by the judicial nominating commission. He or she serves in that capacity for four years.[9]


See also: How vacancies are filled in state supreme courts

When a vacancy occurs, the President of the United States appoints a successor from a list of names provided by a nominating commission. The appointment requires confirmation by the U.S. Senate. The map below highlights how vacancies are filled in state supreme courts across the country.

See also

Washington, D.C. Judicial Selection More Courts
Seal of Washington, D.C..png
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Courts in Washington, D.C.
District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Elections: 202520242023202220212020201920182017
Gubernatorial appointments
Judicial selection in Washington, D.C.
Federal courts
State courts
Local courts

External links


Washington, D.C.Washington, D.C. judicial newsJudicial selection in Washington, D.C.United States District Court for the District of ColumbiaUnited States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia CircuitDistrict of Columbia Court of AppealsSuperior Court of the District of ColumbiaDCTemplate.jpg