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Don Mairs

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Don Mairs

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Florida State University


Florida State College of Law

Don Mairs was a candidate for a seat on the Fourth Circuit Court in Florida.[1]

2012 election

Mairs ran for election on Aug. 14, 2012. He was defeated by incumbent Judge Brian J. Davis after receiving 17.4 percent of the vote.[2][3]

See also: Florida judicial elections, 2012


Mairs received his B.S. degree (Economics) from Florida State University and his J.D. degree from the Florida State College of Law.[4]


After an internship with the Public Defender's Office, Mairs worked as an associate, then partner, of the law firm of Bedell, Dittmar, DeVault, Pillans and Coxe, P.A. for nine years. He then spent two and a half years as a partner of Reinhold and Mairs, PL before starting The Mairs Law Firm. He has worked there as a sole practitioner since 2007.[4]

External links
