Cathie Wright
Cathie Wright was a 2012 Republican candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 25th Congressional District of California.
Campaign themes
Valadao's campaign website listed the following issues:[1]
- Jobs
- Excerpt: "There are so many different factors that are affecting our countries ability to grow jobs. First we need a campaign like we did when I was growing up, “Buy American”. It is our government’s responsibility to explain to the people why it is so important to buy American made products and what the results can be if we fail to do so."
- Campaign Laws
- Excerpt: "There is one issue that I find needs addressing and that is the laws that allow for those who are running for office to be able to pay their spouses for working on their campaigns. This makes my stomach churn to think that the spouses are being paid with campaign funds, when that pay check is going basically right into that candidate’s personal funds via their spouse."
- Energy
- Excerpt: "I am a believer in an all of the above approach, which starts with drilling the oil we have. I have no understanding for why we are letting countries that do not like us get rich off of us. We have plenty of natural resources of our own, only if we would use them. Right now there is a town in North Dakota called Williston and according to the Wall Street Journal dated Saturday/Sunday, March 10/11, this town is booming. "
- Government Reform
- Excerpt: "I believe that today more than ever we need to look at technology to help save money and balance our countries budget. Unlike other candidates I have a unique solution to saving money off of our federal budget. Right now close to half a trillion dollars is spent running all of our congressmen/congresswomen and senator’s offices in Washington D.C., which the average tax payer can not afford to visit."
- Education
- Excerpt: "I think the time has come for our federal government to get out of educating our children. The money needs to be block granted to the states and the states block grant it out to the counties letting them decide how it needs to be spent to educate their students."
Wright ran in the 2012 election for the U.S. House to represent California's 25th District. She was defeated in the open primary on June 5, 2012.[2][3]
Recent news
This section links to a Google news search for the term "Cathie + Wright + California + House"
External links