Addy Osmani explores several time-saving design patterns and best practices that can be employed to improve your plugin development process. (Note: this post is targeted at intermediate to advanced developers.) I occasionally write about implementing design patterns in JavaScript. They’re an excellent way of building upon proven approaches to solving common development problems, and I think there’
Creating Responsive Applications Using jQuery Deferred and Promises Julian Aubourg, Addy Osmani | March 24, 2011 Today we’re going to explore the concept of deferreds - an important feature found in JavaScript toolkits such as dojo and MochiKit, which recently also made its debut to popular JavaScript library jQuery. Deferreds offer a solution for abstracting non-blocking elements (such as the res
programming notes. mainly about JavaScript / jQuery. [@Takazudo] [] Hint: alt + / ※ このブログの内容は弊社が運営する有料サービス、CodeGridにてより詳しい内容をご参照いただけます(宣伝) jQuery deferredの使い方 - deferredの基本 | CodeGrid === jQuery1.5から追加された機能。でも全然使ってないので調べた。 jQuery1.5からはdeferredオブジェクトっていうものが登場。 これは、「イケてるキュー(待ち行列)の仕組み~遅延もあるよ~」みたいなものです・・・ 説明がムズイけれどもなんかそんな感じなのです。今までは function fetch(callback){ doAjaxThings('somefile.js
※アイコンはNIXUS Icon Packを使わせていただきました。 特徴 iPhoneの特徴的なインタフェースであるフリック操作を、Webサイト上で実現するための jQueryプラグインです。 同じような動作をするプラグインは他にもありますが、このプラグインについては以下のような目的のもとに作りました。 フリック動作のみを実装する 見た目に関連する部分は、なるべく自由にできるようにする その代わりに、拡張しやすいようにする 内部のパラメータに簡単にアクセスできるようにする コールバック関数を用意する iPhone、Androidだけでなく、PCのブラウザ上でも動作させたい IE6でも動いた iPhone、Safari等、CSSアニメーションが使えるものは使う iPhone、Androidの縦持ち・横持ちに対応する 子要素の中にアンカーや画像があっても大丈夫 Macの場合、画像がドラッグさ
After reading Dave Shea's article on CSS Sprites using jQuery to produce animation effects, I felt like playing around with things to see what could be done but accomplish it with a simpler HTML structure (no need for adding superfluous tags) and simpler code, too. Changing the position of the background image felt to be the best approach to creating the type of effect we're looking for (and I'm n
Nettuts+の2010.4.29のチュートリアル記事 How jQuery Beginners can Test and Improve their Code 既出tips多いが啓蒙的 以下斜め読んだ内容 jQuery以後jsのコード書くが快適になった コードを少し改変しただけで、コードはより読みやすくなり、速度も劇的に良くなる コードをより良くしていくためのTIPSを何個か紹介 テストするための環境作り Firefox+Firebugを前提にできるなら、以下のtest用htmlコピペ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-GB"> <head> <title>Testing out performance enhancements - Siddharth/NetTuts+</title> </head> <body> <div id="container">
I believe many of you want to know the real differences between JavaScript and JQuery. You are noticing that both of these softwares start with J but besides that there are many other similarities which we are going to explore here. The fact is that many professional web developers as well as amateur one are interested in knowing these differences and similarities for better productivity and overa
Performance optimization is a crucial aspect of building ‘snappy’ client-side applications and something which all developers using jQuery should bear in mind. In this talk, we're going to take a look at some of the best practices, tips and tricks for improving the performance of your jQuery code in 2011 with some quick wins and a few new surprises along the way.Read less
Ajaxloader jquery plugin for show preload image on dynamic loading content Ajaxloader plugin for jquery. * Copyright (c) 2010 Blokhin Yuriy ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * Examples 1: Load page 1 Load page 2 Load page 3 Example 1 code: Button1 - $('#localframe').ajaxloader
For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser.
Present JavaScript in its native environment. If you're making a presentation on JavaScript, make it in Javascript. Write your slideshow in HTML, style it with CSS and control it with some jQuery-powered JavaScript. When you're done, Fathom.js even lets you sync the video of your presentation quickly and easily. Fathom.js comes with mouse, keyboard and scroll bar navigation built in and provides a
jQuery.pageMenu plugin can help you to generate table of page contents based on the headers (tag “H1″ – “H6″). Example: <code> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('h2').pageMenu(); }); </script>
DropKick.js Painless custom dropdowns, a jQuery joint Creating custom dropdowns is usually a tedious process that requires a ton of extra setup time. Oftentimes lacking conveniences that native dropdowns have such as keyboard navigation. DropKick removes the tedium and lets you focus on making s@#t look good. Download DropKick.js That's not all! DropKick also degrades gracefully: if the user has j
Beitrags-Autor:admin Beitrag veröffentlicht:Oktober 19, 2022 Beitrags-Kategorie:Technik Das wertvolle Edelmetall Gold ist- ähnlich wie Silber, Platin oder Palladium, ein wichtiger Bestandteil und Baustein von elektronischen Bauteilen, die uns täglich in Handys, Smartphones, Laptops oder Computern begegnen. Durch…
Originally written for, grumble.js provides special tooltips without the usual limitations of north/east/south/west positioning. A grumble can be rotated around a given element at any angle, all 360 degrees. Any distance can be specified. Any CSS style can be applied. There's auto-magic size adjustment for use with localised text. FX queues for animating multiple grumbles. And it works
jQuery Meow mimics Growl notifications. It can be called within and jQuery bind event and passed various sources for message input, making it ideal for form validation, Rails flash notices, or a replacement for the alert() box. It's under active development right now and is lacking a bunch of features that are soon to come, including, callbacks. If you've got something to add, please fork the proj
JavaScriptを使ってQRコードを作れる「jQuery.qrcode」 Tweet 2011/4/18 月曜日 matsui Posted in ソフト紹介, 記事紹介・リンク | No Comments » もはやモバイルとは切っても切れない関係となっているQRコードですが、JavaScriptを使ってQRコードを作れるjQueryプラグイン「jQuery.qrcode」というものがあるようです。 ダウンロードはこちらのgithubのサイトから行えます。 → github jeromeetienne / jquery-qrcode [] 簡単な解説はこちらです。 → jquery.qrcode.js – Jerome Etienne [] このQRコードは実際に「jQuery.qrcode」を使って表示しています。