若手向けに開催した勉強会の資料です。 一般的なアプリケーション開発をターゲットに、主要言語と歴史を解説しています。
UUIDv7 is a 128-bit unique identifier like it's older siblings, such as the widely used UUIDv4. But unlike v4, UUIDv7 is time-sortable with 1 ms precision. By combining the timestamp and the random parts, UUIDv7 becomes an excellent choice for record identifiers in databases, including distributed ones. Let's briefly explore the UUIDv7 structure and move on to the zero-dependency implementations i
This is part of my "Concurrency in Modern Programming Languages" series Concurrency in modern programming languages: IntroductionConcurrency in modern programming languages: RustConcurrency in modern programming languages: GolangConcurrency in modern programming languages: JavaScript on NodeJSConcurrency in modern programming languages: TypeScript on DenoConcurrency in modern programming languages
ニュース † Web ページを公開しました (6/29) 無事終了しました。講演資料へのリンクを追記しました (9/1) ↑ 概要 † JavaScript は世界でもっとも利用されている重要なプログラミング言語の一つであり、ウェブブラウザで利用可能なほぼ唯一のプログラミング言語という特徴から、ウェブアプリケーション開発で広く利用されています。 この重要性から、JavaScript処理系の性能改善に関する研究開発が活発に行われてきました。JavaScriptの性能改善は、動的な言語ながらの困難さも知られています。今年のサマースクールでは、鵜川さん(東京大学)にJavaScriptの実装技術について、その困難さをどう克服するか、基本的なところからご紹介いただきます。 JavaScriptを動作させるソフトウェアとして、Google が開発を主導するV8処理系、およびそれを利用するGoogle
Let’s compare the performance of all supported runtimes + 2 custom runtimes (Rust and GraalVM). Will compare cold start and warm. Source code is here: https://github.com/Aleksandr-Filichkin/aws-lambda-runtimes-performance. It requires the minimum local setup(almost all is Dockerized) NodeJs (14.x)Python (3.9)Go(1.x)Ruby(2.7).Net(3.1)Java (11)Rust(1.54.0)GraalVM(21.2)Disclaimer:All benchmarks were
SNS総登録者数200万人の人気インフルエンサーで、初の著書『ゼロから12ヵ国語マスターした私の最強の外国語習得法』が話題のKazu Languages氏。日本で生まれ育ちながら、5年間で12ヵ国語を習得した同氏が、教科書からアプリまで、外国語学習の心強い相棒になる「メインツール」を紹介する。 初級者におすすめの実践的な教科書 本稿では、外国語学習の心強い相棒になる、おすすめの「メインツール」を紹介していきます。 *本稿で紹介する製品名などは一般に各社の登録商標または商標です。記事内では®、™マークは明記しておりません。 (1)『ニューエクスプレス』シリーズ 新しい言語を学ぶとき、私は後述のアプリ「Pimsleur」(ピンズラー)と、教材「Assimil」(アシミル)を主に使うのですが、いずれも解説言語が英語です。 このように「英語で外国語を学ぶこと」にハードルを感じている人には、まず、『
Semgrep is a fast, open-source, static analysis tool that searches code, finds bugs, and enforces secure guardrails and coding standards. Semgrep supports 30+ languages and can run in an IDE, as a pre-commit check, and as part of CI/CD workflows. Semgrep is semantic grep for code. While running grep "2" would only match the exact string 2, Semgrep would match x = 1; y = x + 1 when searching for 2.
オンライン大学 University of the People でComparative Programming Languages (CS4402) を修了したのでその感想を書きます。 これまでのUoPeople関連の記事はこちら: UoPeople カテゴリーの記事一覧 - えんぴつぶろぐ はじめに プログラミング言語のパラダイムの変化を追いながら、命令型言語と非命令言語(関数型や論理型など)の特徴を学び比較を行うコースです。 各言語の歴史や特徴だけでなく、コンピューターシステムのアーキテクチャやコンパイルの仕組みなども触れるので、今までのCS系コースの総復習的な内容だと感じました。 #UoPeople プログラミング言語比較論(#CS2204)の感想。 言語の比較だけじゃなく今までのCS系コースの総復習的な内容だった。 ノイマンアーキテクチャ、チューリングチャーチ理論から始まるプロ
Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.
I’ve been a programmer since the age of 8, and some kind of developer for most of my life. Throughout my life as a coder, both hobbyist and professional, I’ve learnt plenty of programming languages that felt like cookie-cutter clones of each other, but also a few programming languages that changed the way I looked at programming, sometimes even at thinking. Ranking by order in which I discovered t
This article explores programming language preferences. You might prefer Earthly. It can streamline your build processes. Check it out. The Data The Stack Overflow Developer Survey1 results are a great source of information about how developers work. I was looking at the 2020 results for some ideas on what programming languages we should add to our documentation on containerized builds, and I noti
Introducing speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and more for 1,100+ languages Equipping machines with the ability to recognize and produce speech can make information accessible to many more people, including those who rely entirely on voice to access information. However, producing good-quality machine learning models for these tasks requires large amounts of labeled data — in this case, many thousan
Supporting a programming language at Meta is a very careful and deliberate decision. We’re sharing our internal programming language guidance that helps our engineers and developers choose the best language for their projects. Rust is the latest addition to Meta’s list of supported server-side languages. At Meta, we use many different programming languages for a wide variety of platforms and use c
C/C++ on the bench, as US snoop HQ puts its trust in Rust, C#, Go, Java, Ruby, Swift The NSA has released guidance encouraging organizations to shift programming languages from the likes of C and C++ to memory-safe alternatives – namely C#, Rust, Go, Java, Ruby or Swift. "NSA recommends that organizations use memory safe languages when possible and bolster protection through code-hardening defense
A recent article on WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) explains at a high level how the Garbage Collection (GC) proposal aims to better support GC languages in Wasm, which is very important given their popularity. In this article, we will get into the technical details of how GC languages such as Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python, and C# can be ported to Wasm. There are in fact two main approaches:
Having worked a bit in Zig, Rust, Go and now C, I think there are a few common topics worth having a fresh conversation on: automatic memory management, the standard library, and explicit allocation. Zig is not a mature language. But it has made enough useful choices for a number of companies to invest in it and run it in production. The useful choices make Zig worth talking about. Go and Rust are
Exploring Seamless Rust Interop for Newer Languages, Part 1 Languages like C++, Typescript, Kotlin, and Swift had a brilliant approach: they were created to harness an existing ecosystem of libraries from another pre-existing language. But that's easier said than done! Especially for newer languages focusing on memory safety and speed. 0 Luckily, newer languages can tap into C's ecosystem by addin
AST-GREPFind Code by Syntax ast-grep(sg) is a fast and polyglot tool for code structural search, lint, rewriting at large scale. Search and Rewrite ast-grep is a code tool for structural search and replace. It is like syntax-aware grep/sed! You can write code patterns to locate and modify code, based on AST, in thousands of files, interactively. ast-grep -p '$A && $A()' -r '$A?.()' Scan as Linter
I’ve become convinced that “little languages”—small languages designed to solve very specific problems—are the future of programming, particularly after reading Gabriella Gonzalez’s The end of history for programming and watching Alan Kay’s Programming and Scaling talk. You should go check them out because they’re both excellent, but if you stick around I’ll explain just what I mean by “little lan
August 2021 When people say that in their experience all programming languages are basically equivalent, they're making a statement not about languages but about the kind of programming they've done. 99.5% of programming consists of gluing together calls to library functions. All popular languages are equally good at this. So one can easily spend one's whole career operating in the intersection of
Pursuing in programming languages has become one of the most career choices among tech professionals. Today, the demand and use of programming languages is showing a quite upward trend, making it a possible career option. To get started in this evolving field, choosing the right programming language will give aspirants an edge over others. They must try to learn the languages that are hot and popu
Writing JavaScript tools in other languages – a new trend? Recently, we have seen an uptick of JavaScript tools being written in languages other than JavaScript. This blog post lists a few examples and explains the appeal of not using JavaScript. Examples # I asked on Twitter and these are a few of the examples that people mentioned: Build tools and compilers: esbuild – Go: JavaScript bundler and
Compared to traditional debuggers, CodeTracer gives you two major superpowers: Once you capture a bug in a recording, consider it squashed! Bugs that are hard to reproduce can be painful to fix — you’ve surely been there. Once such a bug is captured with CodeTracer, you'll rarely need more than 30 minutes to track it down! This is largely a consequence of the next superpower: Most bugs are easily
Updated timeline of the most popular programming languages since 1965 to 2022. Aggregation of multiple national surveys plus a world wide publications rate of occurrence. Popularity is defined by percentage of programmers with either proficiency in specific language or currently learning/mastering one. Your feedback is always welcome. Got topic suggestions? Drop me a message! ***** Hi, I'm Sasha
Photo by Craig Garner on Unsplash, edited with CanvaEvery CPU comes with a circuitry language called ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) Assembly. The ISA Assembly is a hardware language that consists of operations for basic data manipulation, mathematical calculations, and structured programming (i.e., jmp). But, writing Assembly code for every computing requirement is undoubtedly time-consuming,
After nearly 30 years of Java, you might expect the language to be showing some signs of wear and tear, but nothing could be further from the truth. In 2022, developers used almost 500 primary languages to build software on GitHub. The changes in what languages developers are using underscore key shifts in how software is being built—and what kinds of software are being developed. JavaScript stays
Supercompilation 1 is a program transformation technique that symbolically evaluates a given program, with run-time values as unknowns. In doing so, it discovers execution patterns of the original program and synthesizes them into standalone functions; the result of supercompilation is a more efficient residual program. In terms of transformational power, supercompilation subsumes both deforestati