10.12 "And we need to "jump off" that enslaving agreement, signed in 2009," He recalled that the "gas contract" resulted in huge losses toUkraine due to its "take or pay" principle at a price of $450 per 1,000m3 of gas,&now the claim of the RF to Ukraine over non-fulfillment of these conditions(
10.12 "And we need to "jump off" that enslaving agreement, signed in 2009," He recalled that the "gas contract" resulted in huge losses toUkraine due to its "take or pay" principle at a price of $450 per 1,000m3 of gas,&now the claim of the RF to Ukraine over non-fulfillment of these conditions(
Ereni のブックマーク 2016/10/19 21:04
Groysman wants to "jump off" enslaving gas contract, make Ukraine energy exporter
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