14 posts tagged with snacking.
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How to stop mindless snacking at office?

The siren song of the office snack cabinet (cheese crackers, cookies, processed foods) overpowers me, even when I bring delicious healthy snacks like blueberries from the farmers market or my favorite trail mix. I try drinking fizzy flavored water or going for a walk when there’s a craving. But my hands inevitably reach for the bad stuff many times a day against my better judgement. I think it’s an impulse control issue. How to curb this mindless snacking? I’m not even really hungry but leave the office feeling bloated.
posted by Jason and Laszlo on Aug 14, 2019 - 22 answers

Happily Chewing Cardamom Pods, Anything I Should Know?

On a whim am recreationally chomping down on the cardamom pods from the cupboard which I'd long intended for cooking with. Did a very quick search online for dire warnings, etc. Not on any medication, but anyhow what I should know? (assume they fall under the fine-in-moderation rule?)
posted by I'm always feeling, Blue on Jul 20, 2019 - 6 answers

How to stop cracker snacking before bed?

How to stop before-bed cracker attack? [more inside]
posted by Mid on Sep 26, 2018 - 25 answers

I can't stop... [dubstep noises]

...Snacking. I snack a lot. Protein bars make me lose my appetite, but otherwise I graze all day and it makes me bloated. Any tips? [more inside]
posted by Crookshanks_Meow on Sep 17, 2018 - 19 answers

Staring at the fridge shouldn't be my hobby...

I am lonely and busy-but-not-busy-enough such that basically, food has become a hobby of mine. This is bad because it makes me have semi-disordered eating habits. I need to keep myself busy enough or modify my behavior somehow so that I don't have all this extra energy to spend on thinking about food. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 11, 2014 - 14 answers

Your snack ideas, please!

With the help of a dietitian, I've been doing quite well in my effort to eat healthier and lose some weight. However, I need some more snack ideas before I get too bored of what I've got! [more inside]
posted by synecdoche on Jul 17, 2014 - 17 answers

It's not what I eat, but rather how I eat it.

I've just returned from an awesome, super-fun vacation during which I didn't give as much thought to the food I ate. I noticed that while the specific foods I ate were less "healthy," my eating patterns were far healthier, almost as if being less concerned about how "healthy" something was granted me a freedom that translated into a better sense of wellbeing. This trip provided me a window into "how things could be" with respect to eating patterns. I would like to take what I can from that to improve my habits. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by gemutlichkeit on Jul 9, 2014 - 7 answers

When snacks are the culprit...

How to not eat everything when I am just sitting around? [more inside]
posted by dinosaurprincess on Dec 5, 2012 - 42 answers

Strength training for a sleepy new dad

I'm a first-time parent, and I worry that I'm getting into some bad habits, or at least a lack of good habits. Specifically, I snack at the late night feedings, and I don't exercise, usually because I'm worn out. Suggestions? More thoughts inside. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Sep 28, 2011 - 18 answers

Om nom nom?

What healthy snacks can I feed to my giving-up-smoking sweetie to keep his hands busy and his mind off cigarettes? [more inside]
posted by teraspawn on Apr 28, 2010 - 28 answers

Snacking with the Green Fairy.

Suggest me a hors d'oeuvre to take to an absinthe tasting. [more inside]
posted by 1f2frfbf on Jun 12, 2009 - 17 answers

[Weight Loss Filter] What foods are okay before bed?

I get really bad midnight munchies. I know I shouldn't eat before bed, but sometimes I just have to. What should I eat or avoid eating to minimize damage?
posted by valadil on Feb 5, 2009 - 17 answers

Healthy chips and dip?

Healthy chips and dip? [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Mar 7, 2008 - 33 answers

The Nibbler Strikes!

The nibbler strikes! Why can't I just sit here and work (or read MetaFilter) without constantly munching on sunflower seeds, popcorn, gummi bears, and the like? Anyone here ever overcome a too-much-snacking-in-front-of-the-computer habit? Any advice will help. Thanks.
posted by whatnot on Jul 19, 2004 - 28 answers

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