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「Palestine」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Palestineとは


Nagasaki, Israel, Ukraine

Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was likehere comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony asunethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?

If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?

(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)

I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?

(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)

Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.




Nagasaki, Israel, Ukraine

Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was likehere comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony asunethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?

If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?

(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)

I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?

(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)

Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.




イナモトリュウシ ∃@🇵🇸Solidarity with Palestine@inamoto_yksp_tw







5億円 2017@Beriya






まあでもヤバくなってからの期間がもうだいぶ 長いか……






25歳の米空軍の人が「Free Palestine」って言いながらイスラエル大使館の前で焼身自殺だって





悲報change.org また狂う






5,915人が広島パレスチナともしび連帯共同体 Hiroshima Palestine Vigil Communityさんのオンライン署名賛同しました。目標賛同数7,500を一緒に目指しましょう!



2022年2月24日ウクライナ侵攻がはじまってからわずか1週間後、広島市議会は戦争非難する決議を採択しました。それなのに広島市は、パレスチナでのジェノサイドについては4カ月以上も沈黙を守ったままです! 日本全体ではすでに227の市議会県議会で、停戦平和解決事態の鎮静化を求める決議や意見書が出されています。なぜ広島市議会がこのリストに含まれていないのでしょうか?




これがラ( ˙▿˙ )今日送られてきた





1 Christmas 6,087,234 posts

2 Merry Xmas 115,008 posts

3 Jesus 837,490 posts

4 Gaza 2,195,447 posts

5 Happy Holidays 334,790 posts

6 Uganda 18,773 posts

7 Palestine 1,055,976 posts

8 Russian 258,961 posts

9 Hamas 801,029 posts



1 #プロセカ年賀状 50,444 posts

2 キャンペーン開催中 210,717 posts

3 仕事納め 109,607 posts

4 ソンギュンさん

5 ピクシーナイト 4,466 posts

6 ルアンメェイ 7,445 posts

7 吉本興業 32,704 posts

8 俳優さん 12,472 posts

9 #わたし通知表







WALKING IN GAZA, PALESTINE 🇵🇸 | Food Market | Gold Souk | Bazaar | Mosque Omari | Old City



















1920年パレスチナ: もう一方のパレスチナ人の物語 (字幕なし)

Al Jazeera English - Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story | Al Jazeera World Documentary (47:17)



今でもユダヤが盛んに引用する、かつてのスローガン土地のない人々のための、人々のいない土地 (A land without a people for a people without a land)」は、シオニストによる幻想である、というのが動画主題だろう。パレスチナ健全経済活動が発展していた証として、1934年地元アラビア語新聞で「鉄道が5分遅れた」ことが報道されているというのが興味深い。


イスラエル - 国家誕生 (公式英語字幕あり = 自動翻訳日本語字幕に切り替えても精度が高い)

DW Documentary - Israel - Birth of a state | DW Documentary (51:56)


11月11日現在動画が非公開になっている。直前までTwitter言及があるので、ごく最近に非公開になったばかりか?ただしチャンネル内のイスラエル関連の動画全体が非公開になっているわけではなく、批判的な内容の動画も残されている。→DW Documentary - Israel Palestine




なお、動画の公開は今年の5月だったが、ハマスの奇襲攻撃を受けてなのか10月13日動画タイトルが「Birth of a state (国家誕生)」からStory of a contested country (論争を呼ぶ国の物語)」に替えられたあと、10月20日にふたたび元に戻されたという経緯があるようだ。


どうしてイスラエル入植者紛争であることを気に留めないのか (公式英語字幕あり)

Vox - Why Israeli settlements don’t feel like a conflict zone | Settlements Part II (10:56)




エルサレムを巡る戦いの内実 (公式日本語字幕あり)

VICE News - Inside the Battle for Jerusalem (20:30)






聖地: イスラエルパレスチナ今日 (公式英語字幕あり)

Rick Steves' Europe - Rick Steves' The Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians Today (56:46)




イスラエルアパルトヘイトが、いかにして私の故郷破壊したのか (公式英語字幕あり)

AJ+ - How Israeli Apartheid Destroyed My Hometown (23:53)




パレスチナ暫定首都市長と会おう (ドキュメンタリー映画) (英語字幕ありだがYouTube字幕ではないので日本語翻訳にはできない)

VICE News - Meet the Mayor of the Unofficial Capital of Palestine (Full Documentary) | The Short List (2:13:43)






ちょっと世界一周してくる。by nojiken - #115【現在進行中の悲劇パレスチナで何が起こっているか僕が見たことを伝えたいと思いますパレスチナ問題はとても根深いです。(エルサレムベツレヘムヘブロン / イスラエルパレスチナ) (30:25)











anond:20231017113202 ガザ住民普段暮らしぶりについて調べてみた。


anond:20231111160010 NHKスペシャルドキュメント エルサレム前後編)」がすごかった


Refuting the “Israeli” Claims Regarding Evading their responsibility for the Massacre of the Gaza Baptist Hospital

Today, the “Israeli” Occupation Entity is trying to evade their responsibility for the crime of bombarding the “Baptist” Arab National Hospital in Gaza City, which the Israeli” Occupation Forces (IOF) committed on the evening of Tuesday, 17 October 2023. This heinous crime was committed against innocent Palestinian civilians while taking the hospital as a shelter from the flames of the “Israeli” brutal aggression, which left nowhere safe in the besieged enclave. It is necessary to affirm that, the Baptist Hospital belongs to the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, and was built before the occupation of Palestine.

It is obvious that the “Israeli” enemy has been spreading lies since the very beginning of his destructive war on our people, when he with no single evidence claimed that the Palestinian resistance killed children, cut off heads and raped women. In continuation of this series of lies, they tried to evade their crime, attributing it to one of the resistance factions. Accordingly, we present some of the conclusive evidence to prove the “Israeli” Occupation Entity responsible for this heinous crime:

1) It is no secret that the IOF, several days ago, threatened several hospitals in the Gaza Strip, contacting each hospital separately and requesting their evacuation and holding the hospitals directors responsible for the consequences of neglecting the threats. In fact, there are dozens of clear statements from the IOF spokespersons in this regard.

2) Since the beginning of the ongoing aggression, the “Israeli” army has ignored the principle of distinguishing between civilian and military targets. Thus, the bombardment has systematically targeted emergency services, ambulances, civil defense facilities, schools, mosques, and churches.

3) The IOF contacted the directors of 21 hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially those are located in the Gaza and the North of Gaza governorates, most notably: (Al-Awda, the Indonesian, Kamal Adwan, the Kuwaiti, Al-Quds, and Al-Mamadani), asking them to evacuate immediately, given that the hospitals are located within the geographical scope of “Israeli” military operations. In this regard, the official spokespersons for the IOF plus a number of hospital directors conducted interviews live on Al Jazeera, revealing the premeditated intention of the IOF to target hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

4) On 14 October, 2023, at 20:30, the IOF fired two shells towards the Baptist Hospital, and the next morning they called the hospital director, Dr. Maher الصفحة 2 من 3

Ayyad, saying to him: “We warned you last evening with two shells, so why have you not evacuated the hospital until this moment?!” Following that call, The hospital director contacted the bishop of the Evangelical Church in Britain and informed him of the incident, who in turn contacted international organizations before sending the hospital a message reassuring them that they could remain in the hospital. Yet with no warning, the IOF airstrikes returned, on Tuesday evening, to carry out the massacre against the hospital and the shelter-seekers of the displaced innocent Palestinian civilians.

5) Immediately after the massacre, the IOF spokesperson quickly published a statement on his page on the “X” and “Telegram” platforms at 21:17, which stated, “We had warned the evacuation of the Baptist Hospital and five other hospitals so that the Hamas terrorist organization would not take as a safe haven”. That statement is a clear claim of this massacre, and it is documented with a “screenshot” image attached to his page on Telegram, but he quickly deleted the post after seeing the massive scale of the massacre for the large number of victims, and the angry responses of the Arab, regional and international communities. Later on, he disavowed it, publish another

statement denying that he had issued the first statement.

6) Before and during the event, the resistance factions did not fire any missiles at the occupied territories, the “Israeli” sirens did not activate, and the Iron Dome missiles were not launched. Moreover, dozens of reconnaissance drones do not leave the sky of the Gaza Strip (365 km2 ), photographing and monitoring every inch around the clock. If the massacre was due to the resistance’s missiles, as the “Israeli” Occupation Entity falsely claim, why would not they show one picture their claims?!

7) The “Israeli” Occupation Entity claimed that this massacre was caused by a missile launched by the Islamic Jihad. However, we would wonder how they could identify and distinguish between the missiles of the resistance factions immediately after they were launched?!

8) The IOF military system documents and records all their operations by day, hour, minute and second, and in all previous times their media outlets came out to announce or deny much less severe massacres than this massacre, so what made them wait more than 4 hours before declaring their irresponsibility other than weaving scenarios of falsification, lies and deception?!

9) It is obviously known that the resistance’s missiles are somewhat “primitive” and do not have the destructive power that kills hundreds at one time. And throughout the history of previous confrontations and the current confrontation, no resistance missile has caused a tenth of this number of “Israeli” deaths.

10) The only video scene documenting the moment of the explosion reveals that the mass of flame and the sound of the explosion are identical to other “Israeli” bombs throughout the days of the ongoing aggression, which with no doubt proves that the “Israeli” origin of the missile.

الصفحة 3 من 3

The deliberate attack on hospitals is a war crime, stipulated in Article (8, 2, b, 9) of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Accordingly, Hamas officially calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into this crime, which falls within the framework of a genocidal war, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Basic Law. These bloody acts are also based on the policy of denial pursued by the “Israeli” Occupation Entity, as they deny the existence of the Palestinian people.

There is no doubt that impunity fuels crime, and investigating crimes is a way to protect people. Furthermore, if a legal and judicial response is necessary, it is above all that the response to this crime must be humanitarian and global. Such actions must shock the conscience of the world, or else there would no longer be a reliable international community if the “Israeli” Occupation government free to decide to bomb hospitals!

In conclusion, we are facing a genocidal massacre committed by IOF against children, women, and the elderly. The “Israeli” Occupation Entity is the only responsible for the crime, no matter how much they try to weave lies and fabrications to get away with it, as they always do.

The Islamic Resistance Movement


Wednesday, 18 October 2023






British Mandate for Palestine とか Palestine problem とか?






そんな彼女がいきなりストーリーにFREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸と投稿















1915/01 H.サミュエルパレスチナの将来』メモ一一英国保護ユダヤコモンウェルス



1917/11/02 パルフォア宣言



1920/04/20-26 サン・レモ会議



1920/07/07 サミュエル、初代高等弁務官就任

1922/06/03 チャーチル白書発表



1923/09/29 パレスチナ委任統治正式に開始

1929/08/23-29 西の壁事件 J133人、Ar.116人死亡



1930/10/20 パスフィールド白書発表



1931/02/13 マクドナルドの BlackLetter



1935/11 立法評議会問題11要求


1936/04/25 アラブ高等委員会結成、全Pスト委員会設置 ゼネスト開始、ゲリラ戦広がる



1937/07/07 ピー報告書公表 -JA執行委員会検討する」



1937/10/01 アラブ高等委員会非合法化/ハッジアミーンSMC議長解任 ゲリラ戦再発




1938/11/09 ウッドヘッド委員会報告書発表



1939/02/07 1939年白書発表



1939/08/16 アメリカシオニスト緊急委員会設立決定

American Emergency Committee on Zionist Affairs


1942/05/09-11 ピルトモア会議


"that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth."ニューヨーク開催。無制限移民を求める。1939年白書拒否

1943/08/29-09/02 全米ユダヤ会議ピルトモア綱領採用


1946/05/01 A-A調査委員会勧告



1947/04/28 国連パレスチナ臨時委員会設置




1947/05/14 グロムイコ国連演説、「分割も可」



1947/11/29 国連総会181号決議 ⇒パレスチナ内戦勃発













Yesterday we sent out msgs that we aren’t proud of. We stand with Palestine & the people who will do what they must to live free. Our hearts are with, the grieving mothers, those rescuing babies from rubble, who are in danger of being wiped out completely🇵🇸♥️🖤💚




We stand with Israel.



We stand with Palestine

We stand with Israel.



赤毛のアン オープニングテーマ:きこえるかしら

Allowed countries

AD - Andorra

AE - United Arab Emirates

AF - Afghanistan

AG - Antigua and Barbuda

AI - Anguilla

AL - Albania

AM - Armenia

AO - Angola

AQ - Antarctica

AR - Argentina

AS - American Samoa

AT - Austria

AU - Australia

AW - Aruba

AX - Åland Islands

AZ - Azerbaijan

BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina

BB - Barbados

BD - Bangladesh

BE - Belgium

BF - Burkina Faso

BG - Bulgaria

BH - Bahrain

BI - Burundi

BJ - Benin

BL - Saint Barthélemy

BM - Bermuda

BN - Brunei Darussalam

BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

BR - Brazil

BS - Bahamas

BT - Bhutan

BV - Bouvet Island

BW - Botswana

BY - Belarus

BZ - Belize

CA - Canada

CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands

CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

CF - Central African Republic

CG - Republic of the Congo

CH - Switzerland

CI - Côte d'Ivoire

CK - Cook Islands

CL - Chile

CM - Cameroon

CN - China

CO - Colombia

CR - Costa Rica

CU - Cuba

CV - Cabo Verde

CX - Christmas Island

CY - Cyprus

CZ - Czech Republic

DE - Germany

DJ - Djibouti

DM - Dominica

DO - Dominican Republic

DZ - Algeria

EC - Ecuador

EE - Estonia

EG - Egypt

EH - Western Sahara

ER - Eritrea

ES - Spain

ET - Ethiopia

FI - Finland

FJ - Fiji

FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

FM - Micronesia (Federated States of)

FO - Faroe Islands

FR - France

GA - Gabon

GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

GD - Grenada

GE - Georgia (country)

GF - French Guiana

GG - Guernsey

GH - Ghana

GI - Gibraltar

GL - Greenland

GM - Gambia

GN - Guinea

GP - Guadeloupe

GQ - Equatorial Guinea

GR - Greece

GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

GT - Guatemala

GU - Guam

GW - Guinea-Bissau

GY - Guyana

HK - Hong Kong

HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands

HN - Honduras

HR - Croatia

HT - Haiti

HU - Hungary

ID - Indonesia

IE - Republic of Ireland

IL - Israel

IM - Isle of Man

IN - India

IO - British Indian Ocean Territory

IQ - Iraq

IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

IS - Iceland

IT - Italy

JE - Jersey

JM - Jamaica

JO - Jordan

KE - Kenya

KG - Kyrgyzstan

KH - Cambodia

KI - Kiribati

KM - Comoros

KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis

KP - North Korea

KR - Korea (Republic of)

KW - Kuwait

KY - Cayman Islands

KZ - Kazakhstan

LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic

LB - Lebanon

LC - Saint Lucia

LI - Liechtenstein

LK - Sri Lanka

LR - Liberia

LS - Lesotho

LT - Lithuania

LU - Luxembourg

LV - Latvia

LY - Libya

MA - Morocco

MC - Monaco

MD - Moldova (Republic of)

ME - Montenegro

MG - Madagascar

MH - Marshall Islands

MK - Republic of Macedonia

ML - Mali

MM - Myanmar

MN - Mongolia

MO - Macao

MP - Northern Mariana Islands

MQ - Martinique

MR - Mauritania

MS - Montserrat

MT - Malta

MU - Mauritius

MV - Maldives

MW - Malawi

MX - Mexico

MY - Malaysia

MZ - Mozambique

NA - Namibia

NC - New Caledonia

NE - Niger

NF - Norfolk Island

NG - Nigeria

NI - Nicaragua

NL - Netherlands

NO - Norway

NP - Nepal

NR - Nauru

NU - Niue

NZ - New Zealand

OM - Oman

PA - Panama

PE - Peru

PF - French Polynesia

PG - Papua New Guinea

PH - Philippines

PK - Pakistan

PL - Poland

PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon

PN - Pitcairn

PR - Puerto Rico

PS - State of Palestine

PT - Portugal

PW - Palau

PY - Paraguay

QA - Qatar

RE - Réunion

RO - Romania

RS - Serbia

RU - Russian Federation

RW - Rwanda

SA - Saudi Arabia

SB - Solomon Islands

SC - Seychelles

SD - Sudan

SE - Sweden

SG - Singapore

SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

SI - Slovenia

SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen

SK - Slovakia

SL - Sierra Leone

SM - San Marino

SN - Senegal

SO - Somalia

SR - Suriname

ST - Sao Tome and Principe

SV - El Salvador

SY - Syrian Arab Republic

SZ - Swaziland

TC - Turks and Caicos Islands

TD - Chad

TF - French Southern Territories

TG - Togo

TH - Thailand

TJ - Tajikistan

TK - Tokelau

TL - Timor-Leste

TM - Turkmenistan

TN - Tunisia

TO - Tonga

TR - Turkey

TT - Trinidad and Tobago

TV - Tuvalu

TW - Taiwan

TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of

UA - Ukraine

UG - Uganda

UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands

US - United States of America

UY - Uruguay

UZ - Uzbekistan

VA - Vatican City State

VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

VG - British Virgin Islands

VI - United States Virgin Islands

VN - Viet Nam

VU - Vanuatu

WF - Wallis and Futuna

WS - Samoa

YE - Yemen

YT - Mayotte

ZA - South Africa

ZM - Zambia

ZW - Zimbabwe

Disallowed countries

DK - Denmark

JP - Japan




wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukes/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes/master/all/all.csv
wget https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/raw/master/public/data/owid-covid-data.csv

 country.name as '国名',
 covid.population AS '人口',
 covid.population_density as '密度',
 covid.gdp_per_capita as '一人あたりのGDP?',
 MAX(covid.total_cases) as '報告件数',
 ROUND(1.0 * MAX(covid.total_cases) / MAX(covid.population), 7) as '人口あたりの報告件数',
MAX(covid.total_deaths) as '死者',
 ROUND(1.0 * MAX(covid.total_deaths) / MAX(covid.population), 9) as '人口あたりの死者件数',
 ROUND(1.0 * MAX(covid.total_deaths) / MAX(covid.total_cases) , 3) as '感染者死亡率'
from all.csv as country
inner join owid-covid-data.csv as covid on covid.iso_code = country.\"alpha-3\"
WHERE country.\"sub-region\" = 'Eastern Asia' 
GROUP BY covid.iso_code

国名人口密度 一人あたりのGDP? 報告件数人口あたりの報告件数 死者 人口あたりの死者件数感染者死亡率
Korea, Republic of 51269183.0 527.967 35938.374 11165 0.0002178 266 5.188e-06 0.024
Japan126476458.0 347.778 39002.223 16536 0.0001307 808 6.389e-06 0.049
China 1439323774.0 147.674 15308.712 84081 5.84e-05 4638 3.222e-06 0.055
Mongolia 3278292.0 1.98 11840.846 141 4.3e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Taiwan, Province of China23816775.0 441 1.85e-05 7 2.94e-07 0.016
Hong Kong 7496988.0 7039.714 56054.92 0 0.0 00.0



国名人口密度 一人あたりのGDP? 報告件数人口あたりの報告件数 死者 人口あたりの死者件数感染者死亡率
Turkey 84339067.0 104.914 25129.341 154500 0.0018319 4276 5.07e-05 0.028
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 83992953.0 49.831 19082.62 131652 0.0015674 7300 8.6912e-05 0.055
India 1380004385.0 450.419 6426.674 125101 9.07e-05 3720 2.696e-06 0.03
China 1439323774.0 147.674 15308.712 84081 5.84e-05 4638 3.222e-06 0.055
Saudi Arabia 34813867.0 15.322 49045.411 67719 0.0019452 364 1.0456e-05 0.005
Pakistan 220892331.0 255.573 5034.708 52437 0.0002374 1101 4.984e-06 0.021
Qatar 2881060.0 227.322 116935.6 40481 0.0140507 19 6.595e-06 0.0
Singapore 5850343.0 7915.731 85535.383 30426 0.005200723 3.931e-06 0.001
Bangladesh 164689383.0 1265.036 3523.984 30205 0.0001834 432 2.623e-06 0.014
United Arab Emirates 9890400.0 112.442 67293.483 27892 0.0028201 241 2.4367e-05 0.009
Indonesia 273523621.0 145.725 11188.744 20796 7.6e-05 1326 4.848e-06 0.064
Kuwait 4270563.0 232.128 65530.537 19564 0.0045811 138 3.2314e-05 0.007
Israel 8655541.0 402.606 33132.32 16690 0.0019282 279 3.2234e-05 0.017
Japan126476458.0 347.778 39002.223 16536 0.0001307 808 6.389e-06 0.049
Philippines 109581085.0 351.873 7599.188 13597 0.0001241 857 7.821e-06 0.063
Korea, Republic of 51269183.0 527.967 35938.374 11165 0.0002178 266 5.188e-06 0.024
Afghanistan 38928341.0 54.422 1803.987 9216 0.0002367 205 5.266e-06 0.022
Bahrain1701583.0 1935.907 43290.705 8414 0.0049448 12 7.052e-06 0.001
Kazakhstan 18776707.0 6.681 24055.588 7919 0.0004217 35 1.864e-06 0.004
Malaysia 32365998.0 96.254 26808.164 7137 0.0002205 115 3.553e-06 0.016
Oman 5106622.0 14.98 37960.709 6794 0.0013304 32 6.266e-06 0.005
Armenia 2963234.0 102.931 8787.58 5928 0.0020005 74 2.4973e-05 0.012
Iraq 40222503.0 88.125 15663.986 3964 9.86e-05 147 3.655e-06 0.037
Azerbaijan 10139175.0 119.309 15847.419 3855 0.0003802 46 4.537e-06 0.012
Uzbekistan33469199.0 76.134 6253.104 3078 9.2e-05 13 3.88e-07 0.004
Thailand 69799978.0 135.132 16277.671 3040 4.36e-05 56 8.02e-07 0.018
Tajikistan 9537642.0 64.281 2896.913 2350 0.0002464 44 4.613e-06 0.019
Kyrgyzstan 6524191.0 32.3333393.474 1364 0.0002091 14 2.146e-06 0.01
Maldives 540542.0 1454.433 15183.616 1274 0.0023569 4 7.4e-06 0.003
Lebanon 6825442.0 594.561 13367.565 1086 0.0001591 26 3.809e-06 0.024
Sri Lanka 21413250.0 341.955 11669.077 1068 4.99e-05 9 4.2e-07 0.008
Cyprus 875899.0 127.657 32415.132 927 0.0010583 17 1.9409e-05 0.018
Georgia 3989175.0 65.032 9745.079 723 0.000181212 3.008e-06 0.017
Jordan 10203140.0 109.285 8337.49 700 6.86e-05 9 8.82e-07 0.013
Palestine, State of 5101416.0 778.202 4449.898 608 0.0001192 4 7.84e-07 0.007
Nepal 29136808.0 204.43 2442.804 548 1.88e-05 3 1.03e-07 0.005
Taiwan, Province of China23816775.0 441 1.85e-05 7 2.94e-07 0.016
Viet Nam 97338583.0 308.127 6171.884 324 3.3e-06 0 0.0 0.0
Yemen 29825968.0 53.508 1479.147 205 6.9e-06 33 1.106e-06 0.161
Myanmar 54409794.0 81.721 5591.597 201 3.7e-06 6 1.1e-07 0.03
Brunei Darussalam 437483.0 81.347 71809.251 141 0.0003223 1 2.286e-06 0.007
Mongolia 3278292.0 1.98 11840.846 141 4.3e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Cambodia 16718971.0 90.672 3645.07 124 7.4e-06 0 0.0 0.0
Syrian Arab Republic 17500657.0 59 3.4e-06 4 2.29e-07 0.068
Bhutan 771612.0 21.188 8708.597 243.11e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Timor-Leste 1318442.0 87.176 6570.102 24 1.82e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7275556.0 29.715 6397.36 19 2.6e-06 0 0.0 0.0
Hong Kong 7496988.0 7039.714 56054.92 0 0.0 0 0.0





Eight Melodies - Mother OST

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Disallowed countries

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