Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 25
Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems
978-83-959183-7-7 (USB),
978-83-959183-8-4 (ART)
Dear Reader, it is our pleasure to present to you Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS’2021), which took place, fully remotely, on September 2-4, 2021. Conference was originally planned to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, but the global COVID-19 pandemics, again, forced us to adapt and organize the conference online.
Before proceeding further, let us share a very important information. In June 2021 FedCSIS conference series has been ranked B in the CORE ranking system. This constitutes a major achievement for the series. This is particularly valuable achievement since the series was not ranked before. We would like to thank prof. Paweł Sitek for leading our efforts and preparing all necessary documentation.
FedCSIS’2021 was chaired by prof. Stefka Fidanova, while dr. Nina Dobrinkova acted as the Chair of the Organizing Committee. This year, FedCSIS was organized by the Polish Information Processing Society (Mazovia Chapter), IEEE Poland Section Computer Society Chapter, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology, Wrocław University of Economics and Business, and Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
FedCSIS’2021 was technically co-sponsored by: IEEE Bulgarian Section, IEEE Poland Section, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Computer Society Chapter, IEEE Poland Section Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Chapter, IEEE Poland Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, IEEE Poland Section Control System Society Chapter, Committee of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mazovia Cluster ICT, Poland, Eastern Cluster ICT, Poland and Bulgarian Section of SIAM.
We also glad to announce that this year (and we believe that in future also) the FedCSIS conference formed strategic alliance with QED Software, a Polish software company developing AI-based products.
During FedCSIS’2021, the keynote lectures were delivered by:
- David Bader, Distinguished Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology: “Solving Global Grand Challenges with High Performance Data Analytics”,
- Rajkumar Buyya, Director, Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab, The University of Melbourne, Australia and CEO, Manjrasoft Pvt Ltd, Melbourne, Australia: “Neoteric Frontiers in Cloud and Edge Computing”,
- Hristo Djidjev, Los Alamos National Laboratory: “Using quantum annealing for discrete optimization”,
- Moshe Y Vardi, Professor, Rice University: “Lessons from COVID-19: Efficiency vs Resilience”.
FedCSIS 2021 consisted of five Tracks and one special event for Young Researchers. Within each Track, topical Technical Sessions have been organized. Some of these Technical Sessions have been associated with the FedCSIS conference series for many years, while some of them are relatively new. Their role is to focus and enrich discussions on selected areas pertinent to the general scope of each Track. Here is the list of tracks and topical Technical Sessions organized within their scope.
Track 1: Artificial Intelligence in Applications (16th Symposium AAIA’21)
- Computational Optimization (14th International Workshop WCO'21)
Track 2: Computer Science & Systems (CSS’21)
- Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (14th Workshop CANA'21)
- Multimedia Applications and Processing (14th International Symposium MMAP'21)
Track 3: Network Systems and Applications (NSA’21)
- Internet of Things – Enablers, Challenges and Applications (5th Workshop IoT-ECAW’21)
- Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust (2nd International Forum NEMESIS'21)
Track 4: Advances in Information Systems and Technology (AIST’21)
- Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce (3rd Special Session DSH'21)
- Information Systems Management (16th Conference ISM'21)
- Knowledge Acquisition and Management (27th Conference KAM’21)
Track 5: Software and System Engineering (S3E’21)
- Cyber-Physical Systems (8th International Workshop IWCPS-8)
- Software Engineering Workshop (41st IEEE Workshop SEW-41)
- Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (1st Young Researchers Workshop YRW'21)
Each paper, found in this volume, was refereed by at least two referees and the acceptance rate of regular full papers was ~24.8% (32 regular full papers out of 129 general submissions).
During FedCSIS 2021, for the first time, the Professor Zdzisław Pawlak award was elevated from the AIA Track award to the award presented to the best papers across the whole conference. It was done to further integrate the conference, following the fact that scientific achievements of Professor Pawlak had gone far beyond artificial intelligence. This year the following awards have been given:
- In the category Best paper — Anh Nguyen Mac, Hung Son Nguyen for the paper entitled “Rotation Variance in Graph Convolutional Networks”
- In the category Young Researcher — Christian Leyh, Konstanze Köppel, Sarah Neuschl, Milan Pentrack for the paper entitled “Critical Success Factors for Digitalization Projects”
- In the category Industry cooperation — Lov Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Lalita Bhanu Murthy, Sanjay Misra, Vipul Kocher, Srinivas Padmanabhuni for the paper entitled “An Empirical Study on Application of Word Embedding Techniques for Prediction of Software Defect Severity Level”
- In the category International Cooperation — Arman Ferdowsi, Alireza Khanteymoori for the paper entitled “Discovering Communities in Networks: A Linear Programming Approach Using Max-Min Modularity”
The program of FedCSIS required a dedicated effort of many people. We would like to express our warmest gratitude to all Committee members, of each Track and each Technical Session, for their hard work in attracting and later refereeing 129 submissions.
We thank the authors of papers for their great contribution into the theory and practice of computing and software systems. We are grateful to the invited speakers for sharing their knowledge and wisdom with the participants.
We hope that you had an inspiring conference. We also hope to meet you again for the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2022). This time we are almost certain that we will be able to organize the conference on site and will finally reach Sofia, Bulgaria.
Co-Chairs of the FedCSIS Conference Series
Maria Ganzha, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland and Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
Leszek Maciaszek, Wrocław University of Economics and Business, Wrocław, Poland and Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Poland and Management Academy, Warsaw, Poland.
Dominik Ślęzak, Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, Poland.
Invited Contributions
An Efficient Connected Swarm Deployment via Deep Learning
001 Kiril Danilchenko, Michael Segal, pages 1–7. -
Using Free-Choice Nets for Process Mining and Business Process Management
002 Wil M.P. van der Aalst, pages 9–15. -
Combinatorial Testing of Context Aware Android Applications
003 Context, Android, EDSs, Combinatorial Shraddha Piparia, David Adamo, Renee Bryce, Hyunsook Do, Barrett Bryant, pages 17–26. -
Machine Learning and High-Performance Computing Hybrid Systems, a New Way of Performance Acceleration in Engineering and Scientific Applications
004 Machine Learning, High-Performance Computing, Exascale performance, HPC systems, IPU Pawel Gepner, pages 27–36. -
A Distributed Application Placement and Migration Management Techniques for Edge and Fog Computing Environments
005 Mohammad Goudarzi, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Rajkumar Buyya, pages 37–56.
15th International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
An efficient approach towards the generation and analysis of interoperable clinical data in a knowledge graph
29 knowledge graph, data science, graph theory, clinical data, algorithmic optimisation Jens Dörpinghaus, Sebastian Schaaf, Vera Weil, Tobias Hübenthal, pages 59–68. -
Stereotype-aware collaborative filtering
117 Fairness, Recommender system, Co-Clustering, Block clustering, Latent block model, Statistical parity Gabriel Frisch, Jean-Benoist Leger, Yves Grandvalet, pages 69–79. -
Rotation Invariance in Graph Convolutional Networks
140 Object Localization, Graph Neural Network, Grid GCN Nguyen Anh Mac, Hung Son Nguyen, pages 81–90. -
Query Specific Focused Summarization of Biomedical Journal Articles
128 document summarization, information retrieval, query answering, scientific repositories, CORD-19 dataset Akshara Rai, Suyash Sangwan, Tushar Goel, Ishan Verma, Lipika Dey, pages 91–100. -
A Practical Solution to Handling Randomness and Imperfect Information in Monte Carlo Tree Search
3 Game Tree, Simulation, Monte Carlo Tree Search, Imperfect Information, Randomness Maciej Świechowski, Tomasz Tajmajer, pages 101–110. - Short Papers
Automated creation of parallel Bible corpora with cross-lingual semantic concordance
30 parallel corpora, cross-lingual semantic concordance, digital humanities, NLP, CRF, dictionaries Jens Dörpinghaus, Carsten Düing, pages 111–114. -
Evaluation of Neural Network Transformer Models for Named-Entity Recognition on Low-Resourced Languages
7 Named-Entity Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, Sequence Tagging, XLM-R, Machine Learning, Transformer Models Ridewaan Hanslo, pages 115–119. -
In-Bed Person Monitoring Using Thermal Infrared Sensors
15 Person Monitoring, Healthcare, Homecare, Thermal Sensors Elias Josse, Amanda Nerborg, Kevin Hernandez Diaz, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, pages 121–125. -
A Novel Cluster Ensemble based on a Single Clustering Algorithm
28 Clustering, Cluster Ensemble, Affinity Propagation, Consensus Function Tahseen Khan, Wenhong Tian, Mustafa R. Kadhim, Rajkumar Buyya, pages 127–135. -
StarCraft strategy classification of a large human versus human game replay dataset
48 StarCraft, real-time strategy, AI in games, dataset, data labeling, machine learning Štefan Krištofík, Matúš Kasáš, Peter Malík, pages 137–140. -
Pix2Trips - a system supporting small groups of urban tourists
130 Group recommendation systems, Group decision systems, Group touristic decision, Decision support system quality Halina Kwaśnicka, Tsvetan Ovedenski, pages 141–145. -
Analysis of the Effect of News Sentiment on Stock Market Prices through Event Embedding
79 Stock market, Price Prediction, News headlines, Sentiment Analysis, Event Embedding Sashank Sridhar, Sowmya Sanagavarapu, pages 147–150.
14th International Workshop on Computational Optimization
Algorithms for the Safe Management of Autonomous Vehicles
18 Routing, Risk, Autonomous Vehicles, Dynamic Programming, Reinforcement Learning Mourad Baïou, Alain Quilliot, Lounis Adouane, Aurelien Mombelli, Zhengze Zhu, pages 153–162. -
Achieving Good Nash Equilibrium by Temporal Addition of Dummy Players
112 cost-sharing games, Equilibrium Inefficiency, Best-response dynamics Ofek Dadush, Tami Tamir, pages 163–172. -
InterCriteria Analyzis of Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Multiple Knapsack Problem
22 Local Search, Ant Colony Optimization, InterCriteria analysis, Knapsack Problem Stefka Fidanova, Maria Ganzha, Olympia Roeva, pages 173–180. -
On the Representation of Human Motions and Distance-based Retargeting
45 human motion adaptation, dynamical distance geometry, statistical analysis, degrees of freedom Simon Hengeveld, Antonio Mucherino, pages 181–189. -
Dynamic communication topologies for distributed heuristics in energy system optimization algorithms
60 Agent-Communication, Communication Topology, Exchange Topology, Multi-Agent Systems, Distributed Optimization, Distributed Optimization Heuristics, Cooperative Search, Network-based Distributed Algorithms, smart grid, COHDA Stefanie Holly, Astrid Nieße, pages 191–200. -
Minimizing Tardiness in a Scheduling Environment with Jobs' Hierarchy
36 job-scheduling, lateness, dominance hierarchy, algorithms Michal Sinai, Tami Tamir, pages 201–209. - Short Papers
A shortened time horizon approach for optimization with differential-algebraic constraints
47 numerical optimization, differential-algebraic constraints, shortened time horizon, multiple shooting method Paweł Drąg, pages 211–215. -
Solving assignment problems via Quantum Computing: a case-study in train seating arrangement
74 Assignment problems, Quantum Computing, Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Ilaria Gioda, Davide Caputo, Edoardo Fadda, Daniele Manerba, Blanca Silva Fernández, Roberto Tadei, pages 217–220. -
Worst-Case Analysis of an Approximation Algorithm for Single Machine Scheduling Problem
66 single-machine scheduling problem, release and delivery times, approximation algorithm, worst-case performance ratio Natalia Grigoreva, pages 221–225. -
Group Decision Support for e-Mail Service Optimization through Information Technology Infrastructure Library Framework
93 Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Group decision making, IT processes, Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) Yasen Mitev, Leoneed Kirilov, pages 227–230. -
Combinatorial etude
121 Combinatorial optimization, computational problems, algorithms Miroslav Stoenchev, Venelin Todorov, pages 231–234. -
12$ will be considered for the first time. A comprehensive study and an analysis of the computational complexity of the optimized Adaptive MC algorithm under consideration has also been presented.">An Optimized Technique for Wigner Kernel Estimation
84 Adaptive approach, Monte Carlo method, Wigner kernel, Quantum mechanics Venelin Todorov, Stefka Fidanova, Ivan Dimov, Stoyan Poryazov, pages 235–238. -
Optimized stochastic approach for integral equations
54 Integral equations, Monte Carlo methods, Optimized approach Venelin Todorov, Ivan Dimov, Stefka Fidanova, Rayna Georgieva, pages 239–242. -
Optimized Method based on Lattice Sequences for Multidimensional Integrals in Neural Networks
53 Multidimension integrals, Monte Carlo methods, Neural networks Venelin Todorov, Ivan Dimov, Stefka Fidanova, pages 243–246. -
An Optimized Stochastic Techniques related to Option Pricing
52 Monte Carlo methods, Lattice rules, Option pricing Venelin Todorov, Ivan Dimov, Stefka Fidanova, Stoyan Apostolov, pages 247–250. -
Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision-Making Method using Index Matrices and Application in Outsourcing
77 Index matrix, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Outsourcing Velichka Traneva, Stoyan Tranev, Deyan Mavrov, pages 251–254. -
Optimization and Evaluation of Calibration for Low-cost Air Quality Sensors: Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Models
95 Air pollution, PM sensors, Optimization, Calibration model, Machine learning Petar Zhivkov, pages 255–258.
Computer Science and Systems
Thespis: Causally-consistent OLTP
34 causal consistency, transaction processing, actor model, distributed databases, relational database management systems Carl Camilleri, Joseph G. Vella, Vitezslav Nezval, pages 261–269. -
Enabling Autonomous Medical Image Data Annotation: A human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning Approach
86 Cost-Effective Annotation, Human-in-the-loop, Deep Q-Network, Scarce annotation, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Medical data Leonardo da Cruz, César Sierra-Franco, Greis Silva-Calpa, Alberto Raposo, pages 271–279.
14th Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
The impact of vectorization and parallelization of the slope algorithm on performance and energy efficiency on multi-core architecture
68 power, energy efficiency, RAPL, slope, multicore Beata Bylina, Joanna Potiopa, Michał Klisowski, Jarosław Bylina, pages 283–290. -
Bernoulli Meets PBFT: Modeling BFT Protocols in the Presence of Dynamic Failures
38 fault tolerance, distributed, model, link failure, crash failure Martin Nischwitz, Marko Esche, Florian Tschorsch, pages 291–300. -
A random forest-based approach for survival curves comparing: principles, computational aspects and asymptotic time complexity analysis
89 survival analysis, survival curves, survival curves comparing, random forest, decision trees, p-value, pruning, tree complexity, robustness, statistical power, simulation study Lubomír Štěpánek, Filip Habarta, Ivana Malá, Luboš Marek, pages 301–311. - Short Papers
Practical parallelization of Gear-Nordsieck and Brayton-Gustavson-Hatchel stiff ODE solver
141 Brayton-Gustavson-Hatchel ODE solver, ODE, Gear-Nordsieck solver Marek Stabrowski, pages 313–316.
14th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and Processing
Design and application of facial expression analysis system in empathy ability of children with autism spectrum disorder
91 autism spectrum disorder, facial expression, empathy Chen Guo, Kun Zhang, Jingying Chen, Ruyi Xu, Lei Gao, pages 319–325.
Network Systems and Applications
Discovering Communities in Networks: A Linear Programming Approach Using Max-Min Modularity
65 Community Detection, Social and Complex Network, Graph Partitioning, Mathematical Programming, Modularity Optimization Arman Ferdowsi, Alireza Khanteymoori, pages 329–335. -
Short Performance Analysis of the LTE and 5G Access Technologies in NS-3
62 5G, IoT, mmWave, eMBB Maroš Baumgartner, Jozef Juhar, Jan Papaj, pages 337–340.
5th Workshop on Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges and Applications
- Short Papers
UAV Mission Definition and Implementation for Visual Inspection
24 UAV, flight trajectory, autonomous execution Tomáš Adam, František Babič, pages 343–346.
2nd International Forum on Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust
Identification of Unintentional Perpetrator Attack Vectors using Simulation Game: A Case Study
85 insider threat, unintentional perpetrator, attack vector, simulation game, case study Martin Macák, Stefan Bojnak, Barbora Buhnova, pages 349–356. - Short Papers
Matrix profile for DDoS attacks detection
114 Network security, DDoS, Matrix profile, Unsupervised learning Faisal Alotaibi, Alexei Lisitsa, pages 357–361.
Advances in Information Systems and Technology
Traffic Signal Control: a Double Q-learning Approach
109 traffic signal control, reinforcement learning, Q-learning Anton Agafonov, Vladislav Myasnikov, pages 365–369. -
The Virtual Emotion Loop: Towards Emotion-Driven Product Design via Virtual Reality
120 Emotion-Driven Design, Virtual Reality, Emotion Recognition, Emotion Elicitation Davide Andreoletti, Luca Luceri, Achille Peternier, Tiziano Leidi, Silvia Giordano, pages 371–378. -
Artificial Intelligence Project Success Factors: Moral Decision-Making with Algorithms
26 artificial intelligence, algorithms, moral decision making, critical success factors, project management Gloria Miller, pages 379–390.
3rd Special Session on Data Science in Health, Ecology and Commerce
Mass Vaccine Administration under Uncertain Supply Scenarios
78 Vaccination, COVID-19, Uncertain Supply, Planning Salvatore Foderaro, Maurizio Naldi, Gaia Nicosia, Andrea Pacifici, pages 393–402. - Short Papers
Classification of Alzheimer's disease patients using metrics of oculo-motors
32 Pupil response, Eye movement, Dementia tests, Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, Random Forest Wioletta Nowak, Minoru Nakayama, Elzbieta Trypka, Anna Zarowska, pages 403–407. -
Smartphone-Based Color Measurement of Tooth Shade Guide in Clinical Lighting Conditions
40 color measurement, colorimetry, dentistry, tooth shade guide, smartphones, caries Agnieszka Radziun, Rafał Doniec, Szymon Sieciński, Natalia Piaseczna, Katarzyna Mocny-Pachońska, Marta Cieślik-Wegemund, Konrad Duraj, Marta Tanasiewicz, Ewaryst Tkacz, pages 409–413.
16th Conference on Information Systems Management
Towards Objectification of Multi-Criteria Assessments: a Comparative Study on MCDA Methods
61 decision-making, VIKOR, COMET, MCDA Aleksandra Bączkiewicz, Jarosław Wątróbski, Bartłomiej Kizielewicz, Wojciech Sałabun, pages 417–425. -
Critical Success Factors for Digitalization Projects
122 Digital Transformation, Digitalization, Critical Success Factor, CSF Christian Leyh, Konstanze Köppel, Sarah Neuschl, Milan Pentrack, pages 427–436. -
The Impact of Digital Technologies on How Companies Work: Results from an Interview Study
64 Digitalization, Digital transformation, Work environments, Digital technologies, Small and medium-sized enterprises, SME Christian Leyh, Paul Becke, Milan Pentrack, Bastien Bodenstein, pages 437–446. - Short Papers
Risks of Concurrent Execution in E-Commerce Processes
70 concurrent processes, risk analysis, e-commerce Anastasija Nikiforova, Janis Bicevskis, Girts Karnitis, Ivo Oditis, Zane Bicevska, pages 447–451. -
Effect of Criteria Range on the Similarity of Results in the COMET Method
44 COMET, decision-making, fuzzy logic, Multi-criteria decision analysis Andrii Shekhovtsov, Jakub Więckowski, Bartłomiej Kizielewicz, Wojciech Sałabun, pages 453–457.
27th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management
Using Word Embeddings for Italian Crime News Categorization
118 crime events, topic identification, Mini Batch K-means, Agglomerative Clustering, Spectral Clustering, text classification, word embeddings, Word2Vec, categorization of newspaper articles Giovanni Bonisoli, Federica Rollo, Laura Po, pages 461–470. - Short Papers
Business Process Recomposition as a Way to Redesign Workflows Effectively
138 Business Process Management, process models, BPMN, process decomposition, process composition Piotr Wiśniewski, Krzysztof Kluza, Paweł Jemioło, Antoni Ligęza, Anna Suchenia, pages 471–474.
Software, System and Service Engineering
An Empirical Study on Application of Word Embedding Techniques for Prediction of Software Defect Severity Level
100 Defect Severity Level Prediction, Data Imbalance Methods, Feature Selection, Classification Techniques, Word Embedding Lov Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Lalita Bhanu Murthy, Sanjay Misra, Vipul Kocher, Srinivas Padmanabhuni, pages 477–484. - Short Papers
Modeling and Verification using Different Notations for CPSs: The One-Water-Tank Case Study
98 safety, cyber-physical system, DSL, hybrid automaton, control system, formal verification, quality assurance Tatiana Liakh, Andrei Rozov, Vladimir Zyubin, Sergey Staroletov, Thomas Baar, Horst Schulte, Ivan Konyukhov, Nikolay Shilov, pages 485–488. -
Fed-agent – a Transparent ACID-Enabled Transactional Layer for Multidatabase Microservice Architectures
46 microservices, transactions, multidatabase, acid, consistency, multiple data representation Lazar Nikolić, Vladimir Dimitrieski, pages 489–492.
Joint 41st IEEE Software Engineering Workshop and 8th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems
PRET-ization of uRISC Core
126 real-time, processor, core, TACleBench, RISC, interrupt driven Martin Kostal, Michal Sojka, pages 495–500. -
Semi-automated Algorithm for Complex Test Data Generation for Interface-based Regression Testing of Software Components
58 test data generation, complex object generation, black-box regression testing, method parameter values, reflection Tomas Potuzak, Richard Lipka, pages 501–510. -
A Time-Sensitive Model for Data Tampering Detection for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure
106 Smart Grids, Advanced Metering Structure, Data Tampering Detection, Time-Sensitive Model, Temporal Logic José Miguel Blanco, Bruno Rossi, Tomas Pitner, pages 511–519. -
An Agent-based Cyber-Physical Production System using Lego Technology
81 Software Agent, Multi-agent System, SPADE Agent Programming, Cyber-Physical Production System, SysML Metehan Mustafa Yalcin, Burak Karaduman, Geylani Kardas, Moharram Challenger, pages 521–531. - Short Papers
Agile Architecting of Distributed Systems for Flexible Industry 4.0
17 Agile Development, Software Architecture, Industry 4.0, Architectural Prototyping Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Sune Chung Jepsen, Torben Worm, pages 533–536.
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