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I like airapport style games

how do you save farm and mine idle online

I love the Babel Tower.   I played it since I found it a few years ago and I had lots of boosts by clicking "restart" a million times.  A few days ago, the game was upgraded and I was pissed that I lost all of my boosts, science etc.

I was looking for these upgrade "codes" I had never heard about and complained about floors, boosts, science, etc all lost that I had lost and immediately got a reply from the Dev saying he will try to fix it.  And what do you know??  :))))  I came back this morning and my boosts/golden bricks were returned!  Although, I am not able to see if my science points were returned or not, I am happy!  Give these games a try, it's fun!

(2 edits) (+1)

Very nice incremental game, please keep up the great work!

The sprites are nicely done and the cross-platform experience is much appreciated! I'll quickly review my desktop experience here with version 1.4.3 as well as list some of the glitches (minor, major and game-breaking) I found. Hope it helps!

Review, critics and suggestions:

- The tutorial is pretty straightforward even for someone who has never played an incremental game before. Automatic locale detection can be slightly puzzling but the language change icon is easy to find.

- The autoclicker definitely is a must-have for any incremental game, good job! Carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome are no joke and a lot of hardware needlessly dies from overclicking as well. The only downside is it doesn't register the clicks while the process is not run, forcing the player to keep the application running. (From a clean start, RAM usage was 500MB; with full endgame setup, it was about 1.2GB. CPU usage was also quite high.)

- Importing, exporting, rolling back and even using Base64 for exports are all very appreciated! You might want to include this to the startup menu for cases where the game freezes on boot due to a hardlock (a workaround is to go to the local data storage and remove the global save files so the player can boot up a fresh game and still access their saves).

- Projected time until production/completion would be a very nice addition (it also makes testing things easier!) to the existing game features. This would allow players to optimize their setups but also help them notice if something could go horribly wrong (such as with farm upgrades).

- Prestige formula includes all population and not just the threshold, which can make things quite difficult if players reset before getting their very first prestige point (especially if they also earned prestige from tasks before getting to the 3 population mark). It also has a severe bug which will be listed further below (apologies for the very long comment!) but should only really affect the most insane patient players. ;)

- Getting the workforce back is a very nice feature and helps a lot with testing and debugging. However, it might be a good idea to allow players to undo upgrades as well, as will be mentioned once more further down - another gamebreaking bug (that only affects farms).

- Because of the nature of incremental games, there is a danger associated with hitting the architecture arithmetic cap (the maximum a double can handle is roughly e308, which will then result in infinity and NaN combined and game crashes). It should take fairly long before anyone gets there but it's still possible, especially if they make clever use of prestige points (even with the current prestige overflow bug). I'd say it's a rather low priority one, though prestige overflow may be more concerning (it is actually possible with an optimized first run and a lot of population prestige rewards from tasks).

- The game should keep people busy and willing to go deeper and deeper for quite a while as it is quite a long stroll until a player finally gets to skyscrapers. It's also appreciated that idea points carry over (many games tend to sacrifice the excess points instead of using them properly). And it's even better to see it still being updated with new features after the Ludum Dare!

Bugs (and how to reproduce them!)

- Prestige overflow: I suspect prestige uses a signed 32-bit integer as it will overflow from over 2^31-1 prestige, causing prestige to go negative and also breaking the 10x-based point selector as well (which will eventually become x0, forcing the player to exit and restart the game to fix it). With normal gameplay, this should occur on the first run with a lot of population bonuses (allowing the player to get over 2B prestige from, if memory serves right, about e21 current population). Population over e38 (might take quite a while to reach) will also cause a crash before calculating prestige. This causes restarting to either become completely impossible (if there are unassignable excess points from rewards) or immediately reset the game regardless of accumulated prestige (if the prestige is negative or zero).

- Farm upgrade hell: For advanced farms (sunflower, lavender, pumpkin, sugarcane and the apiary and lemon trees to some extent), as upgrading farms to their next tier also slows them down in a drastic way, this will cause them to almost completely stop production (with the projected production hitting exponential orders of magnitude upon checking the upgrade icon). It may take several heat deaths of the universe to get even one cycle done at this rate ;) A one-crop workaround - to check the issue - is to upgrade to max while the farm is harvesting, which will result in an astronomical amount produced and sent to the basket once before stopping dead while the animations still play. Allowing the players to roll back upgrades will also help alleviate this little annoyance that breaks some of the farms (much) later on. A better workaround is to focus on workforce speed increase and only upgrade the early ones to max once entering the e110 or higher stages, then only upgrade to a tier that gives an acceptable speed reduction for the above farms. This comes with the tradeoff of making some tasks much slower to complete (by several orders or magnitude) if the chain of production directly involves the farm without any multiplier beside prestige (such as cats, which could also be used to fix this). This bug will cause production-related tasks to become impossible.

Grocery store hell: Cascading bug from excessive farm upgrades. Tasks related to the stored goods may become impossible to complete while still accounting for them in the "Have X item" requirements. Being able to return the products to the associated basket (either automatically or using the cart transporter) may help with this.

- Crashing task generation: The game will freeze if it attempts to roll a task that would cause an overflow, a division by zero, or any other arithmetic error. It may also freeze if it is unable to find a suitable task. Unless the task persists, this only requires restarting the game; if it does persist, it becomes a hardlock and requires removing the global savedata in order to reload a save. (As a reminder to everyone, backup often, save often!)

- Bank overflow: Will only happen if the player already is in the very late ranges and cause the bank to display Inf(inity)undefined or NaNundefined. This would cause a restarting player to either crash immediately or crash upon the first calculation involving coins. The Library does not have this issue as idea generation is capped and cannot possibly reach a gamebreaking amount naturally even in the most advanced stages of the game.

I will make sure to come back and edit if I find more or forgot some!

In closing, a scientific notation toggle for the early stages as well would be appreciated for clarity if that can be done as it seems some players also like the "wordy" notation while some of us tend to focus on the numbers for efficiency and optimization.

Apologies again for this very long comment and thank you very much for your passionate work! Please be safe, you have my support! 


Wow, I'm incredibly thankful for such a detailed feedback!

Really happy that you liked the game and indeed, there are many plans in the TODO-list. For something quick - could you please check the RAM usage of the version 1.5.0 which I released this Sunday? It seems like I found a possibility for optimization :)

Thanks a lot for your quick reply and your hard work!

Just tested a few different backups and a fresh new game to compare RAM usage and it is indeed much better now - 185MB, which is perfectly reasonable. CPU usage seems to have improved quite a bit as well.

Feel free to let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to test or provide feedback on, I'd be very glad to help!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for this lovely little game, I enjoyed it a lot so far.

I had some pain points, that I would love to see fixed:

  1. I find it annoying that the game always starts in full-screen.
    I suggest you restore the last window state when starting the game.
  2. It's sometimes hard to properly balance the pipelines, as it isn't visible how much is produced/consumed/transported per second.
    This forces me to observe the pipeline for a while, or go for clear overproduction. 
  3. I would like to be able to remove all workers from a building when I no longer want it.
    As it currently is, I tend not to use certain features, because I can't later get the workforce back nor disable the building.
    E.g. I want to only use the third field, to keep transport paths short, but can't remove the workers. Also, when producing cheese, I don't need the milk seller any more, that's 50 workforce locked in a disabled building.
  4. I would also like to be able to down-grade a building.
    Just to weaken a building, I don't care about the cost.
    E.g. the conveyor belt moving the coal away from the steam engine can mess up the coal pipeline, if improved too early.
  5. Please don't move the “Roll Back” button around when the “Roll Back All” button is hidden.
    In my experience, moving a button around is nearly always a bad idea from an UX perspective.
  6. The forest requires a tree count, like the one from the cow grass, or at least a tree change indicator to put the upgrades in perspective.

I also have some other feedback that is not about pain points:

  • Idea produced from clicking scientists doesn't count for idea milestones, is that intended?
  • I would like to be able to see what the previous researches unlocked.
    Sometimes when I start up the game after a few days, a lot of research is unlocked, and I can only see the name, not what it did.
  • It would be a nice touch if the houses have some visible improvements, when better materials are used to build it.
    E.g. make the brick-only houses look worse than houses made from brick and planks.
  • The 30-second free coin event is too rare and feels pointless.
    Maybe up the frequency and make the reward more than just money?
    Or make a minigame out of it, e.g. let it appear in the village as a timed reward you have to look out for.

    Edit: I mixed that one up, it's not just money and the non-coin rewards are actually useful.
  • Please put the game on steam. :)

Phew, that's more feedback than I initially planned, sorry for the wall of text.
Anyhow, I do hope that some of it can help you make the game even better than it already is.
With that, I wish you good success with further development and will look forward to the next update.

Thank you

Wow, thank you so much for playing and for such a detailed feedback! Definitely, many point to be accounted in the next updates


Hi, i found your game from a Real Civil Engineer video and i like it!
A few things that i noticed after this short while of playing is:
1. I'd like to know how much vegies/clay/etc is used for producing salad/pottery/etc.
2. Better statistics as in: how much income per second do i have of all the different resources?
3. It would be cool to have tabs to manage buildings of the same type fused. For example all the veggie fields in one tab, all the wheat fields i none tab etc.

so that is some things that came to me after the very short while of playing this game. I'm curious what else comes down the line.

Thank you so much! These are great solutions! I’ll look into how to integrate them in the future versions. Have fun!

Can I request that the first time you start the game you ask which language the player wants rather than forcing them into what you guess might be the correct language? (Yes, this is a minority problem but it nearly stopped me playing the game because the change language button isn't obvious and there wasn't a setting button in the centre menu... I tried every button!)

Thank you for your time :)


What is the difference between "Population Growth" and "Workforce Growth"? I mean population is your workforce afterall AFAIK


Yes, in the beginning of the game, when population grows by 1, workforce will also grow by one. But then on one of the streams the players suggested to add an upgrade, which would increase workforce growth. So, if you have workforce growth of 1.2, then when your population grows by 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... the workforce will grow by 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1,...


YouTube video

Wow! Thank you so much for playing and youtubing the game!


Great game. I hope you are continuing to develop it.

There definitely needs an earlier idle science generation, even if it's 10% of a missed scientist.

Prestige's '-' should probably be next to the '+'; It took me a while to notice it.

The hourly bonus is a great idea. It took me way too long to actually look at them because it just looked like cash-grab micro-transactions, probably due to having a time and being next to the daily gift, which is a common location of micro-transactions. Perhaps you could make a quest to activate one or both.

I don't like how tasks work right now aside from having a shorter time for the next task to show up the less tasks there are:

  • Not resetting on prestige makes me not want to prestige because of how slow coins are to get (or how slow early game is) and the feeling that it would be better to finish the current tasks because the rewards might be prestige bonuses.
  • You could probably speed up the early game by having the random reward(? The thing that shows up middle left of the screen) show up more often early game when its more active play and slow down but stay on screen longer as time goes on as play becomes more idle.
  • I don't know how tasks and their rewards are chosen so I don't know if this will work but I'd suggest clearing on prestige, having random rewards for the first couple to speed up early game, and then the rest should have prestige rewards upon first completion and random rewards when completed in later prestiges making it quicker to get back to where the player left off and prevents the player from feeling like prestiging isn't worth it and deciding to quit playing.

I love base building games like this so I'll probably keep playing this for a while :)


Thank you so much for such a detailed feedback! Happy that you liked the game :) Why I didn't reset the tasks when the game is reset is because I thought of tasks like "have x prestige of type" or "restart N times". But I think I found a solution: when the game restarts I'll just allow a manual task discard immediately. Also will look at the rewards and requirements rebalansing


Also, there is a bug with the Sandpipes and filling the Water Tower. If you start filling the water while the sandpipe is in use the farm will stop working using water infinitely. Clicking the birth to manually finish watering the farm fixes it. I noticed it an hour into playing today so I'm not sure what else causes it, could of been going on since I started or when I left it off.


Fun except for science.  I quit after pottery. There doesn't seem to be any mechanism to automate science or even raise the value of scientists (other than random boosts).  waiting around to click 200+ scientists to advance my tech is just way too tedious. 

It would be much better to see a laboratory unlock with bricks and devote money/workers to simply produce science instead.

Oh, thank you you for the comment. In fact, the game has plenty of mechanisms to automate science, they are unlocked once you build a bridge and reach the far bank of the river. I'll think how to make some of them available early.

OK, yeah didn't make it that far. Even just Pottery is like 100 scientists (without random boosts) and the next was even more. since they only pop in randomly it's a real drag since you can't idle them nor can you truly actively play since it's mostly waiting making it a harsh active-required grind wall.

If you already have automation later the easiest early game might  simply be to provide upgrades to boost values per scientist bringing the manual work back down to a tolerable level.  Though that might require re-balancing costs if your base is higher going into automation.

I love the game but I keep restarting progress on the online version

I found a bug, (I think?) I was playing the web version on poki.com and I restarted, but after I had done that I was able to tap where the cooking upgrade was last time, and roll back an upgrade from the last run (this was before I had invented cooking in this run) and it gave me an extra 20 workforce. Now my total pop is shown as 31, but I have 18 free and have spent 33 (sorry this is so long-winded and confusing)

Oh, thank you so much! This is very useful, I will check what could cause it

(3 edits)

Jogo bastante divertido e bom para passar o tempo.


There's no way to play it in Google browser?

Now it is! Here is the announcement: https://www.airapport.com/2024/04/farm-and-mine-goes-fully-cross-platform.html


Если честно я играл в эту игру, а сегодня я вспоминаю, вспоминаю, пишу farm mine и нашёл игру мечты

Hello Airapport. Im is dwajl. It cool game. steampunk idle spinner is dont updating. sad.

Thank you for playing our games! It will be updated, too, eventually. I keep working

Linux version shows white screen on Debian Bullseye

Thank you! Could you, please, check the updated version? Will it work?

I've been playing for few months now... I only discovered the "prestige" function last week because there wasn't a tutorial prompt to use it, or I might? have skipped it by building my first house early? either way now I've got 13 points in "transport" and no clue if there's a way to move them around, or if I'm stuck like this.

About as good at any game this dude makes, sounds like. And the prestige mechanic is going to suck at give diminishing rewards over time and just feel like trash.


Thank you very much!

Yes, I did not mention about prestige, but I totally should. Also, I'm going to modify the formula and the code to avoid the players being stuck. 


I love the moble games and I hope this game is as good