Her name is Titty
I feel like 90% of "ancient curses" are probably adequately explained by the fact that the self-proclaimed adventurers who ostensibly fell victim to them were, as a class, a bunch of dipshits who engaged in frequent international travel in an era before antibiotics and vaccines. Like, the list of novel pathogens these guys were risking exposure to on a regular basis was effectively "all of them". That's gotta leave a mark.
“To me, the core of that attraction is that she is a better reporter than he is. Think about being Superman for a second. The Olympic record for weightlifting is 1,038 lbs., but you could lift more than that as a child. The record for the 100 meter dash is 9.58 seconds, but you can travel over 51 miles in that time. Going to Vegas? You don’t need your X-Ray vision to win at Blackjack, because you can just count the cards while holding down a conversation about nuclear physics. Without really trying, you are better at just about everything than anyone else in the world. However, (as Mark Waid once pointed out in a podcast with Marv Wolfman) none of that really translates to your chosen profession. Typing really fast does not help your prose. Being able to lift a tank does not help you convince a source to go on record. It is as near to competing straight up with normal people as Superman would ever be capable of. Even then, it comes easily enough to him that you get a pretty lofty perch at a great paper very early in your career. It is just in this one context, there is someone better than you are: Lois Lane. As mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent, you reach up for the first time in your life and she rejects you. To me, it is an inversion of the Luthor story. Luthor sees someone above him and feels hate. Superman sees someone above him and feels love.”
Dean Hacker, comment on “Giving Lois Lane A Second Look, For The First Time” by Kelly Thompson (CBR: She Has No Head!)
(via wickedjunkie)
I’m pretty sure that Australians don’t have more then maybe 30-50k MAX people on tumblr. Like American had some 30 million users in 2020 (aka basically probably peak over the last 7 2018-2025) while Australia only has 26-28million people depending on who you ask (27 to be safe) so I’m just genuinely curious how many of us there must be on here.
If you Currently live in OR were born / raised in Australia and ID as (born/raised + ID, as I know a lot of born/raised here don’t ID as Aussie) you are Australian in this poll!
Please reblog for bigger sample size
Roll call
yak scared of pumpkin not clickbait
haaate when i actually find advertisements funny. makes me feel dirty . makes me feel impure
womens clothing sizing is based on how much the company wants you to kill yourself
suprised more people havent seen the fuller context of this clip cause its way more insane
Okay so apparently this is a youtube series and i haven't watched it yet but im diving in
dude i miss early internet humor so much
You won’t see this every day but making sure the system cannot proceed unless women have a seat at the table is the best possibly thing you can do in a place of privilege.
The man who defended Rep. McBride is 72 year old Rep. Bill Keating from Massachusetts.
The Rep. stands for Representative, not Republican.
Between McBride whipping out that "Madam Chair" and Keating going straight for the Congressional jugular with "have you no decency," this was a stunning legislative pwning. No wonder Keith Self couldn't adjourn that meeting and run away fast enough.
Is this on fricking Spotify?????
I would listen to that
Ask and ye shall receive
walk into the local in a skirt and a guy calls me a “fucking faggot”, and i explain to him that im actually a femboy not a trans woman and he says “oh sorry lad, so you still relate to masculinity in some sort of way” and im like yeah and hes like “sorry mate” and im like ur fine honestly happens all the time and hes like “buy you a drink?” and one turns into two turns into three and he’s hilting in me in the mens and im panting and my mascara’s running and my tits are bouncing and my skirt’s up over my little estrogenated ass and he says “good girl” and i moan and he says “i fucking knew it” and clatters my head off the wall and i go down and he doesnt even have the good grace to finish on my unconscious body hes so mad. anyway can you pick me up i have a concussion
I have a friend who has one biological and one adopted son and I found out he likes to tell people “my firstborn is six and my other child is eleven” which is hilarious.
Macbeth gets told he can only be defeated by the elder brother of a firstborn son.
Fuck. I definitely know that actor. What's his fucking name. I can't remember
You know, that Mythbusters post legitimately changed my life. Before seeing it, I had exponentially more guilt and stress about not being able to sleep, which of course, further exacerbated my inability to sleep.
Now, every time I wake up about three am, knowing I have to get up at 6.45, instead of stressing and panicking about how my day is going to be sleep deprived and miserable, I just tell myself 'Time to activate Mythbusters Protocol' and lie there with my eyes closed safe in the knowledge that I am measurably reducing later feelings of exhaustion.
And when this happens, about 70% of the time the reduction of guilt and stress means I actually do fall back asleep, so all in all instead of getting only three or four hours sleep, I get five to six and a half.
Which y'know, major improvement in health and energy.
On a related note, that post also opened up the world of naps for me. I used to think that napping was mostly pointless for me, because I'm pretty much incapable of falling fully asleep in the middle of the day. But when I redefined naps to include "lying down with my eyes shut for an hour," even if I just spent the whole time brainstorming fanfiction, that was often enough to get me from "exhausted and running on 4 hours of sleep" to energized and refreshed
The post (?) as found on Reddit with bonus explanatory Reddit comment.
This is absolutely me. I lie down on my lunch break for 20-30 minutes. Do I sleep? Hell no. But do I feel way better in the afternoon because of it? Absolutely.