Toby Osbourn
It feels like developing on cheat codes! You just do whatever the report tells you and hit refresh! Can you share the security/privacy links, I’d love to add them to this thread
I’m such a sucker for gamification when it comes to web performance/security/privacy.
It feels like developing on cheat codes! You just do whatever the report tells you and hit refresh! Can you share the security/privacy links, I’d love to add them to this thread
I use for testing the robustness of the HTTPS connection, and I use for testing how well HTTP headers are set up.
I’d really like to know what those final 10% in key exchange and ciphers are about. I fixed all the obvious issues and still get this score…
Here’s another good one by @dataskyddnet: It checks a bit of everything
Ooh, nice 👌 Another useful site worth sharing is this one:
# Shared by Jono Alderson on Friday, October 1st, 2021 at 8:28am
# Shared by aran on Friday, October 1st, 2021 at 9:55am