Lived experience

I hold this truth to be self-evident: the larger the abstraction layer a web developer uses on top of web standards, the shorter the shelf life of their codebase becomes, and the more they will feel the churn.

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Navigating the Web Platform Cheatsheet

A handy one-pager for front-end web developers:

Here are ways to keep track of what you can use, of what’s new in web browsers, and ways you can influence the development of the platform by making your voice heard.

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6 CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know In 2025 · 19 January 2025

  • Springy easing with linear()
  • Typed custom properties
  • View transitions for page navigation
  • Transition animation for dialog and popover
  • Transition animation for details
  • Animated adaptive gradient text

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Moving on from React, a Year Later

Many interactions are not possible without JavaScript, but that doesn’t mean we should look to write more than we have to. The server doing something useful is a requirement for building an interesting business. The client doing something is often a nice-to-have.

There’s also this:

It’s really fast

One of the arguments for a SPA is that it provides a more reactive customer experience. I think that’s mostly debunked at this point, due to the performance creep and complexity that comes in with a more complicated client-server relationship.

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I don’t have time to learn React - Keith Cirkel

React is a non-transferable skill.

React proponents might claim that React will teach you modern UI, but from what I’ve seen it barely copes with modern UI. autofocus is broken, custom elements don’t work in all but the experimental version, using any “modern” features like dialog or popovers requires useEffect, and the synthetic event system teaches you so little about how DOM actually works. This isn’t modern UI, it’s UI from 2013 at its inception. I don’t have the time left in my career to pick up UI paradigms that haven’t evolved much beyond from when Barack Obama was in office.

When I mentor early career developers and they ask me what they should learn, I can’t say React, they don’t have time. I mean sure, pick up enough React to land you the inevitable job doing it, but it’s not going to level up your career.

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Help us choose the final syntax for Masonry in CSS | WebKit

I really like the way that the thinking here is tied back to Bert Bos’s original design principles for CSS.

This is a deep dive into the future of CSS layout—make a cup of tea and settle in for some good nerdiness!

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Making the new Salter Cane website

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Progressively enhancing maps

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Web App install API

It’s kind of ridiculous that this functionality doesn’t exist yet.

CSS Day 2024

A genuinely inspiring event.

Browser support

Here’s Clearleft’s approach to browser support. You can use it too (it’s CC-licensed).