Astrum - A lightweight pattern library for any project

One more tool for making pattern libraries. This one looks fairly simple and straightforward.

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Related links

How Microsoft Edge Is Replacing React With Web Components - The New Stack

“And so what we did is we started looking at, internally, all of the places where we’re using web technology — so all of our internal web UIs — and realized that they were just really unacceptably slow.”

Why were they slow? The answer: React.

“We realized that our performance, especially on low-end machines, was really terrible — and that was because we had adopted this React framework, and we had used React in probably one of the worst ways possible.”

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Liskov’s Gun: The parallel evolution of React and Web Components – Baldur Bjarnason

React has become a bloated carcass of false promises, misleading claims, and unending layers of backwards compatibility – the wrong kind of backwards compatibility, as they still occasionally break your fucking code when updating.

Pretty much anything else is a better tool for pretty much any web development task.

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This is a good description of the appeal of HTML web components:

WC lifecycles are crazy simple: you register the component with customElements.define and it’s off to the races. Just write a class and the browser will take care of elements appearing and disappearing for you, regardless of whether they came from a full reload, a fetch request, or—god forbid—a document.write. The syntax looks great in markup, too: no more having to decorate with js-something classes or data attributes, you just wrap your shit in a custom element called something-controller and everyone can see what you’re up to. Since I’m firmly in camp “progressively enhance or go home” this fits me like a glove, and I also have great hopes for Web Components improving the poor state of pulling in epic dependencies like date pickers or text editors.

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This looks like a handy collection of HTML web components for common interface patterns.

drab does not use the shadow DOM, so you can style content within these elements as usual with CSS.

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The Web Component Success Story |

The power of interoperability:

Web components won’t take web development by storm, or show us the One True Way to build websites. They don’t need to dethrone JavaScript frameworks. We probably won’t even all learn how to write them!

What web components will do — at least, I hope — is let us collectively build a rich ecosystem of dynamic components that work with any web stack. No more silos. That’s the web component success story.

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My approach to HTML web components

Naming custom elements, naming attributes, the single responsibility principle, and communicating across components.

HTML web components

Don’t replace. Augment.


I’m trying to understand why developers would trust third-party code more than a native browser feature.

Accessible interactions

Abstracting common interaction patterns as a starting point for accessible components.

Components and concerns

Gotta keep ‘em separated.