Bye, bye 5

One year ago, I objected strenuously when the WHAT WG temporarily changed the name of their spec from “HTML5” to plain ol’ “HTML”:

Accurate as that designation may be, I became very concerned about the potential confusion it would cause.

I understand why the WHATWG need to transition from using the term HTML5 to simply using the term HTML to describe their all-encompassing ongoing work, but flipping that switch too soon could cause a lot pain and confusion.

Now that term the “HTML5” has become completely meaningless—even according to the WC3—I think it’s time to rip off the bandaid and flip that switch.

I was wrong. Hixie was right. The spec should be called HTML.

If you need an all-encompassing term for every front-end technology under the sun, go ahead and use the term “HTML5.” Although personally, I quite like “the Web.”

Update: The WHATWG have duly updated the name of the spec.

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The devil in the details

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Related links

Bruce Lawson’s personal site  : Eulogy for Flash

Web developers aren’t going to shed many tears for Flash, but as Bruce rightly points out, it led the way for many standards that followed. Flash was the kick up the arse that the web needed.

He also brings up this very important question:

I’m also nervous; one of the central tenets of HTML is to be backwards-compatible and not to break the web. It would be a huge loss if millions of Flash movies become unplayable. How can we preserve this part of our digital heritage?

This is true of the extinction of any format. Perhaps this is an opportunity for us to tackle this problem head on.

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Hitler reacts to the HTML5 URL normative reference controversy

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For everyone else, it’s as opaque as the rest of the standardisation process.

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Interview with Ian Hickson, HTML editor on HTML5 Doctor

Bruce sits down for a chat with Hixie. This is a good insight into the past and present process behind HTML.

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[whatwg] The blockquote element spec vs common quoting practices

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Previously on this day

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