One year ago, I objected strenuously when the WHAT WG temporarily changed the name of their spec from “HTML5” to plain ol’ “HTML”:
Accurate as that designation may be, I became very concerned about the potential confusion it would cause.
I understand why the WHATWG need to transition from using the term HTML5 to simply using the term HTML to describe their all-encompassing ongoing work, but flipping that switch too soon could cause a lot pain and confusion.
Now that term the “HTML5” has become completely meaningless—even according to the WC3—I think it’s time to rip off the bandaid and flip that switch.
I was wrong. Hixie was right. The spec should be called HTML.
If you need an all-encompassing term for every front-end technology under the sun, go ahead and use the term “HTML5.” Although personally, I quite like “the Web.”
Update: The WHATWG have duly updated the name of the spec.