Booklend: A Lending Library By Post

I like this:

"Booklend is the creation of a man with a postage meter, a roomful of books, and an urge to share. Borrowing a book is free, and you’re welcome to keep the book until you’re done. Read it at your leisure — nobody likes to be rushed while they’re reading. When you’re done, pop it back in the mail."

What a great idea! It may not have offer the physical pleasure of browsing through a library but it does offer the same kind of practical altruism.

Y’know, I’ve always thought that the library was one of humanity’s greatest ever inventions. One library book can enrich and educate in a way that a one-off sale of a book never can.

The principle is simple: to each according to his needs.

If you tried to invent the library today you’d be shouted down by pragmatic naysayers asking "where’s the revenue model?"

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