
My site has been behaving strangely recently. It was nothing that I could put my finger on—it just seemed to be acting oddly. When I checked to see if everything was okay, I was told that everything was fine, but still, I sensed something that was amiss.

I’ve just realised what it was. Last week on the 30th of September, I didn’t do or say anything special. That was the problem. I had forgotten my blog’s anniversary.

I’m so sorry,! Honestly, I had been thinking about it for all of September but then on the day, one thing led to another, I was busy, and it just completely slipped my mind.

So this is a bit late, but anyway …happy fifteenth anniversary to this journal!

We’ve been through a lot together in those fifteen years, haven’t we, /journal? Oh, the places we’ve been and the things we’ve seen!

I remember where we were on our tenth anniversary: Bologna. Remember we were there for the first edition of the From The Front conference? Now, five years on, we’ve just been to the final edition of that same event—a bittersweet occasion.

Like I said five years ago:

It has been a very rewarding, often cathartic experience so far. I know that blogging has become somewhat passé in this age of Twitter and Facebook but I plan to keep on keeping on right here in my own little corner of the web.

I should plan something special for September 30th, 2021 …just to make sure I don’t forget.

Have you published a response to this? :


Eleven and six and twenty October 4, 2016 Thanks to Jeremy for remarking how he forgot his blog’s 15th anniversary (congrats Jeremy!) it reminded me to check and, well, I missed my blog’s anniversary by nearly the same number of days as he did. On Saturday October 1 this blog, my personal blog on my own domain name but not my first ever personal blog, turned 11 years old. This was the first post. My blogging journey did not begin with this site. It started about 10 years before that. Prior to owning – which was a gift from Josue Salazar (Thanks again Josue) – I had personal sites on Tripod (circa 2002), on a domain called (circa 2003 though it began in 1998 or 1999), I blogged on (circa 2003) and even had another blog in between that I wrote in ASP myself. My best guess is that I began blogging long before it was called blogging somewhere around 1995 when I was working at a computer store near my parent’s house. In addition to my own personal online journal at the time we began plugging away on (circa 1999) – which I helped develop alongside friends Chris Coleman and Chris Kuruts. We used the site to mark the upcoming Star Wars prequels. What a mistake! (The films, not our site.) Six years ago I started curating The Watercolor Gallery – a site I take great pride in. That site recently had an anniversary as well that I failed to mark. I’ve been working on a brand-new version of the site too. So I’ve been blogging for somewhere around 20 years. And my personal blog has taken many forms before finally settling here on And, as I sit here writing this post with nearly 20 years of writing on the web under my belt I am incredibly excited to continue writing on my blog. Thanks to Jeremy for both the reminder and the constant inspiration from his blog. #anniversary #blogging #chris coleman #chris kuruts #indieweb #jeremy keith #josue salazar #mywebsite #recommended #the watercolor gallery View all posts

# Monday, April 23rd, 2018 at 8:01pm


# Liked by Charles ☕ Stanhope on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 at 12:04am

# Liked by Dominik Schwind on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 at 10:27am

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Previously on this day

11 years ago I wrote Science Hack Day San Francisco

Getting excited and making things with science in the best possible venue.

15 years ago I wrote Thoughtful

A gentle reminder from

17 years ago I wrote Web Fundamentals

Speaking and listening at Fundamentos Web 2007.

21 years ago I wrote Coca Crazy

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23 years ago I wrote Berners-Lee Says Patents Obstruct An Open Web

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