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Luca Saiu — about me

[FIXME: write a general introduction]

Contact information

The best way of contacting me is by e-mail, but you can also find me on IRC and on some instant-messaging systems. This page contains the addresses you can use.

I also have another contact page which includes phone numbers and addresses. However that one is only for friends and colleagues, and requires password authentication.


I started programming at a young age and Computer Science has long been my main interest, both personally and professionally. However I entertain many other interests including literature and politics.

I have some healthy curiosity about other sciences.

Computer Science

I'm interested in programming languages, including their efficient implementation and semantics. Most of my recent experience revolves around functional languages, compilers and runtime systems (particularly garbage collection). I've also developed a deep interest in algorithms, parallel computation, concurrency, automata and, to a lesser extent, computer networks and virtualization. I'm a very strong programmer in C, C++, Scheme and ML. I also claim some degree of proficiency in a dozen or so other languages, most of which (for example Java) don't deserve any publicity; the ones which do include Forth, Prolog, Haskell and APL.

Of course I love to program and have several projects to show off. My most famous software is probably Marionnet, of which I am co-author, but I feel that my most important and ambitious work is GNU epsilon. Starting from 2017 an epsilon sub-project became interesting enough to absorb much of my free time: Jitter, my generator of efficient language virtual machines. Jitter was accepted as an independent GNU project in late 2021. I moved the Jitter web page from this site to gnu.org, but I am keeping its git repository on this server.
All of these are of course free software.

Personal philosophy and politics

[FIXME: write this. Free software is important. And privacy is important.]

My personal philosophy has slowly drifted throughout the years, which is not particularly surprising or unusual. [ Every time I had a taste of somebody's ideal society I was horrified by how closely one's dream resembles somebody else's dystopia. I no longer believe in the opportunity, or even the possibility, of building a perfect society. The best we can do is not to stand too much in each other's way, accepting as normal the throbbing doubt of being among the only few sane people in a crowd of madmen; and expecting that sentiment to be reciprocated. The crowning achievement of civilised life could amount to this default expectation of meeting a sense of bored disapproval or suppressed disgust. I advocate renouncing the hypocritical pretence of finding oneself in a community of friends, peers, like-minded elements sharing a set of values of any kind. Rejoice if you want when you find a small clique in which you belong, to satisfy the primordial need for approval: but do not be deluded for one minute into confusing life in the clique with public life. You will fail if you try to force your way of life on outsiders, every time, and you deserve to fail if you do. People are evil, petty, stupid, ignorant, all focusing on the wrong issues and wasting every good opportunity in life to make the others miserable instead. They are all wrong about almost everything. And your tribe is exactly like that as well. They all are. ]

In an equally unsurprising way I know of no party which matches my position well, in any country.

Freedom is more important than any other value including equality or security. Compromising on freedom while pursuing equality or security is self-defeating and leads to totalitarian nightmares.

Personal freedom is more important than political freedom. Economic freedom, while less of a priority, comes as a natural consequence of leaving more space to individuals.

I may concede, with regret, that states are a necessary evil. I will still fight to limit their interference in my life to the bare minimum.

I advocate the use of cryptography for private communication. You can find my public keys on this page.


I used to be an associate member of the Free Software Foundation, a fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe, a physical person adherent of April; I no longer am even if I could still easily afford the quotas, and my opinions have not changed.

I have been a member of the James Randi Educational Foundation up to late 2015, when the JREF stopped accepting membership renewals after Randi's retirement.

Even without a formal affiliation I have occasionally donated money or work to FFII, La Quadrature du Net, the Wikimedia Foundation and the FreedomBox Foundation.

The views expressed here are my own and I do not speak for any of my employers, past or present.

[hacker emblem]
Luca Saiu
Last modified: 2022-02

Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 2022 Luca Saiu
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided this notice is preserved.