%0 Conference Proceedings %T Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %E Krauwer, Steven %E Moortgat, Michael %E des Tombe, Louis %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F eacl-1993-european %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1000/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Contributed Papers %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F nn-1993-contributed %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1001/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T The Incremental Generation of Passive Sentences %A Abb, Bernd %A Herweg, Michael %A Lebeth, Kai %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F abb-etal-1993-incremental %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1002/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Experiments in Reusability of Grammatical Resources %A Arnold, Doug %A Badia, Toni %A van Genabith, Josef %A Markantonatou, Stella %A Momma, Stefan %A Sadler, Louisa %A Schmidt, Paul %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F arnold-etal-1993-experiments %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1003/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Talking About Trees %A Blackburn, Patrick %A Gardent, Claire %A Meyer-Viol, Wilfried %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F blackburn-etal-1993-talking %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1004/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Decidability and Undecidability in stand-alone Feature Logics %A Blackburn, Patrick %A Spaan, Edith %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F blackburn-spaan-1993-decidability %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1005/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Using an Annotated Corpus as a Stochastic Grammar %A Bod, Rens %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bod-1993-using %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1006/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Data-Oriented Methods for Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion %A van den Bosch, Antal %A Daelemans, Walter %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F van-den-bosch-daelemans-1993-data %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1007/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Disjunctions and Inheritance in the Context Feature Structure System %A Bottcher, Martin %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bottcher-1993-disjunctions %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1008/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Strategy for Dynamic Interpretation: a Fragment and an Implementation %A Bouche, Olivier %A van Eijck, Jan %A Istace, Olivier %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bouche-etal-1993-strategy %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1009/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Head-driven Parsing for Lexicalist Grammars: Experimental Results %A Bouma, Gosse %A van Noord, Gertjan %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bouma-van-noord-1993-head %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1010/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T An Endogeneous Corpus-Based Method for Structural Noun Phrase Disambiguation %A Bourigault, Didier %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bourigault-1993-endogeneous %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1011/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Morphonology in the Lexicon %A Cahill, Lynne J. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F cahill-1993-morphonology %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1012/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T LFG Semantics via Constraints %A Dalrymple, Mary %A Lamping, John %A Saraswat, Vijay %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F dalrymple-etal-1993-lfg %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1013/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T On the notion of uniqueness %A Dorrepaal, Joke %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F dorrepaal-1993-notion %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1014/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Automating the Acquisition of Bilingual Terminology %A van der Eijk, Pim %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F van-der-eijk-1993-automating %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1015/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Parsing with polymorphism %A Emms, Martin %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F emms-1993-parsing %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1016/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T The donkey strikes back: Extending the dynamic interpretation “constructively” %A Fernando, Tim %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F fernando-1993-donkey %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1017/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A unification-based approach to multiple VP Ellipsis resolution %A Gardent, Claire %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F gardent-1993-unification %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1018/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Rule-based Acquisition and Maintenance of Lexical and Semantic Knowledge %A Gates, Donna M. %A Shell, Peter %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F gates-shell-1993-rule %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1019/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Computational Treatment of Sentence-Final ‘then’ %A Glasbey, Sheila %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F glasbey-1993-computational %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1020/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Towards a proper treatment of coercion phenomena %A Godard, Daniele %A Jayez, Jacques %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F godard-jayez-1993-towards %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1021/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Identifying Topic and Focus by an Automatic Procedure %A Hajicova, Eva %A Sgall, Petr %A Skonmalovla, Hana %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F hajicova-etal-1993-identifying %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1022/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Probabilistic Context-free Grammar for Disambiguation in Morphological Parsing %A Heemskerk, Josee S. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F heemskerk-1993-probabilistic %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1023/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Restriction and Correspondence-based Translation %A Kaplan, Ronald M. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kaplan-1993-restriction %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1024/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Discourse Copying Algorithm for Ellipsis and Anaphora Resolution %A Kehler, Andrew %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kehler-1993-discourse %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1025/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Inheriting Verb Alternations %A Kilgarriff, Adam %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kilgarriff-1993-inheriting %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1026/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Linguistic Knowledge Acquisition from Parsing Failures %A Kiyono, Masaki %A Tsujii, Jun-ichi %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kiyono-tsujii-1993-linguistic %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1027/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Similarity between Words Computed by Spreading Activation on an English Dictionary %A Kozima, Hideki %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kozima-1993-similarity %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1028/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Mathematical Aspects of Command Relations %A Kracht, Marcus %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kracht-1993-mathematical %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1029/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Semantics and Pragmatics for the Pluperfect %A Lascarides, Alex %A Asher, Nicholas %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F lascarides-asher-1993-semantics %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1030/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Temporal Connectives in a Discourse Context %A Lascarides, Alex %A Oberlander, Jon %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F lascarides-oberlander-1993-temporal %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1031/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Towards efficient parsing with proof-nets %A Lecomte, Alain %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F lecomte-1993-towards %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1032/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Abductive Explanation of Dialogue Misunderstandings %A McRoy, Susan %A Hirst, Graeme %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F mcroy-hirst-1993-abductive %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1033/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Tuples, Discontinuity, and Gapping in Categorial Grammar %A Morrill, Glyn %A Solias, Teresa %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F morrill-solias-1993-tuples %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1034/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T On Abstract Finite-State Morphology %A Narayanan, Ajit %A Hashem, Lama %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F narayanan-hashem-1993-abstract %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1035/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Generalized Left-Corner Parsing %A Nederhof, Mark-Jan %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F nederhof-1993-generalized %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1036/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Resolving Zero Anaphora in Japanese %A Nomoto, Tadashi %A Nitta, Yoshihiko %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F nomoto-nitta-1993-resolving %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1037/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Formal Properties of Metrical Structure %A van Oostendorp, Marc %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F van-oostendorp-1993-formal %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1038/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Generating Contextually Appropriate Intonation %A Prevost, Scott %A Steedman, Mark %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F prevost-steedman-1993-generating %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1039/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Parsing the Wall Street Journal with the Inside-Outside Algorithm %A Schabes, Yves %A Roth, Michal %A Osborne, Randy %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F schabes-etal-1993-parsing %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1040/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Tradeoff between Compositionality and Complexity in the Semantics of Dimensional Adjectives %A Simmons, Geoffrey %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F simmons-1993-tradeoff %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1041/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T New Frontiers Beyond Context-Freeness: Di-Grammars and Di-Automata. %A Staudacher, Peter %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F staudacher-1993-new %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1042/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Coping With Derivation in a Morphological Component %A Trost, Harald %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F trost-1993-coping %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1043/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Categorial grammar, modalities and algebraic semantics %A Versmissen, Koen %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F versmissen-1993-categorial %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1044/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T The Use of Shared Forests in Tree Adjoining Grammar Parsing %A Vijay-Shanker, K. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F vijay-shanker-1993-use %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1045/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Ambiguity resolution in a reductionistic parser %A Voutilainen, Atro %A Tapanainen, Pasi %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F voutilainen-tapanainen-1993-ambiguity %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1046/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Type-Driven Semantic Interpretation of f-Structures %A Wedekind, Jurgen %A Kaplan, Ronald M. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F wedekind-kaplan-1993-type %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1047/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Delimitedness and Trajectory-of-Motion Events %A White, Michael %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F white-1993-delimitedness %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1048/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Student Session %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F nn-1993-student %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1049/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T VP Ellipsis in a DRT-implementation %A Bas, Johan %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bas-1993-vp %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1050/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Lexical Disambiguation Using Constraint Handling In Prolog (CHIP) %A Demetriou, George C. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F demetriou-1993-lexical %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1051/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Object clitics and clitic climbing in Italian HPSG grammar %A Monachesi, Paola %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F monachesi-1993-object %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1052/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Localising Barriers Theory %A Schiehlen, Michael %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F schiehlen-1993-localising %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1053/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Text Alignment in a Tool for Translating Revised Documents %A Shemtov, Hadar %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F shemtov-1993-text %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1054/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Lexical Choice Criteria in Language Generation %A Stede, Manfred %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F stede-1993-lexical %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1055/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Poster Session %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F nn-1993-poster %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1056/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Morphological Analysis Based Method for Spelling Correction %A Aduriz, I. %A Agirre, E. %A Alegria, I. %A Arregi, X. %A Arriola, J. M. %A Artola, X. %A Diaz de Ilarraza, A. %A Ezeiza, N. %A Maritxalar, M. %A Sarasola, K. %A Urkia, M. %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F aduriz-etal-1993-morphological %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1057/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Undestanding Stories in Different Languages with GETA-RUN %A Bianchi, Dario %A Delmonte, Rodolfo %A Pianta, Emanuele %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F bianchi-etal-1993-undestanding %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1058/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Enhancing a large scale dictionary with a two-level system %A Clemenceau, David %A Roche, Emmanuel %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F clemenceau-roche-1993-enhancing %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1059/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Long Sentence Analysis by Domain-Specific Pattern Grammar %A Doi, Shinichi %A Muraki, Kazunori %A Kamei, Shinichiro %A Yamabana, Kiyoshi %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F doi-etal-1993-long %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1060/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Knowledge acquisition for a constrained speech system using WoZ %A Dybkjær, Laila %A Bernsen, Niels Ole %A Dybkjær, Hans %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F dybkjaer-etal-1993-knowledge %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1061/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T The PANGLOSS MARK I MAT system %A Frederking, Robert %A Cohen, Ariel %A Grannes, Dean %A Cousseau, Peter %A Nirenburg, Sergei %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F frederking-etal-1993-pangloss %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1062/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T A Constraint-based Representation Scheme of Collocational Structures %A Heylen, Dirk %A Schenk, Andre %A Verhagen, Marc %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F heylen-etal-1993-constraint %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1063/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T The Linguistic Annotation System of the Stockholm - Umeå Corpus Project %A Källgren, Gunnel %A Eriksson, Gunnar %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F kallgren-eriksson-1993-linguistic %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1064/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T INSYST: An Automatic Inserter System for Hierarchical Lexica %A Light, Marc %A Reinhard, Sabine %A Boyle-Hinrichs, Marie %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F light-etal-1993-insyst %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1065/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Two-level Description of Turkish Morphology %A Oflazer, Kemal %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F oflazer-1993-two %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1066/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Helyette: Inflectional Thesaurus for Agglutinative Languages %A Proszeky, Gabor %A Tihanyi, Laszlo %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F proszeky-tihanyi-1993-helyette %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1067/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Natural Language Front-Ends to Databases: Design and the Customisation Bottleneck %A De Roeck, Anne %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F de-roeck-1993-natural %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1068/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T Ambiguity resolution in a reductionistic parser %A Tapanainen, Pasi %A Voutilainen, Atro %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F tapanainen-voutilainen-1993-ambiguity %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1069/ %0 Conference Proceedings %T ITS-2 : an interactive personal translation system %A Wehrli, Eric %A Ramluckun, Mira %Y Krauwer, Steven %Y Moortgat, Michael %Y des Tombe, Louis %S Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics %D 1993 %8 April %I Association for Computational Linguistics %C Utrecht, The Netherlands %F wehrli-ramluckun-1993-2 %U https://aclanthology.org/E93-1070/